Petunia and Severus sat at the Ravenclaw table in the Great Hall, while Lily had joined her housemates at the Gryffindor table. The enchanted ceiling above reflected the starry night sky, its magic shimmering in response to the lively chatter filling the vast hall. Candles floated serenely, casting a warm glow over the long wooden tables laden with golden plates and goblets.
Severus was deep in conversation with his roommates, Felix and Andrew. Felix, a tall boy with wavy dark hair and sharp blue eyes, was animatedly discussing their upcoming Quidditch tryouts. "Severus and I are both aiming for the Seeker position. Should be interesting," he said, smirking. "Ravenclaw hasn't had a decent Seeker in years."
"That's because our house prioritizes wit over reckless sportsmanship," Andrew quipped, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Still, I'll be rooting for you both."
At the same time, Petunia engaged in conversation with Emmeline and Pandora. "So, how was everyone's vacation?" Petunia asked, sipping from her goblet.
"Fascinating!" Pandora exclaimed, her silver-blue eyes twinkling with excitement. "We spent a month in Greece, studying ancient magical ruins! Can you believe that some of the wards in Delphi are still active? I tried to document them, but my father had to pull me away before I could get too close."
Emmeline chuckled. "That sounds exactly like you, Pandora. I spent my summer in France. My parents took me to Beauxbatons for a visit. Their school is breathtaking! Everything is so elegant, and their library has entire sections dedicated to wandless magic."
Felix nodded. "My family traveled to Switzerland. The magical community there is quite reserved, but their alchemy research is leagues ahead of anything we have here. I picked up a few books could be useful for our studies."
Petunia smiled. "That all sounds amazing. Our family went to America, but we did it the Muggle way visited Disneyland, saw the beaches in California. It was nice, a change of pace from all the magic here."
Severus turned to her, intrigued. "And? How did you like it?"
"It was fun! But I think I still prefer Hogwarts," she admitted.
As they continued their discussion, Professor Dumbledore rose from his seat and clapped his hands gently, instantly drawing silence over the hall. His eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles as he smiled at the gathered students. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our feast, let us welcome our newest students to their houses. Professor McGonagall?"
Professor McGonagall strode forward, carrying the Sorting Hat and a long parchment. The first-years lined up before her, their eyes wide with anticipation.
"When I call your name, you will come forward, sit on the stool, and place the Sorting Hat on your head," McGonagall instructed.
One by one, the names were read, and the Sorting Hat called out their fates.
"Crouch, Barty Jr.!" McGonagall announced.
A boy with sharp features and an air of quiet arrogance walked up to the stool. He sat rigidly as the Sorting Hat was placed on his head. Petunia watched him closely.
"Ah, an ambitious mind, keen intelligence, and a thirst for power," the Hat murmured. "But where to put you? Ah, yes... RAVENCLAW!"
The Ravenclaw table erupted in applause as Barty Crouch Jr. made his way over. Petunia watched him closely. This boy this future Death Eater was now sitting just a few seats away from her. Could she change his fate? Could she rewrite history?
Before she could dwell too much, another name caught her attention.
"Black, Regulus!"
Regulus Black stepped forward, his movements calm and composed. Across the hall, Petunia saw Sirius sitting at the Gryffindor table, watching with bated breath.
"SLYTHERIN!" the Sorting Hat announced.
Regulus walked toward the Slytherin table, his face unreadable. Sirius, however, looked visibly disappointed. Petunia's heart ached as she remembered the tragedy that would eventually befall both brothers. So many lives lost because of the war against Voldemort. Could she truly change it?
Emmeline nudged her gently. "Are you okay?"
Petunia snapped out of her thoughts and forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just remembered I need to give Lily something later."
With the Sorting Ceremony concluded, Dumbledore spread his arms wide. "Now that our new students are sorted, let the feast begin!"
The golden plates before them filled with an array of food—roast beef, chicken legs, mashed potatoes, and Yorkshire pudding. Steam curled from the fresh dishes, and the aroma of rich spices and baked bread filled the hall. Jugs of pumpkin juice materialized alongside the meal.
Pandora gasped in delight. "Food at Hogwarts is the best!"
"I agree," Felix said, grabbing a chicken leg. "So, Severus, are you still up for tryouts?"
Severus smirked. "Absolutely. I plan to be the best Seeker Ravenclaw has ever seen."
The group laughed, the conversation lively and filled with wit, as was expected from Ravenclaws. The night stretched on with laughter and the warmth of friendship, and for the first time in a long while, Petunia felt truly at home.
The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as the Sorting Ceremony ended and the feast concluded. The students of Ravenclaw House made their way toward their dormitory, chattering about the new additions to their house. Petunia, Severus, Emmeline, Pandora, Felix, and Andrew walked together, discussing their summer travels and new classes.
Upon arriving at their dormitory, the girls unpacked their trunks. Emmeline, Pandora and I exchanged gifts from their travel. Petunia smiled at their excitement but soon yawned, feeling the weight of the long day. One by one, they wished each other goodnight and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Petunia woke up early, eager for her first class. She quickly got ready, and soon, Pandora stirred, waking up Emmeline with gentle nudges. The three girls dressed in their uniforms and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Petunia's eyes lit up when she spotted Severus at the Ravenclaw table, eating with Felix and Andrew. Without hesitation, she ran up to him and gave him a hug, surprising them all.
"Good morning!" she greeted cheerfully.
Severus blinked but smiled slightly, while Felix and Andrew exchanged amused looks. "Good morning, Petunia," Severus responded.
As they sat down, Severus instinctively began placing food on her plate—scrambled eggs, toast with butter, crispy bacon, and a small portion of kippers. Petunia chuckled and stopped him when she saw the growing pile. "That's plenty, Sev. I can't eat all that."
Severus smirked slightly and put the serving spoon down. "When are the tryouts?" she asked.
"Friday after classes," Severus replied, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
She smiled warmly. "I'll wish you luck then. Do your best."
He looked at her for a moment before smiling softly. "Thank you."
They continued their meal, chatting about their classes until it was time to head to their first lesson Defense Against the Dark Arts. As expected, they had yet another new professor, Professor Lodovico, an elderly but sharp-minded wizard with a keen eye for detail. He wasted no time in beginning the lesson.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts is not merely about wand movements," he began, pacing in front of the class. "It is about strategy, foresight, and composure under pressure. Today, we will be practicing counter-curses."
Petunia was called upon to demonstrate a shield charm against a mild hex. With a flick of her wand, she cast Protego, deflecting the spell successfully and earning five points for Ravenclaw. Severus followed with an even more advanced counter-curse, impressing the professor and earning additional points.
After class, they made their way to Potions, where Professor Slughorn greeted them with his usual joviality. "Ah, welcome, welcome! Today, my dear second years, we shall be brewing a Wiggenweld Potion, an essential healing potion known for its ability to revive and rejuvenate!"
He paired Ravenclaws with Gryffindors, resulting in an interesting mix. Felix was partnered with Lily, Severus with Marlene, Andrew with Alice, James with Emmeline, Remus with Pandora, Peter with a Ravenclaw named Louise, and, to Petunia's dismay, she was partnered with Sirius Black.
Severus gave her a concerned look. "Are you alright with this?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Sirius.
Petunia smiled reassuringly. "I'll be fine. Go to your partner."
Sirius smirked as she approached. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite Ravenclaw."
"Let's just get this done," she said flatly, rolling up her sleeves.
"Oh, come on, Pet, don't be like that," he teased, chopping ingredients with ease. "So, how was your summer? Did you miss me terribly?"
She raised an eyebrow. "I had a wonderful summer, Sirius. no annoying Gryffindors. It was perfect."
Sirius clutched his chest dramatically. "Ouch. Right to the heart."
She smirked. "You'll live."
Despite the banter, they worked efficiently, their potion coming together perfectly. When they called Professor Slughorn over, he beamed at their work. "Excellent! Five points to both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor."
As class ended, Severus and Marlene were the next to finish. As Petunia packed up her things, Sirius called out, "Hey, Evans."
She turned, frowning. "What?"
He smirked and grabbed her hand, placing a small box in her palm. She frowned at it. "This isn't mine."
Sirius winked. "It is now."
Before she could argue, he ran off to join his friends. Severus approached, eyeing her suspiciously. "What did Black want?"
"Nothing," she muttered, slipping the box into her pocket. They met up with their friends and headed to the library to complete their homework before heading to the Great Hall for dinner.