Chereads / SpiderSPY / Chapter 9 - Ch 9

Chapter 9 - Ch 9

Spy 9

"…..Well then I guess I can stop speaking German…..I prefer English" he replied.

While they were talking their eyes remained on the Red Skull.

"I have to say….no one has ever gotten this deep into Hydra, none of those spies Fury has attempted to send in the past has everade as far as you and your wife"

"Well we are the best." Richard replied.

"But even the best make mistakes….would you like to know where you made yours?"

"No, but I'm sure you've planned a speech to tell me so go ahead" Richard said flippantly.

"Hmph" went Von Strucker chuckling at his comment "Your first mistake…..was leaving the condo in Prague."

"That was 9 months ago."

"That's right…..I followed you and I heard the exchange between you and Fury" said Von Strucker

"So that means you've been spying on us for the past 9 months" whispered Richard in horror.

"Hahahaha….that's right Parker. Fury hasn't received any of your

messages….all of this time you've been thinking you were communicating with him but it was with me and I've been blocking your signal so he has no idea where you are." Von Strucker boasted in an amused tone.

A small tendril of fear began to snake up Richard's spine as the realization of what Von Strucker was saying to him.

"That was your first mistake…..your second and in my opinion your biggest was that you actually thought you could beat us. Did you think you could outwit us? When will you and those fat idiotic Americans get this through your thick skulls we are Hydra. We are supreme and we are here to stay."

Richard clenched his teeth and then he slowly turned his gaze to Von Strucker who was already glaring at him red eye glowing menacingly.

"So what happens now?" asked Richard already knowing the answer but trying to buy some time to think of a plan.

"Now….well now I'm going to kill you…..and then I'm going to find your wife, who my soldiers should already have in custody…..and I'm going to kill her too, but before I do that I'm going to slice that baby out of her stomach….and you know what I'm going to do…..I'm going to raise it as my own"

Richard raised his foot and slammed it down on Von Strucker's left foot, he then rammed his weight into Von Strucker throwing them both off balance and sending them crashing to the ground startling everyone in the lab and causing the Hydra soldiers to turn to the commotion.

They turned and saw Richard on top of Von Strucker punching him the face as hard as he could like a man possessed by madness.

Some of the soldiers took a step towards him but Richard saw them coming and he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cylinder, he popped the top and revealed a red button on top.

"SEE YOU IN HELL STRUCKER!" he growled pressing the red button.

Bio Lab

"Mary? What are you doing?" asked

Miriam as she suddenly saw a pistol aimed in her face.

Jonathan looked up from the spider in the case and at Mary as well.


"I'm sorry that it turned out this way Miriam…..move" she said.

Miriam shakily moved a few steps to the side allowing Mary to walk to the work station where she grabbed the case with the irradiated super spider inside.

Mary then began to move backwards all the while having her weapon aimed at the two of them.

Jonathon looked at Mary closely and at the way she was holding the weapon, he had seen enough of the Hydra soldiers to know when someone is trained in holding a weapon

"She's a spy Mary" Jonathan whispered in realization

"What! No….Mary…" started Miriam before she caught a glimpse of Mary's hard stare at the two of them, "It's…not true… it?"

"I'm sorry Miriam…."

"YOU BITCH!" she roared "You were my Friend….I….WE TRUSTED YOU!"

"I know…..that's my job, to get you to trust me."

"You do know that there is no way out of here" said Jonathan anger evident in his voice.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that Jonathon" she replied slowly heading for the main entrance door.

BAM! Went the sound of the entrance door being kicked open. Mary turned and saw several Hydra soldiers burst in; one of them saw her and pulled the trigger on his weapon.

The bullet rocketed out of the weapon and towards Mary, but it missed its target and hit the case in her hand.

The bullet shattered the case and the irradiated spider was freed from its prison.

The super spider fell and it landed on Mary's left hand where it sunk is large fangs directly into her hand spreading its venom and genetics into her blood stream.

"NOOOOO!" shouted Jonathon in shock but he had to duck because the Hydra soldiers kept firing.

Mary fell to the ground to avoid the bullets and she rolled across the ground and quickly scurried behind a metal work station to avoid the gunfire.

"FUCK!" she shouted to herself holding up her hand and seeing the mutant super spider still attached to her hand.

She raised her gun and aimed it at the spider and pulled the trigger blowing it to pieces.

She cradled her left hand because it felt like it was on fire, and the fire was spreading through her entire body, but she couldn't focus on that, bullets where still flying at her position so she peeked around the edge and saw the Hydra soldiers advancing

She looked up and saw that they were by the wall with the dozens of spiders in their case.

She quickly leaned over and shot at the cases letting the spiders free


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