The Systems of the world
Mana = MP = magic power
Aura = AR= Kie, Chakura, chi, ect
Aether = the power behind the mana
Lesser Bloodline = making you apply to use the skills of your ancestors even if you don't work for it you will have it. Every noble family have bloodline.
Mix lesser bloodline = if someone of noble family merried female from other noble family the wife maybe having a baby with mixed bloodline and he will die in 2 hours Unable to withstand the strength of both bloodlines.
Pure Bloodline = mana, aura, Aether, all of that meaningless in front of the pure power of this bloodline. Giving the ability to growing every second until you reach the level of demon king. Only 10 family have pure bloodline.
Mix Pure Bloodline = the ability to become a lord. When pure bloodline merried a pure bloodline or lesser bloodline the wife giving breath to child who will die in 30 minutes. The rate of survive 0%.
Systems = The gift of the only true almighty god for his true slaves.
* Nobleman = higher rank for living human.
* Demonic lord = higher rank for demon kind.
* Dark moon light elf = higher rank for elf kind.
* Mountain giant dwarf = higher rank of dwarf kind.
* Holy spirit = higher rank of soul spirit.
* Lord = the end of mastering the mana
* Slave = the bottom of human kind even pets living better life and more important than any slave.
* elf = normal elf.
* Monster = lesser demon kind without any intelligence only thinking about killing.
* Short dwarf = normal dwarf.
* Ghost = normal spirit unable to die or to kill.