Chereads / MHA: More! / Chapter 24 - Oh? You're Approaching Me?

Chapter 24 - Oh? You're Approaching Me?

Yokohama, near the "Slums".

In an old pub, a group of "low-lives" were chatting loudly with the scent of cheap alcohol and cigarettes filling the space, they wore old baggy clothes that hid their weapons so they appeared poor and haggard.

Near them were multiple other people, different in shapes and sizes but one thing combined all of them.


They were "Villains". A group of people that have never blended within society and won't be missed by anyone.

"Fuck off, Giran. I lost a good friend because of you, the only reason you are alive now is because I can't kill you".

It was true, Giran had the support and backing of many powerful figures in the underworld. Killing him will make them all retaliate as their trusty merchant was gone.

Of course, Giran knew that so he walked around brazenly and without fear into the dark side of the city.

"Now, now... It's an offer you really can't refuse, Marlos~" Giran spoke loudly, attracting the attention of the people around him.

The plan was simple. Mention money and let it do the talk.

"... What do you mean?" Marlos, a large ant-faced villain who killed his boss in a fit of rage and fled into the slums spoke.

"One mission, 15 million yen each." He smiled and declared loudly.

While originally he was supposed to offer 4 times the original amount of 5 million, he decided to keep 5 million yen for himself.

Loud murmurs spread through the crowd, severely tempted by the offer.

15 million could offer paid rent for many years, food, prosthetic limbs, treatments of illnesses and many, many more things.

Everyone had a reason to be here, everyone had a need.

And money solves everything.

Marlos slammed his large hand on the table, breaking the daydreams of the crowd. "And what am I supposed to do with that money if I'm dead?!" He angrily shouted.

"Aren't you dead though? Do you call this—" Giran pointed to his surroundings "A life?"

"...." Marlos reflected on his words, a scowl of indignation on his face.

It was true, this is hell on earth.

While he and everyone here hid in the shadows, society lived in the light.

He hasn't seen the sun in weeks, hiding from the cameras planted everywhere throughout the city.

"I'm in." A blonde woman with wooden left arm and an eye patch declared.

Karla, a villain who murdered her abusive boyfriend and fled from the police needed money to fix her life.

With money, she can get out of this hell-hole and go into the light, she could finally settle down and find a man, a man better than what she has here.

All she wanted was to be a mother... Yet life had other plans for her. After running from the police, she was mugged and beaten up, she lost an eye and a hand.

"Me too!" A dog-man added, this was his chance to be debt-free! With this he can get his wife and children back.

'Please god... I swear that I won't gamble again so help me...!' He prayed, trembling with fear.

Making a deal with Giran was almost a guaranteed prison or death, but the ones that survived lived like normal people.

While normal people considered their lives boring, the people who were not normal envied them endlessly.

A 9 to 5 is boring? Try sleeping with one eye open as phycopaths roam the streets at night.

What is a "Phycopath"? A Phycopath is someone who will use you, has no remorse and fear, kills without batting an eye and is usually distant and disassociated.

Usually you can spot one under stressful situations, they act unnervingly calm and collected, even if you threaten their loved ones they stare at you like a robot, not caring.

After all, someone with no empathy can't feel love.

Multiple people voiced their agreement, all motivated by a necessity.

"Kekeh..." Giran cackled, placing a paper on the table in front of Marlos. "To all interested, meet me at this location~" He drawled and walked away with slow strides.

Next destination? An old acquaintance that goes by the name of Jin Bubaigawara.

The pub remained quiet until the purple man disappeared into the veil of darkness.

"...." Marlos looked at the address, contemplating.

He needed 12 millions to cure his son's cancer, this will offer him 15. Naturally he didn't think too much about it and directly got up.

This is a father's pride. It cannot be controlled by a thing called fear!

"Wait... Where are you going...?" A bear-man asked, face showing worry.

"... Those who wish to risk their lives, follow me." He walked into the door, going to the address mentioned in the paper, time to meet the new client.

"But... You might die!"

"Then follow me... Into hell." He said in a somber tone and left.

He might die, but he'll make sure to give his son a better life.

The people looked at each other, contemplating the heavy offer.

It was like a devil offering you a way to heaven. While they definitely should refuse this they simply cannot do it.

They were in hell and this could be their way out. As pathetic and sad as this was, they were willing to follow Satan's words in hope of reaching heaven.

All for a normal mundane life.

"I'm going."

"Me too, for my daughter."

"For my crippled husband..."

"For my son...!"

"For you, my love."

Tens of "Villains" followed behind Marlos, each carrying a colossal burden.

Life. It's never fair.


Izuku spread his hands, inviting them to try.

As the preparations for the second event began, he stood in place, waiting.

They will come, he was certain.

"Midoriya-sensei, may I join you?" Tokoyami approached and asked respectively.

As for the "Sensei" title? It's something that Izuku is now stuck with. As he taught his classmates regularly they began to treat him as their teacher, his mannerism and way of speech that resembled an adult didn't help either.

He kept insisting that they call him by name but they addressed him by sensei whenever he was teaching them. This habit slipped outside of class...

He sighed, defeated.

"... Sure, but we'll face too many enemy groups as we are the Blue-coin team, are you sure?"

"I trust you." He walked near him calmly and fearlessly.

Doubt the president? Impossible. This is a man who defeated a biologically engineered weapon designed to kill the No. 1 hero in Japan, if not the world.

All Might, the symbol of peace had a global influence on all cultures, if he were to fall...

Tokoyami didn't want to think about what would happen to the world.

Japan will fall, followed by major countries like USA and half of Europe.

This could destabilize the economy of the world and easily trigger WWIIII.

In his eyes, Izuku Midoriya was the next symbol of peace, someone who is destined to inherit the mantle of All Might. He wished to support him to the best of his abilities.

Even if he had to sacrifice his own life.

"Alright then, suit yourself." Izuku chuckled and shook his head.

He felt a bit happy though, being trusted that much, it's flattering.

Izuku loved getting praised.


'Eew, you're making that face again!' Nana gagged.

'At least I have a real face unlike your dead ass.'

'... Toućhe.'

Multiple figures approached, trying to join. However, Tokoyami noticed that they were mostly weak and tried to use Izuku to win easily.

He decided to stay silent and observe how he will deal with such a situation.

"Sorry guys, my team is already booked up." Izuku apologized with a helpless smile.

As expected, he chose the best option, the peaceful way out.

Izuku grabbed the hands of Momo and Shinso. "Right guys?" He asked with a smile.

"... Thats right!" Shinso quickly caught on.

"It's true, me and president formed a team already, we're four and full." Momo nodded, understanding everything.

"Oh man..."

"Damn it, I'm stuck with balls guy!"


"Damn it... my quirk works so well with his."

While Izuku wanted to choose Uraraka and add her to his team, he couldn't as the girl joined with Tsu, Ashido and Jiro.

Oh well, it can't be helped.

"2 MINUTES UNTIL THE 2ND EVENT BEGINS!!" Present mic announced, startling the students.

"Shit, i need a team mate!"

"Hey balls guy, let me in!"

"Dream on! I thought you didn't want to join me?!"

"I got pics of chicks with big tits."

"You drive a strong argument there, welcome to the team!"

The two perverts shook hands under the disgusted looks of the surrounding girls.

"Alright guys, let's make a plan." Izuku grabbed his teammates and took them to a quieter area.

"But first, let me hear your plans." He added as he reached the place.

"Well... I was thinking of using my enemies against themselves.." Shinso stated.

"I'll let dark shadow protect you while you handle them." Tokoyami nodded reassuringly.

"Sword and shield, plus a flash grenade, never fails." Momo finished, crossing her hands confidently with a smirk.

".... Let's hear my thoughts now, shall we?"

"Okay." x3

"First, Momo. Can you make any type of Anesthetic gases?

" Hmm... I can make some nitrous oxide but it'll take a while."

"Good, flash bombs and masks too."

"This...! You're not thinking of..?"

"Correct, an all out attack that'll target all the teams and wipe them all out instantly."

"I understand."

"Try to make it a low dosage, enough to put them to sleep for half an hour or something."

"Umm... I'm not sure if I can do that..."

"Try your best, I trust you."

Momo blushed at his words. "Un." She nodded with determination.

"But... What about our classmates?" Shinso interrupted, unsure.

"... Dude, they're our enemies now and they will come for us."

".... Right, I'm sorry, keep going." His expression hardened.

"Okay, leave it to me!" Momo nodded confidently.

She refused to hinder anyone down, especially the class president. This is her pride as a hero!

"Alright, moving on to you, Shinso."


"Rile them up and make them attack each other like you originally planned."

He nodded.

"And you, Tokoyami-kun, use a cape to grant yourself shade and fly using Dark shadow, distract and attack the flying enemies."

Tokoyami's eyes widened at the idea.

While it was him who created such a plan in the original timeline, Izuku decided to boost him a bit.

He needed them to grow stronger, fast.

" As expected..." Tokoyami smiled while closing his eyes.

'To think that he'd think of something that concerns my Quirk this fast makes me wonder what he'd do with it if he had it...'

As expected, Izuku Midoriya is different compared to everyone else, he has the most potential to reach No. 1.

"Momo, you handle the cape, make it light and black to absorb all light."

"Yes, I'll do my best. But what about you?"

"Don't worry, I'll handle it well, our sign is the word "Now" got it?"

"30 SECONDS LEFT FOR THE SECOND EVENT!" Present mic announced loudly.

"... You do realize that the mic enhances your sound, right? You don't need to scream every time..." Aizawa stared at him tiredly.



Izuku looked at the Blue-colored coin connected to the pendant he was wearing.


All the teams stared at him, waiting for the countdown to reach zero so that they could attack him all at once.

He might be strong but is he strong enough to stop 60 people? They believed that he wouldn't last more than a minute.



"1. The artifact hunt begins." Aizawa interjected in a monotone voice, smirking.

"...." Present mic stared at him, speechless.

Did he just... Steal his countdown?

Aizawa munched on snacks carelessly, ignoring his gaze.

All the students ran towards Izuku's team, intending to steal the Blue pendant.

"Momo, on my sign."

"Yes!" She spoke as she made her tools.

Black tendrils wrapped around the pendant on Izuku's neck, securing it in place.

'OFA 35%'

With wild crackling sound, he dug his hands deep into the ground and cracked it, smiling maniacally.

"Table flip!" He pulled hard, breaking the ground and lifting it high, with all the near students on it.




"Ah grandpa... Im coming..."

The students were flung up high like droplets of water in a storm, flying uncontrollably.

"NOW!" Izuku loudly declared.

Momo directly used the distraction to throw 3 nitrous oxide bombs, with three other gas masks at her teammates.


"This kid will be the death of Recovery Girl..." Aizawa muttered, watching the students falling down and breaking multiple bones.

The audience cheered and jeered at the students, enjoying the show as they flew high up and came crashing down.

All Might smiled." That's more like it. well done, kid."

While he thought that it was excessive he still had to admit, it was a smart move as now the dust is everywhere, obscuring his location.

"This kid is crazy! HAHAHAHAH!" Mirko hollered at the sight, enjoying the absolute carnage.

Endeavor's beard flared up, eyes showing excitement and a flaring fighting spirit.

"Ah, did that turn you on? That definitely turned you on, right?" Hawks smirked, poking his face with his index finger.


Endeavor's excitement died down instantly.

He smacked Hawks head for making it weird.

He got up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Hawks asked, rubbing his head.

"... Toilet."

"Ah, I see. Go on then, we all need our "Alone time" don't we?"

" Yeah so shut u—"

Endeavor paused, turning back slowly to look at him.

Hawks smiled innocently.


Endeavor left, flinging a small flame at him on his way out.

"Ah! Atatat! Hot hot!" Hawks used his feathers and put the fire out with a laugh.

A beam shot out from the smoke and targeted Izuku, he narrowly dodged it.


The beam attacked again from behind him, targeting his back.


Izuku looked back, seeing no one.

He didn't understand, who? How?

The beam shot out again, from another place, Izuku dodged again, relying on his Danger Sense.

The beam that missed him redirect itself and attacked his back again, he dodged.

"I see... It's you, Hagakure-san."

"Aww... You figured out the plan already..." She whined helplessly.

Her team's plan was simple. Aoyama attacks in front while she refracted his laser beams from behind.

However, no one anticipated that he could dodge laser attacks...

What kind of monstrous sleed is that?

To top it all off, he figured out the plan...

Izuku leaped in her direction.

".... Damn i—" Hagakure instantly passed out as Izuku jabbed her neck and took her golden pendant.

While she could hide from him using her Quirk, she couldn't hide from the falling dust that casted a veil on her, exposing her location to his eyes.

His eyes looked at the other side, To where Aoyama Yoga stood.

Izuku's figure disappeared.

"... Merde—" He instantly passed out, his golden coin snapped from him.

Multiple students began to fall with a thud, effected by the sleep-inducing gas that Momo threw.

Luckily, he and his team had gas masks.

It has to be stated that Momo's Quirk is extremely powerful as she can create anything that she knows about by knowing its molecular compound.

If someone managed to create a miracle healing item using his Quirk, couldn't Momo create an infinite amount of it using her Quirk after a bit of research?

Honestly, Creation was stronger than OFA as it can produce any type of weapon.

Even a nuke should be possible, strong enough to wipe out an entire ciry. With the current technology mini nukes are a thing.

The power to wipe out an entire city in the palm of your hand, simular to the Miniature Rose from HxH.

Izuku shuddered and thanked whatever deity that gave this Quirk to Momo instead of someone like AFO.

"Here, president!" Momo shouted and threw him a shield happily.

... Thank fuck it was given to her.

Still, Izuku was curious about where Bakugo was.

Usually, this guy would directly attack him, right? Where's he?

Although he could hear some explosions in the distance.

" Come here you bastard!"

"What did I do? WHAT DID I DO?!?"

Bakugo Katsuki was chasing Sen Kaibara from class 2-B with ch vengeance.

"So you think short hair is good huh? Let me give you a haircut then!!"