Word had spread that this madman from down sunny south, some pleb from Elderion had attempted to touch Midgar's princess, how dirty, how dare he try to cop a feel of royalty. The way people looked at him on the way to the steel cage was disgusting and shameless.
First harassing girls and objectifying them, now trying to lay his dirty hands on the royal princess's chest. Ben had arrived at the steel cage to see no one was there except for snow. The same referee from the day prior had waved him inside, where he had given him another uniform, and he got changed.
"Today, we meet to see the duel between Benny William Voll against Ryan Gasperbin and Don Hudcreed. This is a 2 versus 1, non-tag team match meaning Benny will have to beat both of his opponents. If Benny wins, he will increase to a 3-0 record, making him the record holder; if he loses, his record will go to 1-2, and Don and Ryan's record will increase by 1 each to 1-0. Don and Ryan are favoured to win this match by 100%. The rule, be the last one capable of fighting." He said to the Camera and the people.
"3. 2. 1. Go." The match started and they prepared to humiliate Ben, as Princess Jasmine would enjoy this beat down. Ben looked at them as they slowly started to freeze up they didn't realise this and started to charge, Ben just dodged and didn't throw a single up.
Haymaker: Blocked.
Uppercut: Dodge.
Suddenly they pulled out two knives and try to stab him and hack at him, Ben was shocked as they them threw the knives using wind and fire. Ben made an ice wall and when he peaked over it, they were frozen.
Not entirely, they couldn't move and the referee spoke, "Benny William Voll has won this duel. He is 3-0. and Ryan Gasperbin and Don Hudcreed has lost this duel. They are 0-1."