Chereads / Randy / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Three years later, Randy was excited because it was his 13th birthday. They were still yet to find his dad, so the werewolf pack was convinced he was dead. Over the years, Randy's Uncle Max has led the pack instead of Randy's dad. During the day, the werewolf pack does its regular jobs in human form, and at night, it patrols the city in werewolf form. Since it was Randy's 13th birthday, the werewolf pack threw him a birthday party since this would be the year that Randy would get to morph into a werewolf for the first time. Randy looked out his bedroom window and saw his family setting up his birthday party outside. Mrs. Young, the werewolves' housekeeper, stopped by Randy's room and talked to him. Mrs. Young said, "Today's the big day." Randy said, "Yeah. I can't wait." Mrs. Young said, "Neither can everyone else." Randy said, "Everyone except Uncle Max. He thinks he's the best at leading the pack since dad passed away. And I will never have what it takes to take Dad's place." Mrs. Young said, "Hmmm. Maybe you aren't." Randy said, "No, I am. Uncle Max is wrong." Mrs. Young said, "Well. If you feel that way, answer this. Would you care to go downstairs and prove him wrong? Or would you rather stay up here and prove him right?"

Randy left his room and went downstairs and then outside to his party. At the start of the party, Randy's Aunt Destiny and Uncle Oliver did a dance they composed themselves. They wore cowboy hats for their performance, and Destiny started country music. Then they started dancing to the music, and everyone in the crowd clapped for them while they danced. Since they were doing a square dance, the people at the party grabbed their cowboy hats and put them on but still clapped along with the music while Destiny and Oliver danced. When everyone was set, they tilted their heads and hats and danced toward each other on opposite sides behind Destiny and Oliver. Then they all synchronized danced with Destiny and Oliver by tilting their hats and dancing forward with their right hands on their hip. Then they all turned around and clapped. Then they turned around again, lifted their left leg behind them, and put it in front of their right leg with their hands on their hips. Then they slapped their hips and clapped once. Then, they all moved their left leg behind their right leg and pretended to be holding ropes and twirling them in the air while dancing to the left. Then, they all put their hands on their hips and moved their right leg behind their left leg. Then, they all pretended to twirl a lasso in the air again while they danced to the left. Then they danced toward the person they were closest to, put their arms between each other, and did the Dosey Doe with each other. Then they all separated, slapped their knees, and threw their hats in the air when the song ended.

While Randy enjoyed his party, his Uncle Max talked with the alpha wolves, Steve and Victoria. As the alpha wolves, Steve and Victoria decide who the pack's leader will be, and whatever they say goes for all the other werewolves. Max said, "That boy is not ready to lead the pack. Look outside; he's square dancing with the family and having fun." Victoria said, "It's his birthday. He should be having fun." Steve said, "And I bet he's excited for his first wolfing." Max said, "Maybe. But if you ask me, the pack doesn't need him as leader. They need to keep me as the leader. I mean, I have been nothing. but a wise leader to the pack since Rodney died." Victoria said, "A wise leader who has failed to get the moonstone ring back from Hunter Reed."

Victoria showed Max a copy of the newspaper, and he saw Hunter's picture on the front page. Max took the newspaper and said, "I've tried. But he's too determined. He has werewolf sensors that can detect any of us if we get near them. He's also loaded with silver gadgets to destroy us, but luckily, he's never succeeded. He also doesn't have any actual proof we exist. And if we even tried to get near him while the sensors weren't around, the moonstone ring glows whenever one of us is near. So it's impossible to get that ring away from him. We would need a trick of our own to get it." Victoria then took the paper from Max and threw it on the table. Victoria said, "Well. We'll have to rely on Randy until you develop a way to regain it and succeed." Steve and Victoria then left the room and left Max inside. Max got mad because they were relying on Randy instead of him, so he growled.

Meanwhile, the other werewolves enjoyed Randy's birthday party in their human forms. When they finished dancing, Randy and his family had Randy's favorite cake, chocolate with buttercream icing. When they finished their cake, Randy opened his presents. He got a telescope from his Uncle Oliver and Aunt Destiny, a framed picture of his dad from his mother, and a watch from his Uncle Max. Randy then put the watch on his wrist and thought it was charming. Randy didn't know that when he put his new watch on, Randy's Uncle Max put an evil smirk on his face because there was something about that watch Max knew, but Randy did not. When he finished unwrapping his gifts, he thanked everyone for everything they got him. Then he put his gifts away, and the DJ started to play music, and they all danced to it. When they finished, the party was over, and everyone went back inside their house and waited for the full moon to come out so they could change into werewolves.

After his party, Randy took his presents to his room and set them all up. He set up his telescope by his window and put the framed picture of his dad on his dresser. Randy said, "I miss you, but I'll make you proud." Randy then started to sing about how he'd make his father proud and how much he looked forward to becoming a werewolf for the first time. When he finished, he saw his two cousins, Merna and Randall, laughing at him. They started to make fun of him because they were werewolves, but Randy wasn't. Merna said, "Well, well. If it isn't the only non-wolf in the pack." Randy said, "For now. But that's going to change tonight when everyone changes." Randall said, "Yeah, and when you change, we'll have to take your orders instead of Dad's. Ha ha." Randy said, "Oh man. I would show you both if I had my werewolf powers right now." Randy then pushed his two cousins out of his room and slammed the door on them. Merna said, "Well, that was undignified."