"urghhh 5 more minutes." Tristan spoke while he lightly rolled over trying to pull the covers back over him tighter to trap in the last warm of a peaceful sleep before being started awake as there were no covers to be found. Shooting up stock straight like a private who just got berated for oversleep in his barracks a intense sense of vertigo struck him as he felt his head spinning and aching from the night before. "Did I drink to much I only had. One.. Shot..." His words drifted off as he found himself sleeping in the middle of a large open plain that stretched out for miles. Like remembering a dream turned nightmare the previous nights memories began to flood in as a wave, his face contorting as the dread of thinking how he ended up in this place slowly crept in. " No what, how am I? Did they break in what were those lights and they." His words stopped as he clutched his aching temple from trying to picture what had happened last night, he remembered faint whispers of a conversation and being drug into a mirror tray, he fell forever and now he was lost in some strange place. " A ticket they called it?" The idea was so alien he couldn't comprehend it but he found no reprise for his thoughts as he caught sight of something ominous in the distance.
The scent of fresh meat lured in many of the beasts that roamed the wilds, one such beast was the pitiful crack-fang wolf whose teeth often showed signs of cracking and damage from changing higher ranked monsters in its packs. More often than not they had poor diets being the lowest of the carnivorous beasts, they relied on numbers to overwhelm their opponents but this wan was nothing more than a runt. It was heavily wounded in a hunt and thrown from it's pack to stop from wasting food, it was starving and it locked onto Tristan as a starving man would chase a juicy chicken leg. Seeing a wolf charging towards him countless memories of fighting of beasts on his travels overwhelmed his mind reminding him of the countless times he had almost died to a beast like this. Wether it was the inherent fear of being hunted or the distance that did not allow him to see the half dead state of his aggressor, he scrambled to his feet as fast as he could. His feet blurred as he ran as fast as he could not paying much mind to the fact he now had shoes and leather grieves of his legs, he only gave it the fantist shock as he trusted the arguably shoddy boots on his feet as he ran for his life. In the distance he could see a outcropping of a Forrest with great trees. He set his sights on it as he ran, at a hundred yards away he dared to take a glance at the wolf that chased after him. His eyes bulged out of his head as he saw the beast not 50 yards away and it looked to be gradually gaining ground. He ran faster towards the Forrest as he panicked his fingers fumbling over everything he wore on his person shocked to find a sling with a dagger in it in place of where his money pouch used to lay strapped to his chest.
'where the hell did this come from' his mind panicked as he tried to figure out what was going on. ' Admit it this wasn't my saving grace I would feel extremely violated at the moment.' after a second thought he lightly screamed out "Screw that I feel so violated I can even explain it, Bloody kidnapers playing some sick Joke!" As he began entering the bounds of the forest he began studying the passing terrain for any hope of what to do. It wasn't in vain though about 20 meters ahead he spotted what could only be called a widowmakers tree. It leaned over at such a slight angle one would of missed it if they weren't desperately looking for a way to save their life, he could see the only thing holding it up was the branch of another tree but it was about ten feet up. "Shit I'm gonna have it climb that death trap!" His face paled at the notion but he knew from experience a wolf wouldn't leave him alone when it was starving, considering it was alone that ment it must've been banished from the pack.
With a look of resolve to not meet such a pathetic end he quickly kept up to scurry to the load baring branch he had spotted. While climbing he unsheathed his dagger and eyed the charging wolf and gauged his reaction not a second to soon, he stalled for only two seconds before the wolf reached the 7 meter mark from the base of the tree. Without delay he struck his dagger down at the branch like a bushcrafter swinging his machete. Chips flew as he silently counted in his mind praying he would succeed
' one '
Quickly raising his dagger again he struck,
Mustering all the strength he could he made his final strike.
With his final strike he heard the subtle cracking as if that pencil you clutched in math class when you first learned about calculus was about to shatter into a million pieces. Hearing that sound he chucked the dagger towards the way he came from where he knew the tree was going to fall towards, with all he could muster in his shaking legs he ran the other way leaping away from the crashing tree. He landed roughly as he rolled a few times away he knew throwing his only weapon was foolish but he couldn't rush stabbing himself in the fall there was no time to sheath it the whole thing flew by in moments. A half second later he could he a whosh as a massive thud that shook the ground rattled him as he rolled forward a dozen more paces along the forest floor. A earshattering howl was the confirmation of his success. Still knocked prone he could barely look ahead of him, watching the dust settle a wide grin plastered itself across his face as he saw the wolf being crushed under the tree he had just fell. It's lower seemingly tangled and mashed as it's upper half thrashed about. The wolfs teeth foamed and chipped at the force of the wolfs thrashing and gnashing all the wile letting out a groutese scream mixed with a howl as Tristan climbed to his feet.
" Never thought my old camping tricks would save my life like this, I only ever thought spotting widowmakers was good for telling you where not to sleep." A sad chuckle escaped his lips as he jogged over to where he tossed his dagger keeping ind mind about where he thought it would end up. About a minute later he had the blade back in his hand not a scratch in sight on the things surface." At least those dam kidnappers gave me a decent knife," shuddering for a moment as he thought about his current state of dress. " What The Fuck Did they do while I was asleep why am I wearing this weird getup, I look like some London gangster lost all his cool jackets and hats and was left with his button down and work pants" he sethed with a slight rage at the thought of being manhandled in his sleep. " I mean it's a good sense of taste all I need is a good coat and id look alright hey wait! Why am I sympathizing with those asholes." He fumed at himself before cautiously approaching the wolf ha had crushed under the tree. 'Suppose I need to put this thing out of its misery, better you than me I suppose' he took a break moment to air his grievances before he took swift action. Without a second more of hesitation he brutally hiked up his leg before curbstoping the wolfs head into the ground and quickly plunging the dagger in his hands down into the wolfs nape to make sure it went quickly.
'whew that was clo.'
His train of thought was abruptly cut as he heard a loud ding ring in his head.