Chapter 47
When I returned home, I was greeted by the usual silence. My parents were not home as usual. Although I love them, they are too irresponsible, and for most of my life as Amy, they were away. And this time, they left without saying goodbye, which, frankly, was a shame.
"Why do you think they left silently this time, Oz?" I asked the raven that appeared in a purple flash.
- I can't imagine my lady, maybe we should check the house for notes?
- Hmm, perhaps you're right.
I decided to start looking from the kitchen, because it was the most obvious place where they could leave a note so that I would notice it right away, but there was nothing there and in the end I decided to check other places in the house until, when I was in my room, I saw a small note on the table.
"Dear Fischl, your father and I had to urgently leave for Li Yue to help the student of a very important woman who once helped me a lot. We wanted to say goodbye to you in person, but you went on a journey with Deputy Magister Jinn. Although it saddens me that you do not have friends your own age, I am glad that you have made friends with such a good girl."
- And here is the letter, I wonder who this important woman is, and also a student in Li Yue. - I thought.
"Of the women we know who are important to Li Yue and have disciples, there is only the Guardian of the Clouds, but it is unlikely that Gan Yu or Shen He were mentioned," Oz expressed his thought.
- Oh, let's not think about it, as they say, the morning is wiser than the evening, so it's time to sleep. - I waved off the attempts to guess who Mom was writing about and, yawning, began to get ready for bed.
It seems like I literally just closed my eyes a moment ago to fall asleep, and yet now I am standing under an incredibly large and beautiful moon in the middle of a rather beautiful settlement, the people of which clearly lived in abundance, and in front, illuminated by that same moon, I saw a familiar castle. The same castle that I saw in the dream about my predecessor.
- I think I know where I ended up, - I said, looking intently at the place with which all incarnations of Fischl von Luftschloss-Narfidort are inextricably linked. Nirvana of the Night.
My attempts to contact were not answered by either Oz or the system, and yet I did not feel a threat in this place, but an inexplicable melancholy and nostalgia. I walked forward along the path towards the castle, looking at the buildings along the way, which looked as if just a few moments ago, life was in full swing here, but I still did not see a single person, such a view caused sadness from the depths of the soul.
Slowly but surely I walked forward. Entering the castle, I saw many paintings, in some of them you could see exact copies of me and my parents, only dressed in accordance with the status. Royal family. Only one thing confused me, Until a certain point, in some paintings where Fischl was getting older, her eyes were green, until at one point I found a portrait that hung above the large gate, depicting only the princess, her right eye turned scarlet, and the left was covered with a white patterned cloth, and on her head was a black crown, which nevertheless perfectly matched the outfit.
After looking at this image for a few moments longer than I had at anything else, I opened the gates, behind which a majestic throne room appeared to me. Only instead of the expected two thrones, for the king and queen, there was only one.
"We can have different names," a voice similar to mine, but more mature, suddenly rang out.
- But remember where it all began and where it will end. - the voice continued, and I intuitively began to approach the throne.
- Guide us, - another voice, similar to Oz, was heard.
- O most holy ruler, princess of the Nirvana of Night!
As soon as I sat on the throne, I felt something inside me finally snap into place. Thunder rumbled in my honor, and before me were gathered my vassals and the faithful great chronicler Ozvaldo Hrafnavins, all of them waiting for instructions. My appearance changed, befitting the princess of Nirvana Night.
And also my knights, silent and stern like majestic mountains.
The first is the Knight of Valor, armed with the sharpest sword capable of piercing even the strongest dragon scales.
The second is the Knight of Sincerity, clad in the armor of truth that can withstand the storm raised by dragon wings.
The third is the Knight of Mercy, righteous and pure, who will not flinch before the darkness.
And the other knights who had gathered behind the three strongest, bowed their heads and greeted their princess.
Rising from the throne, I spoke the words that came from the depths of my still fragile soul.
- My beautiful subjects, Valor, Sincerity and Mercy – follow me into eternity.
- For I am the noblest soul of the Nirvana of Night. As long as my heart beats, I will not leave you.
And the knights obeyed.
- Our swords are at your service. Let them remove any obstacles and rid you of evil. Let our pure hearts protect your noble soul. - They have given their word as knights and will not abandon me in the hunt for evil.
When I woke up in the morning, the pleasant feeling of wholeness was still there, and I also knew that at any moment I could call my loyal knights to battle or judge the wicked, as befits a princess of judgment. The princess's outfit itself felt like something akin to the noble phantasms of servants from the Nasuverse, summoned in the same way.
- This was unexpected. Sis, why now? - I asked the system.
[Yesterday you destroyed two beings that are closest to the concept of the ugly, thereby earning the recognition of the Nirvana of Night.]
- Why then, when killing a special level curse, was there nothing? - I asked in bewilderment.
[Although curses are creatures born from the negativity of people, they are something natural for that world, while the abyss is an external energy born from emptiness aimed at corruption and destruction.]
"I see," I nodded, accepting this answer.
- Milady, I think you should look in the mirror, because what you see will surprise you.
- No, just don't tell me that I have… - I immediately jumped out of bed and looked into the mirror standing in my room.
- Damn it, now they'll take me for a vampire. - I was upset, watching my right eye change color. Although I went too far with the comparison with a vampire, because the color was more reminiscent of slightly scarlet gold. Although what also catches the eye is the posture that I instinctively maintained.
"I think many noble ladies would curse me if they knew that I achieved this just by sleeping," I chuckled, noticing such a curious detail.
"I guess I'm officially a princess now?" I asked Oz.
- If anyone doubts, your loyal knights will quickly convince you otherwise. - said the raven, before adding. - Milady, you most likely have not fully realized this, but inside you is a literal immortal army of knights, who will be stronger, the stronger you are.
- Oh, I just remembered the Shadow Monarch from Solo Leveling. Do you think Oz strong people will be able to sense my connection with Nirvana Night and the knights.
- We still have to find out, Milady.