"Anything? Anything? This is what i want!"
The crowd was silent, a tense stillness spreading as Stacy's voice echoed from the other end of Ye Qiu's mic. His teammates, their voices laced with concern, could hear everything. The entire exchange played out in real-time, their reactions synced with the chaotic energy of the game.
On-screen, Everstay stood motionless, his focus diverted as the massive form of the Torrak loomed closer, its eyes locked on him. The beast's energy was palpable, and the ground beneath it trembled with each powerful step.
"Ye Qiu!!!" Somi's voice rang out, loud and frantic. She darted toward Everstay, her character racing through the chaotic battlefield toward him.
"Somi!!" The rest of the team shouted in unison, their voices filled with panic. They watched, helpless, as Somi braved the danger.
The Torrak's massive claws were raised, ready to strike, its fiery breath beginning to build. Just as the beast pounced toward Everstay, Somi launched herself into the air, pushing him out of the way with a forceful shove. The crowd gasped, the tension reaching a fever pitch as Everstay vanished from sight, leaving only a faint blur of movement.
Then, the game's audio was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of Stacy's voice breaking through, followed by the crashing of objects, the unmistakable sound of items being thrown. The crowd fell into stunned silence as the commentator's voice cracked the tension.
"It seems... it seems that Everstay has disconnected! This has never happened before in the history of Avatar Epic Quest! Is this some kind of... strategic retreat?" the commentator stammered, his words a mix of disbelief and confusion.
As the words lingered in the air, the team's other members also began to disappear. The screen blinked, and Somi, along with the others, vanished as well, leaving the battlefield empty. The massive Torrak, frozen in place, remained poised, its fiery breath still flickering, but no longer directed at a target.
"And just like that, the entire team... has logged out?" The commentator's voice was filled with awe, and then uncertainty. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is a truly unprecedented turn of events. In the midst of what seemed like a major victory for the Dragon Leaders, the team has... logged out. Something... something that is almost unheard of in this high-stakes environment."
In the game Avatar Epic Quest, when a player dies, they are permanently out of the game. However, to avoid elimination, players can log out. But in the world of the game, logging out is seen as a major sign of weakness. It's considered a cowardly move, especially for big teams like the Dragons. Many gamers would rather face elimination than log out, as it's viewed as giving up, an act that tarnishes their reputation.
The crowd went eerily quiet, the collective gasp hanging in the air, like they were all trying to process what had just happened. Then, the floodgates opened.
The Comment Section:
@EpicFan94: What just happened?? Did the whole team log out??? NO WAY. They were so close to winning!
@GameCritic22: This is the end of the Dragon Leaders as we know it. What a coward move. Logging out is like quitting the game, it's the ultimate loser move.
@IamaLover: Wow, didn't know Everstay's real name was Ye Qiu. So that's the person Stacy is dating? Did anyone else catch that?
@supersupaRox: So Ye Qiu is Everstay? That's a bombshell. Stacy must be so proud, huh?
@TeamDragonFans: Guys, think about it. What if Ye Qiu was dealing with personal stuff and just... couldn't continue? Maybe this was a personal thing?
@SomiFan4Life: Look at Somi running toward Everstay to save him! She's such a good teammate. I think Somi's my new favorite!
@StacyIsOverreacting: Honestly, Stacy's behavior is ridiculous. Throwing his stuff and then acting like this? The game was important, but it's not the end of the world!
@StacyHater22: LOL, who throws someone's stuff just because they're mad? She's lucky to even have Ye Qiu, he's a legend. I guess she wasn't ready for the spotlight.
@ForeverwestayFan17: Ye Qiu was probably stressed out. It's not easy managing both fame and a relationship. Stacy needs to chill. The guy is a national treasure.
@GameTroll92: LOL! They were about to win, and then the leader quits? That's gonna go down in history as the most embarrassing moment in Avatar Epic Quest. Dragon Leaders? More like Dragon Quitters.
@EpicBossMaster: Logging out mid-battle? That's literally never been done before. How are they going to come back from this?
@HeartbrokenloverFan: I can't believe this. I've been supporting him for years, and then he just logs out? Stacy really messed him up. This is so sad.
@gameLover97: No one talks about how Stacy is going through something too. She's clearly hurting. But she didn't need to throw his stuff like that. Their relationship is over, isn't it?
@AvatarEpicFan13: I hope they bring Everstay back in the next game. This is just a setback, but Dragon Leaders will come back stronger. I believe in them!
@OnlineTroll24: Can't believe people are defending Ye Qiu. He could've just said, "Sorry, I'm not in the mood." Instead, he logged out like a coward. Let's face it—he's not the hero you all thought.
Back in the game, the commentators tried to regain their composure. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've just witnessed something truly unprecedented. A team known for their unbreakable spirit and unmatched strategy has... well, let's call it a retreat, for now. But the question remains: Will Everstay and his team come back from this shocking move, or will the Dragon Leaders be forever marked by the moment they logged out?"
There was a long pause before the commentator continued, his voice softer now. "Only time will tell. What happens next for Everstay... or rather, Ye Qiu... and his team? Will they mend their personal relationships, or is this the beginning of the end for the Dragon Leaders? Stay tuned."
The crowd buzzed with speculation. Some fans were crushed, others rallied behind the idea that the Dragon Leaders would rise again. The tension hung thick in the air, as Ye Qiu's personal drama became public.