Chapter 94 - CLOSET GAME

ORIGIN: Internet

The Closet Game is a paranormal ritual that is used by players to summon a demonic entity into their home. 

It is always talked about in online horror forums and sleepovers, to warn those who search for thrill of the dangers that would come from dabbling into the unknown.

The game's location is simple but scary.

To play the game, a person must enter a completely dark closet at midnight on the dot with a single match stick.

Once inside, they must stand in the darkness and very quietly whisper the words, "Show me the light or leave me in the darkness." 

After speaking these words, there is silence.

If the ritual is successful, the person will feel something stand behind them.

People that have played the game say they heard faint whispers from a voice they didn't recognise, accompanied by guttural breathing, and also felt several cold fingers running down their back.

The final and most important part of the game is to immediately light the match. 

If the match ignites, it is believed to ward off the summoned entity temporarily. 

However, if it fails to come on or goes out, that the player risks being pulled into eternal darkness or cursed by the demon.

Even after surviving the game, those who play say they occasionally see shadow like figures or hear faint whispers, as if the entity never truly left.