ORIGIN: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
The story of this urban legend revolves around a wealthy and keep- to- self man named Skiles E. Test, who lived on a large estate along Fall Creek Road.
Test was known for his unique behaviors and his fascination with the color blue.
According to the legend, after the death of his beloved wife, Test was so down with grief that he couldn't bear to part with her.
Rather than burying her in a traditional grave, he encased her body in a glass coffin and placed it in a mausoleum on his property.
To honor her memory, and to keep off trespassers, Test lit the area surrounding the crypt with blue lights.
The blue glow, visible from the road, became like a call for thrill-seekers and curious visitors.
Over time, rumors spread that the blue lights were cursed, and those who approached the mausoleum would experience see ghostly apparitions and hear disembodied whispers.
Although Test passed away in 1964, the legend endures.
The estate has been demolished, but locals still report strange blue lights in the woods, making many to believe that the spirit of Test – or his wife – still exist.