ORIGIN: Maryland

The Snallygaster is a fearsome creature rooted in the folklore of Maryland, in the rural areas around Frederick County. 

The legend dates back to the early 18th century when German immigrants settled in the region and brought with them stories of meeting mythical beasts. 

Over time, their stories ended up merging with local superstitions, giving birth to what we now know as the Snallygaster.

The Snallygaster is a monstrous, dragon-like beast with a metallic beak, razor-sharp teeth, and octopus-like tentacles.

It is said to soar through the skies, preying on livestock and even humans.

Its shrieks are said to resemble the sound of a steam whistle.

The Snallygaster is often retold as one with large wings, capable of swooping down to snatch its victims before disappearing into the mountains.

According to legend, the creature haunted the region for centuries, with reports only peaking in the early 1900s. 

Farmers claimed to find their animals drained of blood, while others swore they saw the beast circling above their homes. 

Some versions think the Snallygaster is a vampiric creature, due to its large thirst for blood.

Although many dismiss it as folklore or a hoax, the Snallygaster remains an stamped down part of Maryland's history.