Victor's blank stare was immediate.
"And what makes you think you're not a lame goddess?"
Dementia's smile was unending. "What do you think?" She started, moving towards him dangerously. "Am I that hot goddess everyone admires but yet... a crazy person within?"
"I... I... You..." Victor could not find words as she neared him, her body pushing into his. He could feel her tits on his chest, her golden eyes felt like hypnosis from up close. Their lips were only a inch apart, and looking at them he could not concentrate.
The goddess abruptly pulled away from him. "All I know for sure is that I'm not the god of Misfortune, or any other miserable god. The fact that we are both having this conversation should give you an idea about me."
Victor gulped. "So, what are the benefits if I get contracted to you?"
The goddess folded her arms with eyes closed. "Considerably selected conditions, and of course, every perverted desires you could ask for."
At that last statement, Victor felt a rush of happiness wash over him. Every girls he could really get? That was like hitting the goldmine!
"Alright, I'll do it."
"Really?!" Dementia jumped up in excitement, which was weird coming from a goddess. "I mean... Whatever."
"You seem really... Elated about it." Victor muttered, giving her a questionable look.
"It's just... A mortal has never been contracted to me before. Usually they reconsider because they feel I'm a woman and that we're incompetent."
"What's the difference?" Victor admitted. "They probably just thought they weren't worthy enough to be contracted by a goddess as pretty as you."
Silence. Dementia gazed intensely at him for a few seconds.
"You know, if it wasn't for the fact that I am a goddess, you could've gotten me there." She admitted.
Victor blinked away the realization that he had just rizzed a goddess. "Um... So, what about the contract?"
"You can now proceed with choosing the life you want to live." Dementia had barely said when Victor butt in.
"Well I've always envied the life of Lucas Ross."
"Lucas Ross, the Demon Ace. I read him in a book." Victor replied, that was his favorite character in any BOOK. An anti-hero who was amongst the seven strongest that defended the emperor. Besides that, he was also hot, and girls wanted him.
"Of course. And are you sure about your decision." She asked. "Once made you can't change it. And the client shall suffer or reap the consequences of his decision."
Victor didn't think twice. "I'm sure." He couldn't be more certain, what was better than living as one of the seven strongest people in your world, with endless hot milfs to explore with.
"Alright then. It is pronounced."
Suddenly, the blank manuscript in Victor's hands began to form words. They appeared so quickly that he barely had the chance to read them. But from the few he saw, he understood. His new life was being written, the scenes being drafted as if they were extracted directly from his brain.
He hadn't seen or heard of anything like this. And even he had read millions of books about reincarnation. This however, was different.
The pages flung open as rapidly as it wrote, and before long the last sentence was written too. Victor managed to catch a glimpse of the last sentence, but it wasn't what he had expected to see.
And then, the manuscript dissappeared.
No... No... The demon Ace never died, he was amongst the few survivors in the end.
"This wasn't the agreement." He challenged the goddess. "The demon ace never died."
"I told you already, didn't I?" The goddess sighed. "The client shall reap or suffer the consequences of his decision."
"This was never my decision!" Victor argued. "It was you who did that. You made that unfair condition—"
Before he could say another word, Dementia drew quickly towards him, entrapping him in a kiss. It was soft, he could feel her warmth pressed against him, her lips pressed slightly against him as his desires arose.
And just when he wanted to forget that he had just been cheated by her—that she had just declared that his soul would wander in hell— she drew off and smirked at him with that possessive kind of eyes, like she was trying say.. "You belong to me now."
"I'll see you in the underworld." She said, and just then the world around Victor became black until the goddess, and everything alongside faded from his sight.
* * *
"Why are you still standing there?" The merchant asked. "I told you I don't have any E-Rank Quests!"
"Huh?" Victor blinked into life. And when he regained his consciousness, he realized he was a inventory shop. Weaponry hung everywhere around the place.
He recognized this place from the book. So it was no doubt—he had reincarnated.
"Hey!" The merchant called his attention again, swaying his arms over his face. But what rather caught his attention was the black screen interface that hovered before him.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Victor asked, his eyes shifting away from the screen and towards the appalled expression of the merchant.
"You!!" The merchant marched out from his desk and grabbed him by the collar, throwing him out of the shop. Victor landed hard on the floor, but he was still too clueless to even feel the pain.
"Come back when you have something worthy to spend money on!!" The merchant yelled after him before slamming the shop's door.
Victor brushed off dirt from his body as he stood. He took the time to look around the environment and noticed it was all different. Even the sky was different, it was like the scene had been extracted from the raw description of a book.
Looking down at himself, he was barely dressed in normal clothes. His attire was all torn and ragged by dirt. A knife was tucked into his belt, one he could tell wasn't durable by just looking at it.
He had reincarnated as Lucas Ross, yes. But as the demon Ace?
No. He was only here to start again, from Lucas's roots.