This chapter/page is not a story, this is a library of information related to the story that may fascinate you, or answer things that perhaps don't make sense (like time). Most of the information here will relate to the planet of Vuan (the fictional planet in which this series is set on).
Time works very different on the planet of Zaun with the of so familiar 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, 365.25 days per year being completely scrapped. This is because Zaun itself rotates at a much slower rate than Earth within real life with a single day on Zaun being 192,000 seconds or 53.333... Earth hours. Due to this uniqueness the way time is calculated on Zaun is different with there being 80 seconds per minutes, 60 minutes per hour, and 40 hours per day. This descending time system is chosen specifically because allows for longer days but also because it fits well on a clock allow for a unique form of clock to be implemented on the planet. The eight point clock is distinguished by its name by having 8 instead of twelve points, this means that every point reached represents 10 seconds, 7.5 minutes and 5 hours.
Zuan's Celestial bodies:
Zaun is significantly larger than Earth because of this and a number of other in law reasons--which I will not get into here--Zaun contains seven moons which orbit the planet. In order of smallest to largest these moons are Nixora, Nyxeldor, Mystravane, Lunareth, Eclipsera, Floravelle and Ignivol. Due to presence of more than one moon there are multiple tides per day but for the sake simplicity there will be a total of eight tides per day.
Important geographical landmasses:
The Gods'pine is by an astronomical margin the largest mountain range in the world of Vuan. It stretches from one end of the old world to the shores of the other. For generations beyond count almost everyone south of the Gods'pine have believed that anything north of the Gods'pine is uncolonised wilderness, however beyond it exists a vast and rich ecosystem.
The Gods'pine itself also separates the world of the living to the world of the dead; north of the final fortress exists nothing but desolate snow which casts its shadow across the fortress and everything south of that. However things do exist beyond that cruel and faltering fortress, dark things, things that should not be spoken of even in the darkest of the nights. In the borders beyond both civilisation and the godspine fell things follow.