The Brute Major started down the short, slanted corridor and I held my ground and opened fire. Bursts of boiling energy splashed all over his torso, neck, and head. I knew how to work this weapon as well as they did, and I didn't let up.
It definitely pissed him off, that much I was sure of, but it didn't seem to do anything else. I don't know where the hell he got a shotgun from, but I blame whoever he'd killed to get it. He leveled it at me and roared once more. I tried to duck and dive to one side of the cramped space when he opened fire, but it was no use. I was trapped.
I had just left my feet when thunder clapped and lightning struck me center mass and slammed me hard against the sealed control room door. The infamous Soellkraft buckshot dented and punched through my chest plate, which was a thick blue slab of titanium and ceramic composite, and cracked the armored coating underneath. I tasted copper and knew the thin, innermost layer of Kevlar, my battle armor's last line of defense, had been compromised.
As I writhed in pain on the ground, the Brute snorted, unimpressed. He casually turned me over with his foot. The flare had burned out, but my eyes were still stained by its effectiveness. Between that, the shotgun blast, and the incredible agony, I was too disoriented to even think about trying to raise my fists. Just then, Wildcat appeared behind him at the top of the ramp. A plasma pistol on overcharge hummed and glowed hot in her hand.
The Brute, oblivious, commented, "The green ones are much tougher to kill."
He pointed the shotgun at me once more. This time at my face. I stared down the barrel and saw my life flashing at the end of it.
"No you don't!" yelled Wildcat as she hurled herself at the Brute.
The shotgun was knocked askew and a shell exploded up at the ceiling. She jammed the barrel of her pistol underneath the Brute's helmet and blew his head off in a quick, jade flash. Bloody chunks and frothy spatter painted the walls, the ceiling, and the energy security door.
"Takin' a nap?" Wildcat asked after hopping down from the Brute's dead body, which almost collapsed on top of me.
"Hey well, you know me, anything to catch some zees," I said.
She helped me to my feet and threw my arm around her shoulder.
"C'mon," she told me as we hobbled up the ramp. "You won't believe who just saved our asses."