Chereads / The Wayward Son / Chapter 42 - Chapter 32: The Right Path (Part 3)

Chapter 42 - Chapter 32: The Right Path (Part 3)

Several Hours Later

After several hours of peaceful flying more or less, the ship had finally reached a larger pathway. Atharen was quick to announce his relief as they got out of the labyrinth, "I managed to avoid the Black Library…this larger pathway should lead us back to your Armageddon Sector. We are in route gate 625 in the Justicar Sub-Sector correct?"

"Yes, that's where Corun is. It's where Iruna's fleet was as well," Seiras confirmed.

"Nice flying, Atharen…there were a few times I thought you were lost," Tallath noted condescendingly.

The Warp Spider scoffed at his fellow exarch, "I was not lost, but I took the roundabout way to avoid the Black Library. Whoever was sealing those gates clearly wanted us to go there. They failed to outsmart me."

"Well done," Ashera nodded with approval.

"You're certain this way is open, Atharen?" Tallath asked for confirmation as he double checked their location.

"It looks like a main highway…the only trouble we could encounter here is a large fleet. At least we have backup now," Ashera rationalized.

The Warp Spider exarch nodded, "I assure you that we're clear, Tallath. The Black Library is somewhere in that labyrinth. We're out of it…so it seems we've cleared the possibility of encountering any trouble. I personally had no desire to see harlequins or Thousand Sons."

"What a relief. I can't believe we actually got through there without any trouble." Seiras added as he glanced at the map next to Tallath.

"When the pathways started sealing on us, I was convinced we were going to end up at the library," Sorellia noted.

Atharen simply gave a careless shrug, "Spare me your worries. I was a Mariner for three hundred years before I became a warp spider. Don't underestimate my navigational skills. There was a pattern to how the gates were sealing. They were also soft locked which made them easy to override. Whoever locked the webways down clearly wasn't a harlequin because they did a poor job closing the backway. The encryptions were so simple I'd wager a monkeigh made them."

"Is the monkeigh fleet keeping up?" Tallath asked.

"Sensors show that the space marine fleet is still following us. I'm surprised those hunks of junk can fly that fast," Atharen noted as he brought the sensor overlay up for them to see. The warp spider followed up by pressing a few buttons on the screen causing a rear camera to show the following Astartes vessels.

"We should probably slow down a bit…we'll easily outfly them at this speed on a straight path," Tallath commented.

The warp spider wasn't wearing his helmet currently and sent a bemused look at Tallath, "I know what I'm doing, Tallath."

"Have the space marines hailed us at all during the past few hours?" Ashera asked Seiras.

The librarian shook his head, "Not to me, but it's likely they've contacted their Astartes aboard this ship through a personal vox channel."

Moments later the elevator began to rise causing everyone on the bridge to glance at it. Upon it opening, Ferrus stepped onto the bridge along with a fully armoured and armed Jaghatai Khan.

'I guess it's a good thing those White Scars picked up his wargear,' Seiras thought to himself briefly.

"What's the situation?" Ferrus asked calmly as the two primarchs stomped closer.

"We're clear of the labyrinth we were stuck in. I completely avoided the Black Library altogether. We're on the way to the Armageddon Sector now. Gate 625 leads to the Justicar Sub-Sector. We'll drop you off there along with all the humans and be on our way," Atharen answered immediately.

Ferrus seemed somewhat surprised as well, "You avoided it? Glad to hear this went smoothly."

"Have you finished explaining everything to the Khan, Lord Ferrus?" Seiras asked as he glanced at the White Scars primarch.

"I have…though he has a few questions he wanted to ask you. Trade positions with me. I will watch the bridge with the exarchs," Ferrus commanded.

The librarian nodded, "Yes my lord."

Atharen let out a heavy sigh, "You don't need to watch us. I'm fairly positive we've proven we're not going to betray you at this point."

"I know, but it puts the Astartes at ease knowing someone is on the bridge," Ferrus replied.

"Fine…" Atharen groaned begrudgingly.

Seiras proceeded to walk over to Jaghatai Khan now who was already walking back towards the elevator. As they entered and descended, the librarian glanced up at Khan uncertainly.

Unlike Ferrus, he had no idea how to talk to the Khan. Seiras honestly didn't know much about him or the White Scars in general.

Khan faced him and spoke cryptically, "Ferrus explained everything to me. I find it bizarre and unbelievable, but the sight of Russ' rune seal is convincing evidence that it occurred the way he described. The only part of the story I find difficult to believe is that a haemonculus helped you."

"What did you want to ask me, Lord primarch?" Seiras wondered.

"I want you to show me what happened. You are a librarian after all," Khan stated simply.

Seiras nodded as he psychically focused on the memory with perfect clarity and recall. He held up his hand close to the Khan's head and projected his memories of the event psionically.

Despite it only lasting a few seconds, it seemed to impart the entire memory of Ferrus' resurrection and the events in the warp for him to witness. Khan seemed to process them at godly speed as he frowned, "You've seen and heard much…far more than most. I am astonished that Ferrus trusts you with so much information."

The elevator reached the bottom quickly thereafter. As it opened, Khan stepped out and gestured for Seiras to follow him. The people in the chamber looked somewhat relieved at the sight of Seiras but equally confused.

Khan then looked over the chamber before speaking to Seiras, "These allies of yours…what fate do you believe they deserve?"

"You're asking me?" Seiras glanced around at the fearful anxious stares of everyone in the now deathly silent room. The several Astartes stationed around the chamber were also staring at him intensely.

"From the way Ferrus described you, he says you give good advice. I've never dealt with a situation like this before. From what I understand the Inquisition will condemn and execute these people for heresy. What would you do with them? My sons have already given their answers." Khan asked.

Seiras did not answer as he thought of what to say. Everyone in the chamber was anxiously and desperately hoping the librarian would say something positive. His lack of an immediate answer caused one of the White Scars to get annoyed, "Answer the primarch, librarian!"

"Be silent, my son." Khan announced calmly to the overzealous White Scar.

"They are my responsibility…some of them were integral to helping us escape. Your permission permitting, I would see them initially quarantined and released back into the Imperium after a thorough screening process. There are some who I deem worthy enough to return immediately. The Cadians, the PDF, and several of the civilians," Seiras answered.

Khan nodded his head as he began to start pacing, "Ferrus told me that he is placing their fates in your hands. Considering the effort you went through to resurrect him from the dead and to free me, I believe it is acceptable that you be granted this right. Your decision on this matter will also carry the weight of my own word as well."

Some of the Astartes looked like they wanted to protest, but none of them dared to question the word of their primarch. The civilians and even the soldiers in the room looked completely relieved that Seiras spoke in their defense.

Khan glanced at the nearby Tau and followed up with another question, "What is to become of the xenos aboard this ship?"

"The Eldar are going to deliver all the humans to Corun. I believe it was their intention to return the xenos to their respective territories or somewhere outside of Imperial space," Seiras answered.

The Kroot and Tau in particular seemed relieved to hear this news. Kim'ria herself looked like she was too scared to speak but she had a look of gratitude directed at Seiras.

"I will have more questions later for you, Seiras of the Blood Ravens. Carry on…I am going to contact the Astartes fleet following the ship and update them on the situation," Khan announced as he turned to take his leave. All of the White Scars in the room followed him. The Ultramarine Terminator squad stayed behind to watch the chamber though.

The eldar guardians looked noticeably intimidated by the hulking superhumans as they stoically stood like sentries with their weapons readied.

Once the Khan and his White Scars retinue were gone, the people in the chamber seemed to unpucker their sphincters as conversations continued once again.

Kim'ria and a couple of Tau were quick to approach Seiras. Harru the Kroot Shaper and a few others quickly joined her.

"I thought they were going to kill us when they first arrived. How did those Gue'ron'sha get on the ship?" Kim'ria asked.

"Lord Ferrus and I had a teleporter beacon set on the bridge so we could return immediately. We boarded Asdrubael Vect's ship to rescue the primarch Jaghatai Khan. That's who that was." Seiras answered.

"So you rescued not one, but two of your princes from this place? Quite astonishing…though one of the white armoured Gue'ron'sha was known to us…the one called Kor'sarro Khan. He is a known enemy of the great Tau Hero…Commander Shadowsun and he despises Tau," Kim'ria explained.

The librarian responded with indifference, "Then consider yourself lucky he didn't kill you."

"They would have killed us if not for you. They even spoke of executing all the Gue'la here…I find that barbaric. You have my eternal gratitude for this. I hope stories of our cooperation can blossom into a future alliance between the Imperium and the Farsight Enclaves," Kim'ria said hopefully.

Seiras sighed as he removed his helmet and strapped it to his armour, "I wouldn't count on it, Ambassador Kim'ria."

"Even so…I will make sure all Tau know of you for this great deed. You serve the Greater Good whether you acknowledge it or not. You committed this…'heresy' to save your princes and to save us. It is an honourable and selfless thing," Kim'ria bowed her head.

Harru quickly followed up, "You are honourable gue'ron'sha…we will remember your name and deeds. You are a true paragon of your species."

Seiras didn't reply but simply gave one curt nod before walking away. It didn't take long for the Cadians to come up to him. Major Medina shook her head disbelievingly, "So you found two primarchs in Commorragh…what was that thing he said about you resurrecting Lord Ferrus?"

"The Emperor resurrected him. It's best that I don't tell you. One less thing for the inquisition to detain you over," Seiras avoided the topic.

Major Medina nodded and before bowing her head, "I believed you when you said you would speak in our defense…but I didn't actually expect it would be like that. We're eternally grateful Lord Seiras. I'll make sure every Cadian hears about how you saved us."

"Present…ARMS!" Commissar Kavka shouted to all the guardsmen who quickly saluted. Even Major Medina saluted.

Seiras stared at them briefly, 'Are they saluting me?'

"At ease," Seiras responded after ten or so seconds of awkward staring.

"ORDER…ARMS!" Kavka shouted causing the Cadians to relax.

Seiras glanced at the group of Cadians and began to think about Davian Thule's words from long ago. 'To think I killed thousands of guardsmen just like them…all for Kyras' insanity.'

"You've done everything I've asked of you. I'll see to it that you receive proper recognition from your superiors. One of my battle brothers mentioned the valour and competency of Cadians. I am glad to see you proved him right. Carry on…" Seiras replied before walking away.

It was clear many more people wanted to talk to him, but Seiras was doing his best to avoid any more awkward conversations with people in the chamber. He didn't quite understand why these people were propping him up as some kind of hero. Perhaps it was his own inner guilt, but he felt genuinely uncomfortable that these people were treating him this way.

'I can't believe we got through this without some disaster happening. I honestly expected we'd return to find the ship had been commandeered by harlequins…or that we'd get intercepted by Ahzek Ahriman. I guess I really am lucky,' Seiras allowed himself to relax slightly.

One of the nearby Ultramarine terminators spoke to him as he walked through the chamber and to an exit corridor, "I've updated epistolary Titus and our captain on the situation. They are eager to speak with you."

"I'd prefer to do it in person," Seiras replied to the other space marine.

The Terminator simply nodded, "Very well, I will relay that to them. You should know that they are quite pleased with your results. We had heard that you were seeking a primarch other than the Khan here. I was not expecting it to be Ferrus Manus. Thanks to your help, we've succeeded in our mission. I am certain you will be awarded appropriate prestige for this great deed."

"Never mind that…what's going on in the Imperium? I heard Cadia was destroyed. What is Lord Guilliman doing right now? Do you know where he is?" Seiras quietly started questioning the terminator.

The ultramarine shook his head, "I would prefer to not speak of such things in the presence of Xenos. We will update you once we're off this ship."

"I understand," Seiras nodded.

Part of him felt a slight bit of comfort being near another space marine now as Seiras remained there and stood on sentry with the terminator. While he had grown used to being around humans and even primarchs at this point, he never felt quite at ease the way he did around one of his own kind.

Neither one spoke for several minutes as they stoically stood watch. Seiras finally thought to ask the Ultramarine a question out of simple curiosity, "Since the Blood Ravens operate so closely to Ultramar, have you any news of their recent events?"

The Ultramarine answered immediately, "Your chapter fleet is in Sub-Sector Aurelia currently. They've reestablished their recruiting grounds on Calderis and Meridian…the only two remaining habitable planets in Aurelia. They've also been granted the nearby sub-sector Dawnstar. It has several worlds that has suitably aided in them replenishing their ranks."

Seiras did not respond but simply nodded in acknowledgement as he pondered over his brother Blood Ravens, 'It's been decades now…I wonder if this was enough to earn my penance?'

"Hey Lord Seiras!" Valeria interrupted his thoughts as she strutted over cheerily along with a posse of gang members.

Seiras was drawn from his thoughts as he looked down at the hive ganger, "What is it Valeria?"

"I was telling my gang about all the badass shit you did to break us out! These are my lieutenants in the Midnight Phantoms. That's Ghost, Wraith, Black Widow, Eclipse, and Grim," Valeria enthusiastically introduced her gang lieutenants to Seiras.

The Ultramarine terminator did not react in any obvious way, but he was clearly curious about the gang members talking to Seiras as his helmeted head turned slightly.

Seiras looked over the gang lieutenants briefly. Three were female and two were male. Ghost was a nimble looking man that had the eyes of a serial killer. He had a long black mohawk, blue eyes, eyeliner. He also had many piercings and tattoos. Wraith was a sinister looking woman with black and white pigtails and scars over her cheeks. She was ghostly pale and a bit muscular.

Black Widow was slightly less thuggish looking than the rest as she had regal long hair and only a few piercings. She had brown eyes was currently smoking something as she carelessly exhaled in everyone's proximity.

Eclipse was also a woman and was likely the tech expert of the group as she had a few cybernetic enhancements including a mechanical arm. She was dressed scantily like the rest of them and had elaborate tattoos and gang paraphernalia covering her body. She had heterochromia eyes with one being brown and the other blue.

Grim was a burly looking man who reminded Seiras of the overseer he skinned. He had what looked to be a long mullet and a mouthpiece grafted over his mandible. To a normal person these people certainly looked intimidating, but Seiras simply thought they looked ridiculous like all hive gangers.

"We saw you in our slave chamber when you first arrived. You killed all the overseers in there. They were members of a rival gang, the Day Walkers. Shame their boss Kalen never got caught. It would have been badass to watch you skin that slimy fuck," Ghost said enthusiastically.

"I did kill Kalen. He holed up in the Underspire and took the governor Velina Selik hostage. He was coordinating a rebellion with the PDF to overthrow the planet. We executed him when we recovered the governor," Seiras replied.

"Wait…what?! Kalen was trying to overthrow the planet?" Eclipse interrupted shocked.

"How did you kill him?! That son of a bitch killed my brother! Was it as brutal as what you did to those Day Walkers?" Wraith asked eagerly.

"I psychically squeezed him against a wall until his body exploded," Seiras answered emotionlessly.

"Fucking sick! Psykers are so cool!" Ghost exclaimed.

Valeria nodded, "Yeah and like I told you guys…he says he even killed that fucking cunt governor too!"

"How'd you kill her?!" Wraith asked.

Their excitement almost reminded Seiras of children as they were beaming at him like he was some type of hero to them. Although considering he was centuries older than them, they literally were children to him.

"With a bolter round. The inquisitor ordered me to kill her," Seiras stated simply.

"Yo so…all that stuff you said about us returning back to the Imperium. We're free to go once we get back to Corun right? I didn't survive all this bullshit just to end up back in prison," Grim asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering about that too. We're not exactly model citizens if you know what I mean. If we gotta go through some screening process, we'll probably go back to prison. I'd rather die," Wraith added.

Seiras sighed, "I'm not an arbite…your criminal past is irrelevant to me. I have more important things to worry about than whatever it is hive gangs do. I'll see about getting you expedited only if you remain loyal to Imperial authority. Who knows…maybe you could use the opportunity to do something better with your lives."

"Well, we're underhivers…practically subhumans. We don't really have much a choice in our lifestyle," Valeria justified.

"You could always join the Guard or the PDF," Seiras shrugged.

"I ain't joining no Imperial Guard, I'll tell you that much…those sons of bitches are fucking cannon fodder. Plus, I'd punch some commissar in the face if he ever told me what to do," Grim scoffed.

The gang all laughed until Seiras raised his hand and psychically lifted Grim off the ground. The man began to choke from the telekinetic force compressing his throat as he levitated midair. The librarian spoke slowly and menacingly, "No you wouldn't…"

Valeria's gang looked a bit shocked by Seiras' actions as the librarian's psychic choking caused Grim to gasp in pain. Seiras glared at him spitefully, "Speak ill of them again and I'll have you turned into a servitor."

Seiras released the gang lieutenant before he could pass out causing the man to drop to the ground and gasp violently. As he wheezed and coughed, Valeria spoke up again, "Forgive my lieutenants for their lack of respect, Lord Seiras. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

The librarian nodded in acknowledgement but did not respond. He took this opportunity to read their minds in the following silence.

"Holy fuck! This guy is a monster!" Grim thought terrified.

"I can't believe he just did that. Valeria said he was cool…I guess Grim offended him. We need to be careful how we talk to these space marines. They're scary as fuck," Eclipse seemed equally as concerned.

Valeria's thoughts were more distressed, "Fucking idiot…why would he badmouth the military to a damn space marine!? I swear they're a bunch of morons. Do they not realize how lucky we are right now?! I have to find a way to make this up to Lord Seiras. I don't want him to think I'm ungrateful."

"This guy doesn't fuck around…note to self, kiss every guardsman's ass from here till Corun. I know Valeria likes this guy, but he scares the shit out of me!" Ghost thought.

"As if psykers weren't scary enough…a space marine psyker is even more terrifying!" Wraith thought.

Seiras looked them over and spoke again, "Maybe you should use your gang for something good on Corun. The underhives could certainly use a lot of repair. I imagine your position Valeria could rally the underhivers to help in the hive's restoration."

"W-we'll do that, Lord Seiras! I'll make sure we help whoever becomes the next governor," Valeria immediately bit at the opportunity for redemption.

"Be grateful you're alive and you get this chance. A lot of people died trying to escape. Don't waste your lives," Seiras followed up.

"C'mon guys, we have to talk. Get your ass up Grim! You're embarrassing us. Thank you for your time Lord Seiras," Valeria concluded as she departed with her posse.

Once they were gone, the Ultramarine looked at Seiras and spoke again, "That hive gang woman seemed to like you a great deal."

"I rescued her from a dark eldar. They're also from Corun," the librarian stated simple facts.

"You gave good advice...if they're wise, they'll follow it," the terminator nodded.

Perturabo and Ahriman

"The library should be up ahead, Perturabo…" Ahriman announced calmly as the duo walked towards a dark dead end along their webway corridor. The three dozen rubric marines with them followed in robotic lockstep as the two approached.

"So where is Cegorach exactly?" Perturabo asked the sorcerer.

Before Ahriman could answer, a shadow of warp energy manifested in front of them. Ahriman held up his arm gesturing for the rubrics to stop as the energy took shape.

Before long it formed into the shape of a twisted looking and massive eldar adorned in clownish harlequin attire.

He wore a wicked mask with jagged teeth protruding on both sides and had the most sinister yellow eyes imaginable. The entity was unquestionably Cegorach himself.

The God laughed wickedly as he spoke up, "Ask and you shall receive."

"That's him," Ahriman stated calmly.

"You again? You've already failed twice, sorcerer…and now you bring a god-prince in the hopes of challenging me for entry?" Cegorach asked.

"No…" Perturabo spoke up as he approached the Eldar deity, "I have come for one thing…I am not here to plunder your library or to battle you."

Ahriman appeared a bit confused when it became apparent that Perturabo was speaking to it in its alien language.

"Hmm…you know the tongue? How interesting. I wonder what you seek? Tell me what you're here for and what you intend to offer in exchange?" Cegorach asked as he eerily levitated around them.

"The Phoenix seeks his ember. I am his flamebearer," Perturabo responded. He wanted to minimize the amount of interaction he could with this bizarre and twisted creature.

Cegorach quickly flew around and landed in front of them as he leaned over and stared at the primarch bewildered, "He sent you, did he?"

"I'm here for the heart…I assume it's in the library or that you know where it is," Perturabo followed up.

"I do know where it is…but I fail to see why I should entrust it to you. Perhaps if you pass the trials, I will allow it," Cegorach cackled hysterically.

"Fine…what do these trials entail?! What do I need to do?!" he demanded.

"Enter the Black Library…I will guide you to your first trial within," Cegorach continued to cackle as the doorway opened behind him.

The Lord of Iron groaned in annoyance, "How long is this going to take?!"

"Hmm…hard to say. Days? Weeks? It all depends on how you do on the trials," Cegorach smirked as he led Perturabo inside.

Ahriman followed behind anxiously in the hopes that he could also go inside, but the sorcerer was immediately stopped by Cegorach as he got closer. The Eldar Laughing god wickedly chuckled at Ahriman, "You are not permitted to enter, sorcerer. Begone from this place or I will kill you this time."

"You're letting him in, but not me?!" Ahriman asked angrily.

"Yes, Hahahahahaha!" Cegorach responded with hysterical laughter before psychically blasting Ahriman and the rubrics away and sealing the library shut.

"ARGHHH!" Ahriman angrily unleashed a massive torrent of doombolts and other violent spells at the entrance. The rubric marines automatically opened fire as well but did minimal damage.

Finally Ahriman held his hand up for them to stop. He stared at the entrance of the Black Library for a long moment before looking away, 'My powers are diminished. What now? Should I wait for him?'