The headmaster called upon the elven girl from before, she jumped at the sudden call out before holding her arm. She wore gloves as a part of her uniform which seemed pretty odd to Dante but he watched from a distance. Trying to see what he could learn from her attempt, he studied her movements as she grabbed her wand and looked to have taken a deep breath to collect her thoughts.
"Your name, Miss…?"
"Iris…Iris Laurier."
"Oh a Laurier, I should've recognized seeing your olive hair! Hopefully your parents are doing well, they were graduates some time ago! Your brother attends this school correct? His name was…?"
"Could we please focus on the trail…?"
"You're right! Good heavens, I always get caught up! Let's begin shall we?"
She began to hold her wand out, though it seemed she'd been unsteady for some time. The headmaster did as he would for all of the students and began the trail. Quickly firing out a word for her to cast.
"Vinea Flagellum."
A small sprout grew from the ground, yet it quickly wilted before it was able to grow any bigger. This caused the headmaster to tilt his head slightly before continuing to call out casts.
"Conus Spiralis."
A small pebble started to form at the tip of her wand, trying to form itself but ultimately failing as the rock shattered itself and fell to the ground in a dust-like form. This caused some snickers from the crowd and chatters amongst the students.
"She's a Laurier? Like…related to him?"
"No way…she kind of stinks at casting…"
"Maybe she was taken in or something?"
"Or she just kind of sucks."