Chapter 16: The Story of Our Last Year
Manon lay still, her forehead hot. Andrew, feeling just as bad, watched Evelyn and Marble try to help Aria, with Antosia standing nearby.
"What happened?" Andrew asked, his voice weak. "She was fine yesterday."
Marble looked worried. "It was like a short burst of hope. I don't know if she'll wake up again."
Kristin leaned in. "She only has three days left."
Andrew couldn't speak. Antosia's face was cold. "We knew this could happen. We've lost two people this year."
"There's only one thing we can do," Andrew said, his eyes determined.
Evelyn looked worried. "You know what that means, right? Going there could change everything, even if you survive."
"I don't care," Andrew said firmly. "I love her. I'll do anything."
They looked at each other and then left the room. "We'll leave you and Aria alone," Kristin said, closing the door.
"This is going to be hard for him," Marble said as they walked away.
"We know," they all said together.
Andrew turned to Aria. "You're awake," he whispered. "But you can't move. And you heard everything."
He kissed her forehead and held her hand. "Do you want to know what happened last year in high school?" He sighed, gently touching her hair. I have to be strong.
"Aria, if you want me to tell you the story, squeeze my hand twice. If not, squeeze once."
A light squeeze. Once.
"Okay, if you don't want to know..." He started to get up.
Then, a stronger squeeze. And another. He smiled a little and sat back down.
"If you want to know, promise me you'll be strong." Aria nodded slightly. "I know you're in pain."
"It happened in our last term before graduation. It's a sad but important memory," Andrew said, his voice quiet.
"It was June 2023. We were so happy then. Until..."
"It was summer break, two weeks before our last term. The weather was beautiful."
* * * Antosia smiled at Pristin. "I love you, Pristin. I've loved you since middle school."
Pristin didn't change his expression. "I'm sorry, Antosia. I don't feel the same way. I love someone else. Embulon."
Antosia was shocked. "But she's human! You can't leave me for a human! Your mom will never allow it!"
"I've made my choice. I'm going to ask her to marry me tomorrow." He turned to leave.
"Pristin, please!" Antosia said, her voice shaking. "We're friends. Why don't you love me?"
"I've said what I needed to say." He left.
* * * "Hello, Embulon? Can you meet me at our favorite restaurant?"
"Okay, I'm coming. What does he want to tell me?" Embulon quickly fixed her hair, grabbed her bag, and left.
Andrew looked at Aria, her skin burning. "Should I keep going?" She squeezed his hand twice.
Embulon arrived at the restaurant. Pristin was already there. She smiled and waved. He smiled back, and they sat down. They ate in silence, looking at each other now and then.
Finally, Pristin spoke. "Embulon, I've loved you since we were kids. I love you so much."
Tears filled Embulon's eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," she whispered, crying. "I love you too."
They went on dates all summer, sharing their happiness with their friends.
Two months later, Pristin's mother found out about Embulon. She wanted to see them.
Pristin told Embulon, and they decided to meet her.
"I can't believe I'm meeting your mom," Embulon said, smiling.
Pristin smiled back and they drove to a big house.
Rachel, Embulon's brother, was waiting. He hugged Embulon tightly, looking scared. He had tried to stop her from dating Pristin, but she wouldn't listen.
Pristin and Embulon walked hand-in-hand into the house. A woman sat waiting, her face cold.
She stood up and slapped Pristin. "How dare you bring a human here?"
"Mom, I'm not changing my mind."
"Then there's only one thing to do." She pulled out a knife.
Embulon's eyes widened. She pushed Pristin aside, and the knife went into her heart.
"Embulon!" Pristin cried, catching her.
"I'm happy I died this way," she whispered. "To see your face..."
Her eyes closed.
Rachel stared at his sister's body. He couldn't blame Pristin.
"I hate you!" Pristin yelled at his mother. "You're not my mother! You're a monster!"
"I didn't want to kill anyone. I just wanted you to leave her," she said, her voice shaking. "I'm sorry, Pristin."
"I hate you!" He carried Embulon's body to the car and took her to the graveyard. He stood there, unable to cry. His friends tried to comfort him, but he didn't move.
"He hasn't smiled since," Andrew said, his voice sad. "He didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the term. We didn't see Rachel until the camping trip."
Andrew looked at Aria. "I think that answers your questions. Aria, what do I do? You're not talking, you're not moving." He sighed. "Your body is cold. I can't lose you. I'll fix this, even if it kills me. Aria, I love you. You're my special person. I'm sorry. Just give me a day. I promise you'll be okay."