What you are about to read is gonna make you wonder your thoughts in a million different ways or perhaps even more. Nightfall will leave you searching for answers. And if you ask me, Is it interesting? Is it about ROMANCE? Is it something about madness? Or is it something that has a rich meaning and follows you and haunts every corner of your mind? Then I would proudly say, YES it is. Doesn't it spark a fire of wonder within you?? If we get right to it, it's about love, madness, desire, and mostly MAGIC. I'll tell you the truth about this book. It's not something you get to hear more often, but trust me when I say these words, IT'S GOLDEN. This story will suck your soul into it and make you get lost in it.
With that being said, take a moment of your leisure time to enjoy the story with a touch of wonder and joy. Let joy find you and now.