Chereads / In Search Of Home / Chapter 4 - A Visit To The New Friends

Chapter 4 - A Visit To The New Friends

"Did you hear?" Ink asked as she joined the group.

"Hear what?"

Ink looked at Pinky who was busy cleaning off the paint on her finger nails. She picked up her bag which she left on the seat beside Pinky some minutes ago, and sat on the seat.

"I heard some of the juniors say Riley has a new friend."

This caught them all by surprise. Whoever befriended him really had no regard for the rules laid down by the TST girls.

"No one in their right senses would befriend him." a fierce looking girl said.

"She's a newbie"

"It's a girl!" Princess screamed.

"Of course. At first, I thought she just joined today, so I was gonna go warn her, but I was wrong. I found out she joined since Tuesday. Riley was not in school, Tuesday, Wednesday. Her classmates already told her to stay away from him. But when he got to school today, she rushed over to meet him."

The girls gathered round themselves, and kept on talking.

"Enough girls."

Hearing Olivia's voice they all went silent. Olivia sat up straight. Removing the earpiece from her ears, she looked at each and everyone of them slowly, as if checking if something was amiss. She fixed her gaze on the fierce looking girl and with a sigh, she said

"Amber, you should smile more often, your fierce looking face is one of the reasons you are still single."

If it were before, Amber would have happily complied.

"Now is not the time to smile Olivia. A girl just broke one of the rules."

"Which of them?" she asked casually

"Do not befriend Riley."

She smiled as she stood up

"Why don't we go pay a visit to the new friends."


Olivia and her group were about entering the cafeteria.

"Come to think of it, why did they start bullying you?"

The words were loud and clear. The whole cafeteria was silent, so hearing those two arguing was easy. Olivia hearing this, smiled. She stopped the rest from proceeding, she was interested in hearing what the newbie had to say. She had this satisfied smile on her face when she heard Riley's annoyed voice. She was also interested in seeing him angry, she was fed up of his cute innocent face. She had lost count on the number of times people compared her face to his'. He had a perfect face and body to go with, he could easily pass off as a female.

Her smiling face didn't last long though. The whole cafeteria soon went into chaos from the very words the so-called newbie said. Her head went spinning, while the girls tried calming her down, that it was all a lie, saying Everett was not that stupid.

She stood there with a pale face, which soon disappeared when a junior came out of the Cafe and saw them by the door.

"Oh my..." she clutched her chest and stood still, not daring to go back in to warn them or go to spread the news.

Olivia pushed the girl aside, and using all her energy, she hit the door, causing a loud bang that echoed through the hall and Cafe.

"What did you just say?"


Natasha picked up her drink to have a sip before resuming devouring her food, when she heard a loud bang that got everyone shocked. Looking in the direction the sound came from, she saw the so-called TST girls approach her table.

"What have you done?" Riley said under his breath with a very frightened look on his face.

The girls got to their table, and Natasha could finally see the emotions on their faces. It was not that of unbelieve, it was a face that wanted answers, a face that wanted to be told to calm down, that all what was said was just the girl's imagination, maybe the girl read too many books on investigation, and she probably thought she was a main lead of such novels.

This was the face Natasha could decipher out of the leader's face, while that of her underlings or were they her friends, not like it mattered. Were screaming 'Calm down, Everett's not that stupid.'

"What did you just say?"

Natasha smiled, seeing that worried expression on Olivia's face. Olivia was wishing so badly that the newbie was just saying whatever came to mind. She was hardly concerned about some stupid promise Everett made to Riley. All she cared about at the moment was if the newbie had evidence of her beating up Riley. If the newbie really did, it was bound to ruin the good reputation she displayed to the public. True, she might be an asshole in school, cause she knew that whatever happened in the school remained in the school. But the public was different, her father was the current governor and was planning to go for another term, her eldest brother was running a company, and she decided to act like a good daughter and sister, by contributing to orphanage homes, she was kind to the public, did things the public would like, just so the public could see her family in a good light.

And just a video of her beating up a defenseless boy could ruin everything she had worked so hard to get. She could not let that happen.

"You heard me clearly, didn't you? Or would you like me to repeat that Everett promised to break up with you so he can be with Riley." Natasha replied with a smirk.

Olivia could not tell if this was a good or a bad thing. The fact that the newbie kept on insisting on the fact that Everett planned to break up with her, she was not insisting on the fact that she beat up Riley. This really was a good sign.

"How do you know this?" she turned to look at Riley who was shivering "Did he tell you this nonsense?"

Even though she was a bit sure this was not about her beating Riley up, she still didn't want to get her hopes high.

Natasha scoffed as she saw a glint of fear in Olivia's eyes.

"I found out myself."

Olivia finally laughed. Did this newbie take her for a fool. There were only five of them in the room that day. So unless, Riley was the one who took a video of that day, she doubted the fact that someone else might have such a video.

But she was not stupid enough to remove the possibility that Riley might had taken a video and could had been the one who told the newbie all she was saying.

"Do you have a way to proof it?"

She wanted to be relaxed, but she didn't want to receive a hot blow after she entered into comfort.

"Proof? Trust me, you don't need one. Don't you have eyes to see how Riley is behaving."

"How dare you." Amber said as she moved forward to land a slap on Natasha's face

"Stop, let her go on." Everett said as he held Amber's raised hand. "I also would like to see how she would prove what she said."

Seeing Everett join, made students make some noise, as it became clear that the newbie was speaking trash. After all, Everett didn't seem a bit panicked.

"Everett, you are here."

Olivia needed support at the moment, even though he might be planning to break up with her didn't matter at the moment so long as she could find some comfort.

Natasha looked around with a smirk, but when seeing the way students pitied her, while some were looking forward to seeing her get punished, the smirk grew larger.

"Since you all want to see the evidence so badly, fine, I shall have you all see it."

She brought out her phone and sent a video clip to the school group chat. And truly, everyone could see that she was not lying.

Olivia's face went calm for a second, she was glad the video was not about her beating up Riley. But she soon became angry at Everett, not even because of he planned to break up with her, it was the very way he said it that annoyed her.

"How did you get this?"

Everett was surprised. It was obvious that the video was not taken with a phone, the angle looked exactly like a camera. But he did step into the hospital room, searched for cameras and didn't find any, the only possibility left was that it was a hidden camera. Asking such a question, he could feel Olivia's gaze on him. He knew he was done for. If only she was one of those stupid rich girls who would believe literally anything their boyfriends said, then he would have happily denied being the one in the video. But he was not stupid, he knew the kind of girl he was dating. Even if he denied it and she agreed to believe him, he knew she would investigate it, and if he truly was the one in the video, then what his punishment would be was something he didn't want to know.

"Everett." Olivia called out with anger


Everyone turned to look at Natasha, wondering just what she had to say again.

Natasha stood up and held Riley by his shoulders "We would be leaving you two to settle things among yourselves, we do not like seeing couples arguing. Now if you would excuse us, we shall leave first."

Natasha took a step forward, but stopped when she heard a bang. She turned to look at the only one who would bang the table in such a situation, but was unable to catch a glimpse of her face, since she was already walking away with her girls running after her.

Natasha turned to look at Everett with a very proud smile on her face. She pushed a shivering Riley gently, urging him to move his legs. The students created space for them as they walked out of the cafe. Walking out of the Cafe, she had a big proud smile on her face.