Chapter 45 - 25

Eragon waited for Arya the following morning, leaning against her tree home near the steps leading up to the door. It was early, before the time the two usually met to spar in the elven field. Arya's entrance to her new home was facing away from the rising sun, and Eragon suppressed a shiver, caught in the shadow of the large tree. Saphira had remained behind in his tree home, though their connection remained between the two of them. He could sense her thoughts still, drifting as they were between sleep and consciousness.

His eyesight had long since adjusted to the darkness, but he nearly missed the sight of Arya crossing his vision, her outline barely visible against the darkness. She was silent as always, her footsteps light as she descended the stairs.

"Arya," Eragon said, his voice soft.

The elf startled, her hand gripping the sword strapped to her waist. He realized instantly that she no longer bore her regular elven blade. Instead, Eragon's eyes caught on the emerald set into the pommel of the Rider blade. Arya's gaze finally landed on him, her hand slipping from the hilt of Támerlein. For a moment she stared at him before a bright smile crossed her face.

"Eragon. You surprised me." Arya stated, her smile remaining fixed on her beautiful face. Her eyes trailed over him for a moment, and Eragon blinked when she lightly pushed a strand of hair behind her pointed ear.

"Not nearly as surprising as seeing you with that blade," Eragon intoned.

A small chuckle left her as she took a step closer to him. Her gaze darted around them briefly, before Arya's soft fingers danced across his arm. "Rhunön finished her work on Támerlein. I've never wielded a blade so fine as this one. "

"I'm surprised you managed to convince her." His fingers itched to hold her close to him, but he would keep his promise to let her dictate the flow between them.

"Rhunön knows the importance of my duty, and how great my need was for a blade," Arya countered. "Besides," Arya said, her lips twitching slightly, "I can be persuasive if the situation calls for it."

Her hand fell from his arm, and he nearly lamented the loss. "Of that, I have no doubt."

Arya's eyes danced between his own as they remained close, and he could feel his heartbeat speed up in his chest. Her expression resumed its normal neutral countenance as she asked, "What brings you by so early, Eragon?"

"I'd love to say that I merely sought out your presence," Eragon said, watching as her eyes widened momentarily, "But I wanted to see how Fírnen was fairing."

Instead of answering him, Arya turned her gaze skyward. He heard the steady beat of wings, and Eragon twisted to watch as the green dragon landed next to the tree home. Fírnen must have been off hunting, since he had come from the direction leading deeper into the forest.

As he gazed at the dragon, Eragon slowly realized something was different. Fírnen seemed larger than he had been the last time Eragon saw the dragon, though the differences were slight. Fírnen nearly looked a whole month older than he should, looking to be near six months of age already. He frowned, his eyes jumping between Arya and Fírnen. Dragons grew quickly, especially when they were younger, but it should not have been possible for the dragon to grow so much in nearly two days.

I feel better than I ever have, Fírnen said. His deep rumbling voice always gave Eragon pause, the tone reverberating in his skull.

"I can see that," Eragon muttered. Arya remained still next to him as he examined the dragon, but he felt her hand brush against his lightly. "Is this the result of the magic?"

"It can be the only explanation," Arya answered. Her voice was low, nearly a whisper.

Running a hand through his hair, Eragon met Arya's gaze. "Have you told Oromis and Glaedr?"

The elf shook her head, but it was Fírnen who gave voice to his question. Not yet. We haven't seen either of them since the celebration.

"Oromis is restored," Eragon declared. Arya's brows shot up, surprise flickering across her face. At her questioning stare, Eragon explained all that Oromis had told him yesterday. Her face relaxed as he continued to talk, a small smile taking over.

When he finished, Arya bowed her head. Her dark hair fell over her face, blocking his view of her green eyes. "I am glad," Arya whispered.

He nodded his head, watching as Fírnen bowed his head as well. With Oromis, we have even greater a chance against the oath-breaker.

Eragon did not respond. He knew the true strength of Galbatorix. The hundreds of Eldunarí that the black king held could crush them in an instant if they fought him as they were, but he did not voice his dark thoughts. Arya must have sensed his thoughts somehow, her mouth turning downward at him briefly. It disappeared just as quickly, and Arya did not press him about it.

"Have you eaten yet?" Arya asked suddenly. Her redirection was appreciated, and Eragon shook his head in answer.

"Come," she stated. She gripped his wrist tightly, nearly dragging him as she turned towards the heart of Ellesméra.

A low rumbling came from behind them, Fírnen's steady footsteps keeping pace with them as they continued. Her hand remained on his wrist, though he did close the distance so that he was beside her now. Arya led the way, and Eragon finally voiced his question. "Where are we headed?"

"My mother wanted to speak with me this morning over breakfast," Arya answered. "Now that we are both here, we can discuss when we will leave Du Weldenvarden with her."

Eragon nodded, following her as they approached Tialdarí Hall. Arya chanted the phrase, and the gates parted easily for them. The elf led them down the hall, Fírnen following behind them as they neared what Eragon knew to be the dining area. It had been a long time since he had dined in Tialdarí since it was Evandar who had last invited him.

Islanzadí, surprisingly, was already waiting for Arya. The Queen was seated alone before the large table, food already spread around the table. Eragon spotted ripe fruits, as well as the special bread cakes that elves crafted. Islanzadí's eyes widened at him, but she quickly schooled her expression as Arya led him in. Fírnen had not entered the room with them, but Eragon could sense that the dragon remained close.

He made to move opposite Arya, so that the Queen would be on his right and Arya in front of him, but the steady grip Arya had on his wrist tightened. With a simple tug, Arya bid him to sit next to her, placing herself between him and Islanzadí. She released his wrist, passing him another plate and utensils as they sat.

Islanzadí finally spoke, voicing her surprise. "Eragon-vor, it is good to see you. Arya did not tell me that you would be joining us." The elf glanced at her daughter, and Eragon was unable to comprehend what flashed over the Queen.

Arya inclined her head to her mother, and some silent conversation passed between the two. She said nothing, so Eragon cleared his throat. He felt a sense of tension in the air, and could feel the words nearly stumble out of his mouth. "Arya invited me this morning, your highness. I could not in good conscious turn down the opportunity to dine with you or your daughter."

The Queen smiled briefly at him, but her gazed remained on Arya. Finally, the elf spoke, her words steady in their usual way. "Eragon and I wished to discuss something with you, Mother."

He desperately hoped Arya only wished to discuss their decision to leave the forest, and not anything to do with the two of them. He knew Arya would want to keep whatever burgeoning feelings between them secret, but he did not know if she would share them with her mother.

Islanzadí nodded, her eyes alighting on Eragon. "Very well. Let us eat first. Better to sate our hunger, so that we can discuss what we need to with clear minds."

They ate in near silence, the only words between them of the food before them. Eragon filled himself on the available fruit, not feeling in the mood for some of the sweeter foods the elves often fashioned. Islanzadí's eyes often danced between the two of them, her expression searching. She did not give her thoughts voice, and Arya seemed to completely ignore the looks her mother was giving her.

The food before them all but gone, Eragon sipped gingerly at the goblet before him. It was a simple tea, and Eragon let the brew settle in his stomach as he waited for the two elf women to finish.

By some unconscious agreement Arya and Islanzadí stopped eating, and the Queen turned her attention fully on the pair. Islanzadí made to speak, but Arya was faster. "What did you wish to speak to me of, Mother?"

The Queen glanced at him, shaking her head. "It is not important now. What did the two of you need?"

Eragon answered, hoping to steer the conversation. "Arya and I have decided to leave for the Varden, my Queen."

"You know then that they have reached Surda," Islanzadí stated. It was not a question, but Eragon nodded regardless. The Queen sighed, her face darkening. "Fate it seems, cannot be stopped. Forces are moving, and I do not know the direction the winds will take us."

Islanzadí turned to Arya, "What of your training?"

Arya's eyes slanted, and he could see her straining herself to remain impassive. "I will be able to handle myself, mother. You need not worry over me."

Eragon understood the feeling of an overbearing parent, but Brom had long since stopped trying to control him. It had sparked fierce fighting between the pair before, neither willing to give ground on their convictions. He did not wish the same for Arya, knowing how they had just reconciled after seventy years.

"I will always worry about your safety, my daughter." Islanzadí said. She held up a hand to Arya, who had opened her mouth to retort. "So long as Oromis and Glaedr are satisfied with Fírnen and you, so shall I be."

Arya nodded, her face losing some of the stiffness that had gathered.

Eragon interjected, hoping to allay some of the concern the Queen voiced. "Oromis has told me that Arya has completed her training. Fírnen and her are as ready as they could ever be."

Out of the corner of his eye, Eragon could see a faint smile rise over Arya's lips.

Islanzadí's eyes roamed over his features briefly, the same searching look returning. "Then I can say no more of this. If you wish to leave, I cannot stop you."

Eragon nodded. "What of the elves? Will you march with the Varden?"

The queen's gaze left the pair, fixing on something only she could see. "It has been a long time since any of our kind have set foot in Alagaësia in mass. It will take time to rouse the elves from their slumber, but we are a force to be reckoned with on the field of battle. The Varden will have the aid they requested."

"I am heartened to hear that, my Queen."

"When will the two of you leave?" Islanzadí asked.

Arya glanced at him, and he could feel something pass between them. "As soon as we are able."

"Tomorrow would be opportune, so long as Orik and Glenwing are able," Eragon interjected.

Islanzadí nodded. "As you say, Eragon."

Standing, Eragon bowed lightly to the pair. "I will take my leave, Your Highness. If we are to leave so soon, there is much I must attend to. Thank you for the meal, and your company." He turned to Arya, letting his eyes roam over her beautiful features. "Arya, will I see you at Oromis's hut later?"

She nodded her head, a strand of hair falling from behind her ear. "Yes. Until then, Eragon."

The Queen bid him farewell, and he could feel their eyes on him as he left the dining room. It sent a shiver up his back, only abating when he closed the door softly behind him. Fírnen was lying outside the room, the hall just big enough for his frame. The dragon turned his head towards the Rider, his amber eyes tracking Eragon as he approached.

Eragon stopped before the dragon, letting a hand rest lightly on the green scales. Fírnen hummed lightly, his mind touching Eragon's.

Parting the defenses around his mind, Eragon granted the dragon entrance.

Eragon, there is something I ask of you.

Surprised, Eragon felt one of his eyebrows rise at the dragon. If it is within my power.

Fírnen blinked at him, his amber eyes steady on his figure. Be patient.

His mind blanked for a moment, not understanding the dragon. Only when Arya's faint scent crossed his nose did he comprehend the words of the dragon. The smell of pine needles lingered as he replied to Fírnen. I will not push her. What becomes of us is up to her as much as me.

Good. The dragon sniffed him, and Eragon could feel the breeze from the dragon's nostrils as Fírnen took in his smell. I could think of no one better suited for her then you.

Eragon smiled, feeling a blush forming on his face. Your words mean a lot to me, Fírnen- Finiarel.

Fírnen's mind left his own, the dragon settling back down. Eragon let his hand remain on the dragon's scales for a moment, before bidding the dragon farewell.

Saphira landed in front of the hut, her wings gracefully bring them down from their flight. Arya and Fírnen had not arrived yet, and Eragon saw that Glaedr was lazing in his usual spot next to the hut. Oromis was outside, the elf stretching in the Rimgar as Eragon vaulted down from Saphira's back.

The elf left the third pose, straightening his back as Eragon approached. A soft joy spread inside Eragon. Seeing the older elf able to freely move made him smile as he greeted his old teacher. "Oromis."

"Eragon," Oromis smiled. "I did not expect you or Saphira today. Is there something you needed?"

"Not particularly," Eragon began. "Arya and I spoke with Islanzadí earlier today about leaving. We will be leaving tomorrow if we are able."

We must speak with Orik and Glenwing after, Saphira informed their former teachers. Fírnen has recovered, as is eager to leave the forest.

What has been done to the hatchling? Glaedr asked. The old dragon did not stir as he asked the question, though Eragon could see that Glaedr opened one golden eye as he spoke.

"I'm not sure," Eragon murmured. "They will arrive soon, and you can judge for yourselves."

Oromis nodded, retreating into the hut momentarily. He returned with three stools, so Eragon set them lightly down in front of the two dragons. Saphira curled up in the available space next to Glaedr, her head turned to gaze out on the Craigs. Faintly in the distance Eragon could hear the steady thud of an approaching dragon, though it would be some minutes before the pair arrived.

"Are you ready, Eragon, to face both Murtagh and Galbatorix?" Oromis asked. "Should you leave here, I fear that fate will push you towards them more swiftly then either of us would like."

"I can handle Murtagh," Eragon said confidently. "But Galbatorix? How am I to do what so many others could not? Especially since he has amassed so much power."

The elf nodded sagely. Oromis's eyes were turned towards the two resting dragons. "Galbatorix is a powerful enemy indeed. But even he has a weakness."

Brom had often said the same of facing any opponent. It was often not pure strength that won a fight, but the knowledge one held of their enemy. If he had to face Galbatorix he may not be able to win over his hordes of Eldunarí, but even Galbatorix could not shield himself completely from all magic.

"And how are you, Eragon?" Oromis asked quietly. "It has not been long since you have returned to Alagaësia, only to find your home not the same as when you left."

Shifting in his seat, Eragon let his gaze fall away from the elf. "It has been difficult," Eragon admitted, "But the new friends I have made have eased the loss of our Order."

"I'm glad," Oromis smiled lightly.

The steady rhythm of a dragon's wings grew louder, and the pair turned their heads towards the sky as Fírnen made his way towards them. Neither dragon on the ground sat up at their arrival, but Eragon could see golden and sapphire eyes tracking the flyers. The conversation died as Eragon watched Fírnen land, Oromis's eyes sharp as he took in the growth of the dragon. A small frown marred his old teachers face.

Arya leapt from Fírnen's back, walking quietly over to seated Riders. "Ebrithil," Arya said, "It is good to see you restored."

Oromis's frown disappeared, his eyes lifting as he took in Arya. "Thank you, Arya." He turned to Fírnen, who was now standing before Glaedr. The older dragon finally moved, shifting to take in the dragon. "It seems I was not the only one affected physically by the dragons spell."

The three dragons' minds shielded themselves from the Riders, so Eragon returned his focus to Arya in front of him. When he caught her gaze, he was graced by a small uptick of her lips. Arya sat in the remaining chair, her eyes returning to Fírnen. "He is growing quickly. More so than before."

Oromis nodded. "If the memory of their race was able to restore me, then we must believe that they only wished the best for Fírnen."

"How long do you think this growth will last?" Eragon asked quietly.

The Elder Rider shook his head, and Eragon was able to make out a hint of concern on his face. "I do not know the answer to this. I can only hope that the transformation is subtle, allowing Fírnen to grow used to his new stature. I do not sense any ill intent in the magic, but I would advise the both of you to keep your eyes on his progress."

"Yes, Ebrithil." Arya murmured. Eragon nodded his head as well. Arya continued, her musical voice warming Eragon, "Eragon and I plan to travel to Surda to join the Varden, Ebrithil."

The older elf nodded his head, his gaze dancing between the two. "When will you depart?"

"Tomorrow," Eragon said. "So long as you give leave to Arya and Fírnen."

"You are the Leader of the Riders, Eragon." Oromis stated. "If you think you must return, then that is the course we must follow. Arya and Fírnen have learned as much as is possible for me to teach them in the short amount of time we've had together. But you know as well as I that a dragon and Rider must never stop seeking knowledge, and to consistently try to better ourselves so that we may help those who cannot do so themselves."

The elf sighed, waving his hand at the pair. "But if you need my permission, then you have it." He turned to Arya, his gaze sweeping across the elf. "There are still some secrets that you do not know. But it is not up to me or Eragon to tell you."

A curious expression crossed Arya's face, and when she looked at him Eragon inclined his head towards the dragons. Arya nodded, her gaze following his own. He could see the longing on her face for a moment before Arya schooled her face once more.

"Before you depart tomorrow," Oromis began, "I would ask the two of you to return here. I have something to give the both of you, so that you may be better prepared for the future that certainly awaits you."

Eragon and Arya nodded their understanding, and the three of them said no more. Even the dragons seemed to have concluded their conversation, settling down beside each other in silence.

Eragon found Glenwing and Orik waiting for them outside his tree home. Saphira landed inside the home, so Eragon set about removing the saddle from her. She would hunt later, to ensure she was ready for the journey ahead of them. He wanted to repack his supplies, and make sure that he had everything readied as well.

His guests entered his home without knocking, Glenwing leading the dwarf into his bedroom. The elf inclined his head to Saphira, "Saphira! I look forward to our journey together."

The dragon snorted, her gaze sweeping across the newcomers. I as well. It will be good to have someone to tease Eragon with about his elf.

"She is not my elf," Eragon muttered, turning away from the pair to greet Orik as he set the saddle down on the floor. "Are you prepared to leave tomorrow?"

The dwarf eyed Saphira carefully, no doubt thinking of their upcoming flight. "As best I am able, I suppose. I would vastly prefer to ride on the ground, but I understand our urgency."

"How will we ride? Are the three of us to travel on Saphira?" Glenwing asked. He was gazing at the saddle, and Eragon could see him try to figure out if the three of them would fit on it.

"Tonight, I will prepare an additional saddle." Eragon said, "I imagine Fírnen will be able to carry Orik now, but in the case that he cannot I would rather us be ready."

The dwarf shuddered. "No offense to Arya or Fírnen, but I was hoping to have Saphira carry me. She at least has centuries of practice flying, and that would ease my worry somewhat."

Your words warm me, dwarf, Saphira said, But do not doubt the abilities of a dragon. Even one so young as Fírnen. We dragons are born for the sky, just as you dwarves are born for the rocks of the earth.

The dwarf bowed lightly, though he could still see some worry on Orik's face. "As you say, Saphira."

"So then tomorrow we leave," Glenwing murmured. He seemed downtrodden for a moment, before his expression brightened.

Eragon eyed the elf, and he could see that there was something the elf was trying to hide behind his sudden sunny opposition. Letting it go for the time being, Eragon nodded. "Nasuada and the Varden have reached Surda. They've only recently met with King Orrin, so we may be able to catch up to them before they leave Surda for the Empire."

"Any word from King Hrothgar?" Orik asked.

Nothing as of yet, Saphira replied. She shifted, turning to exit their tree home. I will see you when we are ready to depart, Orik, Glenwing.

Orik and Glenwing inclined their heads to the dragon, watching as Saphira leapt out of the hole. With a powerful stroke of her wings, the dragon was gone from their sight. The sound of her flight faded as she moved further into the forest, and Eragon could feel the connection thinning between them.

He set about unpacking the saddle, rearranging some of the contents inside. Eragon ignored the bag containing the purple Eldunarí, not wanting the others to see the hatchling. Glenwing pulled up two chairs, passing one to Orik as he sat.

"So." Glenwing said. "How's Arya?"

Glaring at the elf, Eragon shook his head. "Why don't you ask her yourself?"

"Oh, I have." Glenwing said. "But getting such answers from her is like wrestling a dragon. Best to keep your limbs where you can see them, and avoid anything sharp."

Orik chuckled, and Eragon couldn't help the slight smile that graced his lips. "One day," Eragon stated, "Arya will finally have enough of your teasing."

"Until then, I will be glad that my head remains attached to the rest of me," Glenwing smiled. "But you have not answered my question. I know the two of you have spoken since your… confession. How are things between you now?"

Eragon glanced at Orik, surprised that the dwarf seemed unfazed by the knowledge of him confessing his feelings to Arya. "Did Glenwing tell you?"

The dwarf nodded his head. "Some. He has loose lips that one, but do not worry. My own will remained sealed."

Eragon inclined his head in thanks, glaring once more at the elf.

The elf held up his hands, shrugging his shoulders lightly. "Forgive me for wanting to have someone to speak to of such things. You still haven't answered my question."

"She is fine." Eragon muttered. "We have spoken, but I will not tell you yet, my friend. I cannot betray her like that."

Glenwing smiled at him, "I know I pry, Eragon, but I really do care for the both of you."

"Yes, I know." Eragon let a smile grace his lips, feeling it turn to a smirk, "How is Yaela?"

The elf glared at him for a moment, before sighing and slouching in the chair. "There is nothing between us."

"So, you have said," Orik countered. Eragon smiled at the dwarf, glad that he was joining him in questioning the elf. "And yet I saw the two of you during the celebration."

"We will be separated once I leave," Glenwing said. "I do not know what she will do."

"She is one of those spellcasters Arya told me of, no?" Eragon asked. When Glenwing nodded, Eragon continued, "Then I think you may see her again before long. If they are as powerful as Arya told me, then I do not think they will sit idly by in Du Weldenvarden."

"Maybe." Glenwing said, his face drawn in. Eragon did not like seeing his friend so downtrodden, but there was little for him to do about it.

Their conversation drifted away from personal affairs, but their seemed to be an unspoken agreement to not talk of what would come after they met up with the Varden. Eragon knew war would begin as soon as the Varden step foot inside the Empire, so he tried his best to enjoy the time he spent with his two friends.

The night faded into morning, the orange light of the sun illuminating Saphira's scales as Eragon waited beside her for the others. He could feel Saphira's eagerness, her claws raking the ground in front of her. She had always enjoyed their adventures, and her desire to leave the forest was reflected in himself. Arya arrived first, Fírnen following in her steps not far behind. They had decided to meet in a nearby open field, situated between all of their homes so that the two non-Riders did not have to venture far.

He smiled at Arya, greeting her softly, "Good morning, Arya."

Arya approached them, and he saw a flash of indecision on her face. In a surprising move, Arya embraced him lightly, and his heart lurched in his chest. Her lithe arms surrounded him, and Eragon could feel his own move to pull her closer.

The embrace between them ended before Eragon wanted it to, but he knew why she pulled away. Her hand trailed from his back to his arm and lightly grasped him. He mirrored her movement with his other hand, letting his eyes roam across her features.

Her face lost the indecision of before, though the smile she graced him with was not as wide as he would have liked. "Good morning, Eragon." Her gaze flicked to his right, and she added, "Saphira."

The dragon hummed behind him, and from the corner of his eye he watched Saphira greet Fírnen. The dragon was adorned with his saddle, and he could also make out various bags already secured with leather straps.

Arya's eyes returned to him, and he could feel himself being dragged under the spell cast by her emerald gaze. Swallowing, Eragon said, "Not that I am complaining, obviously, but what was that for?"

Something crossed the elf's face, before disappearing. "Was it wrong of me to embrace you?"

Shaking his head, Eragon responded softly, "No. Merely caught me off guard." He squeezed her arm slightly, and he had to still his arm from pulling her in closer. Their chests were close together, merely a hair's breadth apart.

Arya's voice dropped, her words barely above a whisper, "We may not have-."

"There you are!"

Eragon and Arya jumped apart, and he could feel his cheeks redden as he turned to face the source of their interruption. The closeness between Arya and Eragon was gone, and he was dismayed by the sudden appearance of their guest. Glenwing was smirking at them, his face bright with glee as he took them in. Arya turned away from Eragon, though he could see her stiffen slightly as Glenwing approached.

"Glenwing," Eragon muttered, "Your timing is always inexplicable."

Saphira and Fírnen rumbled, their combined laughter echoing around him. Thanks for the warning, Eragon said to Saphira.

Her eye merely blinked at him, amusement flowing across their bond. Her glared at her for a moment before turning back to Glenwing. Sighing, Eragon asked, "Are you ready to leave, Glenwing?"

The smile remained on the elf's face, his gazing dancing between the two Riders. "As much as I can be. Tell me, will this be a common occurrence between the two of you? Because I might have to rethink how much I-."

A tail smacked into Glenwing, cutting off the rest of his words. Arya turned and smiled at Fírnen, a small chuckle rising from her as Glenwing attempted to catch his breathe.

"What is with you dragons and violence? I don't know why I'm still friends with you all."

Though the elf's words were low, Eragon could see a small smile appear on Glenwing's face. Luckily Orik had arrived by then, sparring Eragon and Arya from further teasing from the elf. The dwarf eyed the dragon's warily, his pack clutched tightly in his grip.

"A fine morning," Orik muttered darkly. "Who am I travel with?"

Eragon's and Arya's gazes met, a silent conversation passing between the two of them. When she raised a brow at him, Eragon sighed and gestured at the elf. "Arya and Fírnen, if that will work for you Orik."

The dwarf nodded, his head turning towards the green dragon. "And you, young Fírnen? What do you say?"

The green dragon snorted, his eyes lowering to meet the dwarf. His thoughts were broadcasted out to all of them, the deep voice of the dragon sending a shiver down Eragon's spine. I can manage your slight weight, dwarf.

Orik muttered, gazing up at the dragon. His eyes flicked to Saphira, a small smile gracing his features. "At least I do not have to climb up to your saddle, Saphira. No dwarf would be tall enough to climb your shoulders."

A plume of smoke left the sapphire dragon, and Eragon watched as Arya took the pack from Orik and secured it to Fírnen's saddle. Glenwing approached him, bowing to Saphira as he handed Eragon his own pack. "It will be an honor to ride on your back, Saphira."

Don't slip. Saphira said. Eragon chuckled when Glenwing eyed the spikes lining Saphira's back, moving to climb into the saddle. When he was situated Glenwing finally followed up, leaping the distance easily. The elf settled behind him, his arms holding tight to the saddle. Eragon had tied straps for a passenger, and he showed Glenwing how to secure himself incase Saphira turned or inverted them.

When they were done, Eragon cast his eyes over to Arya and Fírnen. Orik was situated in front of the elf, the dwarf using the thongs meant to secure arms as leg braces. Arya nodded at them, so Saphira leapt easily into the sky, turning her form towards the Crags as they rose above the forest.

The journey was quick, and Eragon was glad to see that Fírnen did not seem to struggle with the additional weight. Oromis was already outside his hut, waiting with Glaedr for their arrival.

"Stay here," Eragon murmured to Glenwing. The elf nodded, though he did raise his hand in greeting towards Oromis. The older elf returned the gesture, and Eragon made his way down the saddle and over to them. Arya followed, Orik remaining in the saddle as well. Glaedr moved forward towards the two dragons, greeting the two Riders as he passed.

"Ebrithil," Arya greeted. She performed the traditional ritual, placing her fingers against her lips as she spoke.

Oromis returned the gesture, though the Elder Rider surprised Eragon when he in turn greeted Eragon first. Oromis held two red pouches in his hand, gifting both Eragon and Arya with them. "Eragon, Arya, the both of you leave now to face the Empire in open war. The Varden has been threatened, and Lord Däthedr has only just pierced the veil surrounding Galbatorix's soldiers."

Oromis handed Arya a scroll from the pouch, and Eragon peered over her shoulder to read the missive. It outlined the movements of the Empires troops, and Eragon knew from his own scrying that it would be at least a few more weeks until they were close enough to engage the Varden.

"We should be able to reach the Varden long before the Empire is within striking distance," Eragon stated. "But this is valuable information still. Thank you, Oromis-elda."

The elf nodded. The elf reached into one of the red pouches, withdrawing two bottles. "I have prepared gifts for the two of you. Faelnirv that I have augmented with my own enchantments. It can sustain you when all else fails, but I was only able to prepare a small mouthful for the both of you."

They accepted the silver bottles, and Oromis reached once more into the pouch. He withdrew a belt, the black-and-blue coloring sparking a memory in his mind. The elf studied his expression briefly, before turning and handing the belt to Arya. The elf ran her finger over the belt, and Eragon spotted the interlocking pattern of the Lianí Vine.

"Beloth the Wise." Eragon said. A sense of awe filled him as he watched Arya reveal the twelve diamonds. He could see the shock in her features, and even Eragon felt his breath leave him at the multicolored rainbow that danced from the jewels.

Oromis inclined his head, "You are both aware of the history surrounding this. Guard it well, Arya, lest someone be tempted to steal this treasure."

"Ebrithil," Arya murmured. "Are you sure? Why not gift it to Eragon?"

"Eragon will receive his own gift soon enough," Oromis stated. He turned the conversation away, and Eragon could feel his brows rise as the elf bowed to the two of them. "Arya, there is little else for you to learn. Glaedr and I have taught you all that we could, and anything that remains would not be of help to you in your journey."

"I understand, Oromis-elda." Arya stated, bowing her head.


"May good fortune rule over you," Oromis said to the both of them

"May the stars watch over you," Arya and Eragon said together.

"And may peace live within your heart." The elf nodded, his gaze rising above them as Eragon heard Glaedr approach.

Come with me, Eragon. Glaedr stated. Oromis handed him an empty cloth sack, the material inside smooth to the touch. Eragon frowned, but followed behind the golden dragon.

Arya eyed the two of them, though she remained behind with Oromis as Glaedr led him down a path into the forest. Eragon could feel Saphira inside him, watching their progress as he left their sight. Glaedr led him deep into the forest, far enough away from prying eyes, but close enough for Saphira to sense with her mind.

"Glaedr-elda?" Eragon asked. The dragon stopped suddenly, turning to face Eragon. Golden eyes met his own gaze, and he could feel the dragon studying him carefully. They were covered by the trees around them, unable to see Oromis's hut.

Please, Eragon, speak only with your mind so that none may overhear us. Saphira, stay where you are, but you are permitted to join your mind with ours.

Eragon could feel Saphira's mind stretch out to join theirs, though she still used his eyes for her to watch the older dragon.

I have decided to give you my heart-of-hearts, Saphira Brightscales, Eragon Shadeslayer.

Stunned, Eragon nearly dropped the bag he was griping. Are you certain, Glaedr-elda?

Saphira's astonishment dwarfed his own, and he could feel her longing to join them in person. Glaedr, you honor us beyond words… Are you sure that you wish to entrust us with your heart?

I am. For many reasons. The two of you already know the dangers of a dragon disgorging their Eldunarí, and you have done well in helping the purple hatchling. Now that Oromis is restored we will feel the call of destiny before long. This will allow us to communicate from anywhere in Alagaësia, and I will be able to lend you both my strength, as well as my knowledge.

Eragon understood the benefits that holding Glaedr's Eldunarí would have, especially were he to face Galbatorix or even Murtagh. But a dragon disgorging their Eldunarí was not something to be taken lightly, and it would also mean that Glaedr would live long after his body had fallen. How does Oromis feel about your decision, Glaedr-elda? Eragon asked softly.

He understands my reasoning, and agrees with it. We've had centuries to reconcile ourselves with the fact that we may one day part forever, but such is the way of the world. Glaedr's head lowered in front of Eragon, turning so that one massive eye could focus on him directly. So now I ask, Saphira Brightscales, Eragon Shadeslayer, will you accept my gift and all that it entails?

I will, Saphira answered.

I will, Eragon echoed.

Glaedr raised his head, and Eragon watched as the dragon's throat convulsed. Glaedr's abdomen rippled, and Eragon could see that something was making its way down the dragon's neck. The convulsion's continued, the frequency increasing the longer it went on. Eventually, Glaedr widened his stance, bring his head down in front of Eragon. He held out his arms, ready to catch the Eldunarí as Glaedr opened his mouth. Heat poured out, and Eragon peered inside the massive maw. A hint of gold gave him some warning, and Eragon suddenly had his hands grasping the Eldunarí tight.

The sudden contact with the Eldunarí surprised him, and he saw Glaedr flinch as well. He could feel Glaedr's entire being, thought and emotions swirling clearly before him. The dragon shook his head as through he had been struck a second time, shields quickly rising between them. Even with his mind withdrawn, Eragon could still feel a flicker of emotion pouring through his contact.

Glaedr's Eldunarí was large, reflecting the age of the dragon. It was nearly three the size of the purple hatchlings' Eldunarí, covered with hundreds of sharp facets and measuring nearly a foot in diameter. It was slippery from saliva, but he could still feel the warmth of Glaedr's entire being held in his hands. Saphira was watching carefully through his eyes, his own sensations flowing steadily across their bond.

A dull light shined within the Eldunarí, golden in hue and pulsing intime with Glaedr's thoughts and feelings. Holding the Eldunarí carefully in one hand, Eragon gently slipped the soft cloth sack Oromis had gifted him. The second his hand left the Eldunarí Eragon could feel the connection between Glaedr and himself disappear, his Gedwëy Ignasia tingling. Holding the bag in his hands, Eragon bowed deeply to Glaedr.

"Thank you, Glaedr-elda. Your gift means much to Saphira and I," Eragon said.

We will guard your Eldunarí, Glaedr-elda, with great care, Saphira swore.

The golden dragon snorted, and Eragon saw a faint tremor run down the dragon's neck. If it comes to it, Eragon, Saphira, do not sacrifice your lives for my own. Oromis and I are prepared if such a thing should happen, and I will not have our hopes die alongside the both of you.

Eragon nodded, his hands tightening around the cloth covered Eldunarí. Eragon began casting wards around the bag, using the same ones that concealed the purple Eldunarí on Saphira's back.

We understand, Saphira responded for the both of them.

Glaedr shook his head once more before turning, heading back towards the others. Eragon made sure the Eldunarí was secured tightly in the bag and the wards were in place before following. Glaedr had already returned to Oromis's side, settling down lightly on the ground by the time Eragon finally made it back.

Arya was strapped in to Fírnen's saddle, her eyes watching him carefully as he carried the sack towards Saphira. Her eyes held her curiosity at the bag he was holding, but she did not give voice to her query. Oromis nodded his head towards him, his own gaze following Eragon carefully. Eragon leapt up Saphira's back, inclining his head to Glenwing.

The elf raised an eyebrow at the sack in his hands, murmuring his question softly, "What is that?"

Shaking his head, Eragon eyed the elf carefully, "Do not open this bag, Glenwing. You must swear to Saphira and myself that you will never pursue the knowledge of what is hidden here unless we tell you."

Glenwing's eyes flickered between him and the bag, before glancing over at Arya. "Does she know?" Glenwing had lowered his voice, low enough that Eragon could scarcely make it out.

"Not yet. Please, Glenwing," Eragon implored.

"I swear." Glenwing stated.

Sighing with relief, Eragon opened the bag containing the other Eldunarí, glad that the purple hatchling was concealed under more cloth. He gently lowered the Eldunarí down, his hands shaking as he let go of the large jewel. He carried two Eldunarí now, though he was hesitant to draw upon their power. Glaedr would gladly lend his strength should Eragon ask, but the purple hatchling only offered up its own energy when Saphira was in peril. She was the only one to truly grow close to the hatchling, often sharing her memories with the young one whenever she found the time.

He secured the bag tightly, whispering the spell that would keep the saddle bag shut. Glenwing shifted to the side, allowing Eragon to make his way around him towards the front of the saddle.

Oromis and Glaedr were standing between Fírnen and Saphira, and the elf bowed at the waist to them. "Safe journey, all of you. Know that you all leave with the Blessing of Oromis, last scion of House Thrándurin."

Glaedr extended his neck, touching his nose to Saphira before moving to Fírnen. Remember to keep your hearts safe, Glaedr intoned.

Arya and the others gave their farewell, and Eragon could see even Orik was saddened to depart from the older Rider. Eragon raised a hand to Oromis, watching as the elf smiled at him before holding his own up in return.

Saphira leapt from the Crags, her wings carrying them towards Tialdarí Hall. They would meet with the Queen briefly before finally beginning their journey. Fírnen caught up to them, and Saphira let the smaller dragon fly ahead of her. Arya glanced at him as they passed, her expression once more showing the impassiveness Eragon had long ago grew accustomed to seeing.

Fírnen landed in the enclosed gardens, moving to the side so that Saphira could land as well. Both dragons were careful not to disturb the any of the plants, and Fírnen crouched low after Arya departed, allowing Orik to climb down his flank easily. Eragon leapt straight off of Saphira, Glenwing following gracefully behind him.

Arya was talking to a male elf Eragon did not know, how bowed to her before disappearing inside. Not even a full minute had passed when Islanzadí emerged, her expression tight as she approached them.

They greeted the Queen in the proper way, and once all formalities were complete did Islanzadí grace them with a small smile. "I see that you are all ready to depart. I would have liked for you all to stay longer in our city, but I understand the necessity of such urgence."

"We've come to pay our respects before leaving, Your Majesty." Eragon bowed lightly, and even Saphira dipped her head lightly. "You have been most considerate in your hospitality, as well as the help you have given to the Riders. As the Leader of the Riders, I am in your debt."

The elven queen waved her hand in the air between them. "Never in our debt. I already told you once, Eragon Shadeslayer, that we have only repaid a little for our failure in the Fall. When you return to the Varden, please convey my royal salutations to Lady Nasuada and King Orrin and inform them that our warriors will soon attack the northern half of the Empire. If we are fortunate enough, we can divide Galbatorix's forces and strike a blow at the Black King."

Eragon nodded his head, bowing to the Queen. "We will, Your Majesty."

Saphira thanked the Queen as well, and with a final bow Eragon backed away from the others, though he remained close enough to hear their conversation. Orik thanked the Queen, and Islanzadí told the dwarf to pass along her greetings to King Hrothgar. Orik bowed, moving to stand next to Eragon as they waited for the others.

Glenwing was next, twisting his hand over his sternum in the ancient elven tradition of fealty. Their voices were low, and Eragon could only make out a few words. Glenwing nodded, his face twisting briefly before he thanked the Queen, his tone returning to its normal volume.

Glenwing joined them, and Islanzadí and Arya stepped further away from the group. Eragon raised a brow at Glenwing, his silent question apparent. The elf's brows were furrowed, and his gaze was unfocused. "The Queen says that she has dispatched twelve spellcasters to Surda. They are to be under your command, and that I should join with them when they do."

Twelve spellcasters? Eragon thought. Blinking suddenly, Eragon realized something. "Blödhgarm's spellcasters?"

Glenwing nodded his head, something flashing across his face. When the elf said nothing else, Eragon continued, "Will she be with them?"

"I don't see why not," Glenwing answered tightly.

Raising a brow at the elf, Eragon glanced over at Islanzadí and Arya. They were conversing quickly, but even Saphira was unable to make out their conversation. "Is that a problem?" he said to Glenwing.

"For you? No." Glenwing muttered. "For me? Maybe."

"The two of you seemed quite close during the celebration," Orik stated. "Did you open your mouth and scare away the elf?"

Glenwing scowled at the dwarf, who only chuckled lightly. "No." The elf sighed, "But she is much older than I and I am unsure if that will be a problem."

"Eragon is older than Arya," Orik smiled. "It doesn't seem to bother them."

"We have our own difficulties, Orik. But I ask that you keep that to yourself." Eragon stated. He crossed his arms, leaning against Saphira. His eyes remained on the Queen and her daughter, who had finally stopped talking and embraced lightly. "Arya and I are friends first and foremost, and no one can know how we might feel for one another. To many things rest on our shoulders, and we both swore that we would place our duties first."

The dwarf nodded, and Eragon turned to Glenwing. He did not like his friend's tight expression, the sight tugging at something inside him. Placing his hand gently on the elf's shoulder, Eragon squeezed lightly, "You will figure it out. Remember your own words to me."

The elf nodded, smiling weakly at Eragon. Saphira nudged the elf with her snout, humming lightly. A true smile graced Glenwing's lips finally, heartening Eragon.

The sound of footsteps drew him, and he turned to watch as Arya returned to them. Islanzadí trailed behind, but Eragon could not read either her or her daughters faces. With a nod to him, Arya leapt up Fírnen's back. Taking the cue, Eragon climbed into Saphira's saddle, feeling the slight shift of weight as Glenwing settled lightly behind him.

Fírnen crouched down again, Orik climbing steadily up his back. The dwarf muttered to himself as he maneuvered around Arya, and he felt Glenwing chuckle behind him.

Holding a hand up to Islanzadí, Eragon called out a farewell to the Queen. Islanzadí said nothing, her gaze locked onto Arya as Fírnen straightened himself. Saphira roared, leaping high into the air. Her wings carried them quickly above the tree line, her body twisting as she banked lightly with the wind. A roar sounded beneath them, and Eragon saw from the corner of his eye Fírnen following behind.

Saphira turned to the south, winging her way steadily as Fírnen quickly caught up to them. Eragon glanced over at Arya, only seeing her furrowed brows as they flew swiftly towards the Varden.