The route towards wicca forest:
My whole body was covered in sweat as I dragged my body towards the tree infront of me.
Right now I was in a field of grass, with trees surrounding me, it was simply magnificent,
The grass seemingly perfectly cut though no human activity was present here and the sunshine further complimented their beauty as it shone.
'If I continue I will reach the wicca forest in about an hour.'
I removed my helm, a day had passed since the incident with Hecate but now I seemed to have overcome it.
My long black hair dropped down towards my neck and I had to move them out of my face due to the obstruction.
'My brother advised to shorten it for convenience but I kinda like my long hair.'
It was something I took pride in, though I'm not very handsome I'm also not too ugly and in a year I will enter my twenties.
I'm not exaggerating but I am a bit better than most.
I closed my brown eyes shut, relaxing for a moment but the grunts and footsteps didn't allow it.
'It is here.'
I sighed, today's food was found but I would rather be starved than eat that.
'Well there's nothing I can do about it.'
I opened my eyes as I found myself face-to-face with a huge bear.
'Arcas bear? Did a ursa minor appear last night?'
I stood up, and I removed my claymore from its sheath and took up a defensive stance.
Though the bear looked normal, the long tail on its back certainly wasn't normal.
'Eating an Arcas bear is said to be one of the most idiotic ways to die.'
In my younger days, young men who had eaten the Arcas bear and the woman who had eaten the Castello bear are said to be transformed into them when the ursa minor and the ursa major appears on the sky respectively.
Normal bears could also become a arcas or Callisto bear.
'They are commonly called the cursed bears.'
The legends said that a woman named Callisto seduced a god with the help of black magic and successfully bore his child.
After the process, the god was said to be in rest for two decades until he was able to move his body again.
And during those years, his illegitimate son became a ruler and his mother his in a forest in fear of the god's return.
'Inshort they were punished by him and were banished from the world, forever cursed to wander the cosmos.'
I took out my leather waterskin and held it towards the sky.
The bear's attention was caught on and it's eyes immediately went to my waterskin.
'The god didn't let them get away with only that though, he made sure that they were forever thirsty and they were unable to descend to the world to quench their thirst.'
'An endless torment.'
I saw that the bear was foaming in it's and I didnt take any more time as I threw it to the side.
The bear's attention on me was gone as it shuffled towards the waterskin.
He ripped it apart, wanting to taste it for the first time in his life.
A lot was wasted due to his impatience but he didn't care, all he wanted was a sip.
And finally cold and fresh droplets of water landed on his dry tongue.
But almost immediately, the water evaporated leaving his tongue sticking out in a hilarious way.
But to him it wasn't in anyway hilarious.
He closed his mouth and lowered his head, staring at the ripped waterskin and the small water puddle formed around it.
It was very quiet, I could've used this opportunity but I decided to watch.
The bear opened his trembling mouth once again,
Sticking out his dry tongue and he started to aggressively lick the muddy puddle.
Although this amount of water couldn't quench his thirst, he just wanted to taste it, he never knew where this obsession came from.
He knew his body didn't need water to survive anymore but this obsession served as a phantom pain, reminding him of the time he was a normal bear.
But unlike normal thirst, this one was different as if it was almost a frenzy.
Similar to before, the water evaporated and all he could taste was dry dirt.
Maybe it was really hilarious that the woman who promised to stay a virgin which meant freedom was now binded by the curse of thirst together with her son.
It was said that water symbolises purification.
The bear stopped and he may have sensed my presence from behind.
'I will die if I give him anymore time.'
I didn't take any more chances as I raised my claymore and slashed in down the bear's neck,
Detaching it from his body.
The bear had time to react but he didn't, what if he killed this human? Will that quench his thirst? Will it release the trapped constellations?
Although he was not the real Arcas, the moment he became an Arcas bear he was already considered as an avatar.
He gave up, returning back to his mother's embrace.
I stood there watching the blood puddle becoming bigger and bigger as dying breaths were heard from it's severed neck.
"The gods like toying with mortals right?"
I asked not expecting an answer and an answer I didn't receive.
He was already dead and all that left was a bear corpse.
I sighed and started to work on it, I could sell its skin and bones atleast.
The story of Callisto was a rather famous story but I don't believe it.
'Well I do but I don't believe the mainspread one.'
How could a mortal, maybe she was a nymph but not a real God ever dare to seduce a god?
And using black magic? Was a god so lowly to be affected by witchcraft used by a lesser being?
Gods who are said to be the most powerful of them all and they hold wisdom incomprehensible by mortals.
Then if they act so childish what are we supposed to do?
Beat them?
Stop them?
I sat there for an hour, working on the bear and even though I couldn't eat it, the food I brought would last me for a few days.
I stood up while storing my pocket knife back into my belt pouch.
I stored as much as goods in my pilgrim bag and sheathed my claymore.
I looked up towards the sky, towards where the heavens are said to reside.
These petty acts of gods don't really correlate with their image as the most wisest and and powerful entities right?
'Are the wisdom of gods on the same level as us mortals?'