Chapter 19 - eighteen

"Then, when I thought all hope was lost, Queen Crystal herself possessed me and told my old Alpha to let me go," I explained to the ninja at dinner. Right after the moonstone event, I quickly left, saying my farewells to Storm and quickly going to collect the Ninja where we left them. I turned my head to look at Wu who didn't even seem to be paying attention. He hasn't spoken much since I told him what happened. His golden eyes were lost in thought, though I seemed to be the only one to notice as Lloyd continued telling his side of the story. 

Kai smiled. "See, Paws? I knew you fit in with us," he said.

I scoffed. "It's good to see you in your right mind again, Kai."

The red ninja smiled and crossed. "It's good to be back. Also, I don't think I'll ever eat another hot dog again."

"Wait, so what are we going to do about the snakes if we can't get another flute?" Cole asked.

I turned and watched at Wu spoke for the first time in a while with a shake of his head. "I don't know," he sighed. Foxstorm was out only hope for an extra advantage. We'll just have to do without her. How did the mission go with Pythor?"

Jay laughed. "We kicked their ass!" he exclaimed. "We did that little rumor trick Lloyd and Liz taught us and it seemed to do the trick. For now."

"We need to be prepared," Wu said, looking at his folded hands. "Liz, we also must train you up so you can find your power. We're going to need every hand we can get."

I nodded as Lloyd turned to Wu determinated. "What can I do, Uncle?"

Wu sighed. "You can help me with chores around the Bounty, there's much to be done."

Lloyd groaned, but didn't fight back. "Yes, Sensei."

I brushed my tail on the back side of Lloyd's calf and sent him a reassuring smile, and Lloyd returned a week one back.

"You all should get some sleep," Wu addressed everyone. "Pythor will not rest until he gets what he wants and unites the tribes. We stopped him today, but he will try again. I'll see you all in the morning."

I watched as everyone stood up from the table and waited to follow Nya back to our room, watching Lloyd solemnly go back with the boys to go sleep. My ears fell and I sighed, earning a sad smile from Nya. "He'll find his place," she said to me, leading me through the doorway in front of her. I looked up with a gasp as I saw the large room was now filled with two beds. I had a dresser and boxes just for me and I was speechless.

Nya chuckled lightly and rested a hand on the small of my back. "It's yours, Liz. Welcome home."

I forced a smile up at her and went to go take a seat on my very comfortable bed. But I couldn't help but think... why would they let me have all this stuff? I was not one of them. Not physically anyways. Sometimes I wish I could rip my ears off and my tail along with them. People would stop staring at me, they'd stop judging me, they'd finally let me live in peace. But these are the cards I was dealt with. Maybe whatever my power is could help me figure out what to do about all of that. But that's for another day. Right now, all I want is just to sleep.

Pythor P. Chumsworth

Outside of Ninjago City

I hissed at the sand bellow my scales. It burned from the sun and rubbed under my scales, but oh, how I've missed it. My anger burned through my veins as the sun kept beating. It had to be here somewhere. My talons ached as I shoveled yet another chunk of sand to no avail and I cried out in anger.

"What are we even looking for again, Pythor?" Skales hissed as he slithered down the ramp of sand leading to our very large hole in the sand, carrying an empty bucket to get more sand.

"The Lost City of Ouroboros!" I hissed at him, turning back to my work. "It's around here somewhere, I know it!"

Skales sighed dramatically. "We're just waisting the days playing in the sand," he remarked. "How do we even know this place exists?"

I scoffed. "You read the scrolls of our kind's history, didn't you? The legends? The myths?"

Skales glared at me. "Like I'd spend my time reading on fairytales." 

I glared back. "Well, allow me to enlighten you with one," I said, starting to dig again, hearing the crunching sand under my voice.

"Centuries and Centuries ago, when the dragons ruled in Ninjago, one of the dragon clans made territory here in this very desert." Crunch went the sand as I continued. "Queen Thorn, the first Queen of Thornclan, created a city called Ouroboros. It was made a a neutral meeting spot for the other leaders, including those of the Serpentine. However, when the dragons fled and the Serpentine started to get forced underground, Queen Thorn hid the city from the humans in order to protect it so that one day, the Serpentine might return to their power and that their legacy could live on."

"Well, now that's a lovely story that you made up." Skales rolled his eyes as I made another crunch. "You really think the dragons were friends with us? You're even more mad-"

Clank. Clank. Clank. I gasped, using the shovel to push away the sand from the hard resistance. Skales quietly looked over my shoulder, seeing a handle stick out of the sand surrounded by a circle of brick. I took my talon and wrapped it around the handle, turning it counterclockwise, earning a gasp from the sand as it roared and shook, causing Skales and I to tumble down. As I looked up, I watched as the city, my city, rise from the forgotten sands. Skales's eyes were wide in shock as buildings upon buildings appeared from the ground. Under us was a large circle surrounded by raised stands like an arena where just ahead of us, watching over the clearing, was a large statue of a snake. The snake and its open mouth showed off its four large fangs, resembling the Great Devour. 

"This, Skales is how we will unleash the Great Devour."

I threw my head back and laughed, letting all the anger get lifted off my shoulders as I cried into the air and I didn't care who the hell was able to hear.

 Lizabeth Wolfadeer

The Bounty

I could feel the tension in the air. It was like a rope being pulled to its limits. One wrong thing, one more tung, and the rope would snap. I could snap it, if I wanted to. I could reach out and touch it with my hand, brushing along its fragile ends with my fingers. I could feel its power in my veins as I felt the worn strands. My hands trembled at the touch, it was too great, too powerful. I was pushed back by a rush of force, and I lost my control.

I startled Wu with a gasp as I came out of my trance and tried to breathe. Those were my powers... the ones I wasn't ready for.

"Did you find them?" Wu asked me.

I shook my head. "I couldn't grab hold of them," I answered, standing up from where I sat on the ground. "Maybe I'm not supposed to have my powers yet. Or what if my powers don't want me to have them?"

"Liz, listen to me," Wu said, resting his hand on my shoulder. "You are extraordinary as a Ninja Hunter. After the purge, everyone lost touch with your kind. Refused to remember, to protect your history. We're all learning here, but once we do, the Ninja Hunters that come after you will know who they are, what they are, and how they can be the best they can."

I started at the man in subtle shock and felt my ears fall. "But what if this gift isn't for me?"

Wu narrowed his eyes. "Queen Crystal wouldn't have spoken through you in the Celestial Clearing that night at the Gathering if this gift wasn't for you."

I looked back into his eyes, into his soul, it was like I could grab onto it. I could feel what he felt, his mind was my mind. I searched for truth in him and that's all I could find. So, I sighed, no point in fighting it.

Wu gave me a small smile as he backed away with his staff in hand and walked towards the door. "Why don't you go find Lloyd? I knew he was looking for you."

I nodded and waiting for Wu to leave the room before I sighed and sat back down on the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest. 

Your powers are calling to you, Lizabeth. It was that voice again...

You just have to keep reaching for them.

Maybe it was right. I just need to keep climbing higher. When I finally, decided moping around isn't going to do me any good, I sat up and went on the hunt for Lloyd. I walked through the halls and could still smell the dust on the wood, I'd need to probably clean that soon. As I got closer, I could hear and feel the vibrations on the ground from the Ninja training and assumed Lloyd was probably with them. I made quick work down the hall until I finally reached the room. 

When I walked inside, I saw the Ninja sparing with each other. I can't explain what I felt when I started to hear Lloyd coaching them. He was teaching them what I taught him in the Hypnobri tomb.

Lloyd's face lit up when he saw me and waved me over. I smiled back as I stared at Kai and Jay who were trying to wrestle each other, definitely not quite how you're supposed to do it, but not bad for learning it from a beginner. My smile grew a little wider as I pounced at Kai and Jay. Using my left leg, I wrapped it around Kai's and with some extra momentum, I pushed my shoulder into his and pulled him them rest of the way with my leg to the ground. Blowing the hair that fell in front of my face, I quickly grabbed Jay's arm that was swinging towards mine and pulled him over Kai, using my right hand to pull Jay's right leg, pushing him down. However, due to my smaller size, Jay got his foot hooked around my waist before he fully fell and pulled me down with him.

I laughed once as I pushed off the two on the ground and pulled my hair back as Cole and Zane were clapping behind Lloyd.

"Nice move with the leg, Jay," I said, walking towards Lloyd.

Jay scoffed. "Yeah, like you didn't just hand our asses to us just now."

I shrugged. "Got to give credit where it's due."

Jay quickly got up, not bothering to help Kai as he walked towards Lloyd and I. "When you get older, you'd probably be stronger in your legs," he said, before he stuttered at my raised brow. "N-Not that you're weak or anything, you're quite strong for a young girl like you," he said, earning a flick in the back of the head from Kai. 

"Save your breath, it might just save your ass," he said, walking past Jay.

"Little Lloyd has been teaching us some... what's it called?"

"Jujitsu," I answered, trying to find the best way to pull my hair back. Lloyd watched as I gave up and walked back to Kai and Jay.

"Jujitsu is usually used when you're in a bad spot on the ground and can get you out of some messy situations. My favorite part about it is that no matter the size you are, you can still manage to win."

Cole scoffed. "I'm sure I could take you easily, Paws," he said with a smirk. I sighed at the catching nickname and turned to face the ninja with hands on my hips. "Wanna bet?" I challenged with a smirk.

Jay grabbed onto Kai's arm and started to shake it. "This is going to be SICK!" he said.

The sound of footsteps alerted me early of Sensei Wu's presence as I watched Cole start to step closer to me.

"What's going on in here?" Wu asked when he finally reached the door. Jay just smirked.

"Cole thinks he can beat Liz in a fight," he said excitedly.

Cole tossed his head, earning a bounce of his black hair with a shit eating grin. He was ripped with plenty of muscle that a Sunblood probably shouldn't have and was probably almost two times taller than me. His wide shoulders could cage me but with men this big and a girl this small, there will be plenty of gaps to squeeze through. "What are we putting on the table?"

"Dishes," I responded, extending out my hand. "For a month."

Cole stared in my eyes with his chocolate ones and shook my hand. "Deal."

The hoodie I usually have around my waist is gone, my small hourglass figure would be hard to grab onto securely due to my small torso. I made sure to remember the I did indeed have ears and a tail that could and will hurt if I'm on the ground and that they are quite sensitive. I quickly recite every important thing I learned when I trained back home and I was ready. The ninja's black gi would be great for grabbing onto and his hood could be used against him, that was until he pulled it onto his head.

The fit I wore was different than his and wasn't exactly a gi. It was basically a giant hoodie with a ninja hood, a black belt, and baggy pants. The looseness of the clothes could be used as a disadvantage but the robe like design of Cole's gi brought back the advantage to me.

Cole steps forward, slightly crouched, arms raised. As a Ninja, he's probably going to rely more on power and strength than my techniques.

"Ready for this, Liz?" he asks with a grin, rolling his shoulders.

I simply smirk as Cole, eager to prove himself, lunges, reaching out to grab my upper body. I waited until he was just close enough for me to sidestep smoothly, pivoting one foot around to shift my center of gravity away from Cole's direct line of attack, allowing me to push my elbow against his arm. The simple push redirects his momentum, causing him to stumble a half-step.

Cole seemed to realize that brute force wouldn't get him anywhere and attempts a low grab around my waist, probably trying to lift me. However, when he clasped his arms around my torso, I could feel his arms weren't secure. Quickly, I slipped and looped my right arm under Cole's left, trying to hook behind his shoulder while also placing my left hand on his wrist. Then with a slight shift of my hips, I managed to sweep one leg behind Cole's supporting foot, hooking it off the ground. Using the momentum of his attempted lift, I manage to topple him sideways onto the hard, and still dusty, wood floor, earning a groan from the ninja and groans of sympathy from out audience. I smile as I hear Nya's approach and turned to the others as she made her way into the room.

"I haven't used any of my strength yet, just simply leverage and angle," I told them.

I smirk again as Cole wasn't go to let me take him down this easily. On the ground, I watched as he tried to wrap an arm around my leg to unbalance me, however I simply stepped over his body so I was on top and dropped my weight low, maintaining control of his arm with minimal effort. In a fluid motion, I get his arm into a partial armor position and turned to the Ninja again.

"Secure one join and limit your opponent's movement." I told them while I felt Cole try to resist against me, receiving nods. "Even a smaller fighter can dominate if they position correctly. Struggle all you want, Cole, but your arm is locked."

The black ninja grunted and tried to roll free which resulted in me applying gentle pressure to keep him pinned in place. After he sighs in defeat, I pat him on the back and let him go.

Jay snickered. "You're getting absolutely schooled by a child, Cole," he said with a giant smile on his face.

Cole narrowed his eyes at the blue ninja before turning back to me, a little embarrassed.

I smirked. "I'll give you another try," I suggested.

Kai scoffed. "Like he needs one."

"Don't loose an arm in the process," Zane teased. I didn't even know Zane could tease.

"Come at me, Cole," I said, blowing the hair from my face again.

Determined, Cole rushed towards me and pulled me into a quick and tight bearhug around my midsection, easily lifting me off the ground. Staying calm as I felt his sturdy arms around me, I quickly shift my hips sideways, easily using my small size to slip through those holes and was able to hook a leg just above the inside of his knee while pushing my forearms under Cole's chin. With a swift twist, I break his form, forcing him to lower me so he didn't loose his balance. As soon as my feet get close to the ground, I push into Cole's chest, roaring my body behind him in a half-spin.

Using a hooking motion with my foot behind his knee, I'm able to topple him backwards. I then go in to choke him but I release it immediately to avoid hurting him. Flashes from the forest with Jay fill my mind when I was hypnotized, I'm not letting that happen ever again.

Cole quickly taps my leg, signally that he's conceding as he pants. "Alright, you were right! You got me."

"And remember," said Wu with a smile, "You get dishes for a month."

The group laughs as Cole groans and I feel an odd feeling in my stomach. It's... happiness, a sense of safety. Home.

These people were... my home. I haven't had a group to laugh with, to hang out with. I never had that in my childhood, but now I do. People said I had my whole life ahead of me and they were right. I smiled to myself and then walked up to Lloyd and the others, grateful for everything they've given me and what the future will bring...