Chereads / Thick Of It / Chapter 32 - Hogwards Express

Chapter 32 - Hogwards Express

Snape swept into Dumbledore's office, his robes billowing like a storm cloud. Fawkes stirred slightly on his perch but settled quickly, observing the scene with mild interest. Dumbledore, as serene as ever, gestured for Snape to sit.

Snape: "Headmaster, I assume you've spoken to all involved in this latest... fiasco. Could you enlighten me as to why the school has once again been turned into a battlefield?"

Dumbledore: [leaning back in his chair, eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles] "Ah, Severus, it seems that Voldemort has tried yet again to claw his way back into our world. His persistence, if nothing else, is remarkable."

Snape: [sitting stiffly, his expression sour] "Remarkable isn't quite the word I'd use, Headmaster. Do you have any idea how he keeps managing this? Or shall we chalk it up to his 'remarkable persistence' yet again?"

Dumbledore: [dodging the question gracefully] "I have a few ideas, Severus, but nothing substantial just yet. Merely threads of thought, waiting to be woven into a clearer picture."

Snape's lips pressed into a thin line, unimpressed by the evasive answer.

Snape: "And what of the Jason boy? The ritual he was caught up in seems more than just an unfortunate accident. There are... implications."

Dumbledore: [steepling his fingers] "For now, I think it best we keep this matter under wraps. If the Ministry or the school governors catch wind of it, they'll undoubtedly find a way to make things worse."

Snape: [arching an eyebrow] "And the ritual itself? Surely it can't simply be brushed aside like a rogue potion explosion."

Dumbledore: [nodding thoughtfully] "Indeed not. I've examined the boy closely. His magic is fighting against the remnants of the ritual. His reserves are nearly depleted, indicating a internal struggle. But I believe he's managing—for now."

Snape: [leaning forward slightly, his curiosity piqued] "The effects of such a ritual can't be so easily undone, Albus. This is hardly child's play."

Dumbledore: "Which is why I'd like you to add a few drops of phoenix tears to his potion regimen." [Dumbledore retrieved a small vial filled with shimmering liquid and slid it across the desk to Snape.]

Snape: [his eyes narrowing as he picked up the vial] "Phoenix tears? A rare remedy for a rather... common student. What makes this boy so special that you would go to such lengths for him?"

Dumbledore: [smiling slightly as he leaned back] "He risked his life to save young Ginny Weasley, and his actions seem to have earned a certain fondness from Harry. That alone warrants some of Fawkes' precious tears, don't you think?"

Fawkes let out a soft, approving trill, as though endorsing the decision.

Dumbledore: "More importantly, I want you to keep an eye on him, Severus."

Snape: [with a smirk] "Surely you don't think he's a perfect companion for Potter, do you? The last thing we need is another reckless person tagging along with him."

Dumbledore: [his tone growing more serious] "Jason isn't quite what he seems. He's already undergone some Occlumency training."

Snape: [startled, his dark eyes narrowing further] "Occlumency? A muggle-born? At his age?"

Dumbledore: "It's nothing advanced, mind you, but enough to make him aware if someone were to use Legilimency recklessly. His guardian appears to have some magical knowledge."

Snape: [leaning back, intrigued] "And do you know who his guardian might be?"

Dumbledore: [shaking his head] "No, not from any of the pureblood families, I'm certain. If they were, they'd hardly have bothered with Occlumency training for a muggle-born boy."

Snape: [tapping his fingers on the armrest of his chair] "Curious. Very curious indeed. I'll keep an eye on him, as you've requested. But if he steps out of line—"

Dumbledore: [smiling warmly] "I trust your judgment, Severus. And if nothing else, you may find him... an intriguing study."

Snape stood, pocketing the vial of phoenix tears with a soft swish of his robes. He cast one last calculating glance at Dumbledore before sweeping out of the office.

Fawkes let out a low coo, as if to say, This will be interesting.

Dumbledore: [to himself] "Indeed, Fawkes. Very interesting indeed."


The Hogwarts Express chugged along the tracks, the countryside whizzing past the windows of their compartment. Inside, the mood was light and conversational, tinged with the relief of the school year ending on a rather chaotic note.

Hermione: [leaning back with a sigh] "I've never seen Ron happier than when Dumbledore announced we wouldn't be having exams this year. Honestly, it was like Christmas came again for him."

Jason: [smirking] "He did look like someone had just told him his loan debts were forgiven."

Ron: [grinning but indignant] "Hey! Don't team up on me. Jason, you weren't all smug when Malfoy cursed Hermione in the hallway. I had to step in there!"

Hermione: [rolling her eyes] "Excuse me, but I studied all year for those exams. I wanted to give them."

Harry: [grinning] "Ron's got my back on this one. We all passed, didn't we? Isn't that the happy ending?"

Jason: [leaning forward] "Passing without exams is like winning a match because the other team didn't show up. Feels hollow."

Harry: [mock dramatic] "Mate, I've proven myself enough this year. I don't need to prove anything else."

Ron: [pointing at Harry] "Right, Harry! You tell them. Some of us are field players, not bookworms."

Hermione: [shaking her head] "Oh, stop riding Harry's coattails, Ron. You didn't exactly overexert yourself in the library."

Ron: [pretending to be offended] "I studied more this year than ever before!"

Jason: [with a sly grin] "And practiced spells with what? That wand of yours was practically an explosive waiting to go off."

Hermione: [nodding] "True. Speaking of things that went off, Lockhart was an absolute fraud? Honestly, I still can't believe it."

Jason: "Called it from day one."

Harry: "He did seem suspicious, though. All those 'autographs' and endless tales—never backed by action."

Ron: "Yeah, he was good at one thing—making things worse."

Jason: [nudging Harry] "And you, mate, seem to have a love for spending time in the hospital wing. At this point, Madam Pomfrey should name a bed after you."

Harry: [grimacing] "Don't remind me. The memory of regrowing my bones still haunts me. Worst night of my life."

Hermione: "You're not the only one, Harry. Jason spent his fair share of time in the hospital this year too." [turns to Jason] "How's your skin now?"

Ron: "Yeah, mate, how's it holding up? You're not molting, are you?" [laughs]

Jason: [rolling his sleeves up for show] "All good. Back to normal. Nothing to worry about."

Jason kept his thoughts to himself, summing it to his reactive adaptation ensuring his recovery.

Ron: "So, what are you lot planning for the summer? My family's been talking about a holiday—we might actually go somewhere nice this time. Fingers crossed."

Jason: [excitedly] "We've got a proper adventure lined up. The Ravenclaw lads and I are going on a cycling trip around England. It's going to be epic."

Hermione: [smiling] "That sounds fun. My parents are taking me to France. We'll be exploring Paris, seeing the sights... maybe a vineyard or two." [laughs softly]

Harry: [shrugging with a small smile] "Nothing planned for me, as usual. Back to the Dursleys, I suppose."

The mood in the compartment dipped slightly as Hermione and Ron exchanged sad looks.

Jason: [cutting through the tension] "Alright, no need for the pity faces. Harry, why don't you join us on the cycling trip? Let me talk to the lads—I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have you along."

Harry: [brightening] "Really? You wouldn't mind?"

Jason: "Mind? Mate, you'll be the talk of the trip. Besides, it's about time you got a proper summer holiday."

Ron: [grinning] "Good on you, Jason. Now I feel bad—I'm just going to eat my weight in homemade pies while you're all adventuring."

Hermione: [teasing] "Well, Ron, you'll need a vacation after all that 'studying' you did this year."

The group laughed .