Chereads / Ascending the World Tree / Chapter 14 - Slime

Chapter 14 - Slime

As I walked through the town there was a modest, unassuming place, tucked away at the end of the highway. Even at this early hour, the other NPCs' shops overshadowed his, their vibrant displays and bustling activity making his almost invisible. On a wooden plank atop his shop "Gear Collector," a shop that would collect used gear and sell it for cheap.

As I approached, he looked up, his eyes tired but sharp. "What have you lost?" he asked, his voice raspy and worn from countless interactions.

"My family," I replied, feeling a pang of sorrow as I said it.

"And what do you need from me?" he inquired, leaning forward with curiosity. 

"Whatever you can offer," I said, still puzzled by the exchange and wondering where it would lead.

What is the most important item in an RPG? Some may say health potions, others may say skills. But in my opinion, the most important item is gear. You can have really high-level skills, but without the right gear to increase stats, those skills will be useless. 

"If you can get me a slime armor set... for my collection," he continued, "I'll reward you."

"I'll get that for you right away," I smiled at him.

"Come back at exactly this time any day, and I will give you your reward," he said, shaking as he handed me a small dagger that he said I could keep.

The dagger was small, raised on both ends, and barely seemed capable of killing a fly. The one that I had been given was infinitely better yet I still took the dagger tying it to my side

The ambiance of the city this early in the morning was peaceful. Many players and NPCs were still asleep. Those who were awake had already left for quests. If I hadn't seen the city the other day, I would have assumed the city was abandoned.

The main gate was closed. I left through a side door that was open. I didn't plan on returning soon, and by the time I came back, the main gate would be open. 

Slimes are a peaceful infestation. No one knows where they come from or how they get here, but that doesn't matter much to most because they provide an infinitely renewable resource for NPCs and players alike. The guild usually buys slime drops for reasons only a select few truly know. As I looked across the plains, a nearby slime approached me. It was gray.

A slime's color is determined by one of two factors: either it absorbed a skill from someone, or it was born with this skill. Slimes of this nature are usually the color of the magic they possess, such as white for ice or yellow for lightning. Those that absorb their skills are typically gray because they often take on melee skills.

A small slime. A small slime crawled towards me. The slime crawled towards me at a snail's pace before finally reaching me and stopping at my feet.

Aww, I thought. It's just a cute little blob.