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The wife gave up the child for her first love


Chapter 1 - After five years of preparing for pregnancy, the wife was about to give up the child for her first love. After the divorce, she cried loudly, "Let's start over."

经过五年的怀孕尝试,我的妻子伊莎贝拉终于得到了她怀孕的好消息.然而,因为她的初恋 Ethan 快要死了,她居然想放弃我们的孩子,为她的初恋留下一个后代."你能不能再宽容一点?他快要死了.帮他延续血脉有什么错?不久之后,与我并肩作战多年的公司伙伴 Stella 在街上向我透露了她的感情.我的妻子伊莎贝拉泪流满面地恳求我:"你会为了那个荡妇而抛弃我们的母子吗?我无奈地回答:"我不能无奈地看着她走到最后.它只是获得证书.你不能心胸宽广一点吗?"你刚才说了什么?要流产我们的孩子,给伊森一个地方,让他有个后代?我瞪大眼睛盯着眼前自以为是的伊莎贝拉,感觉自己真的是第一次真正了解她.伊莎贝拉的旧情人伊森几年前出国深造时甩了她,这给了我娶她的机会.我明白初恋的魔力,所以我把所有的注意力都放在伊莎贝拉身上,愿意为她做任何事情,就好像我可以为她摘星星一样.结婚后的第二年,我们开始计划要孩子.到现在已经过去了五年.我几乎放弃了希望,正在考虑收养一个和伊莎贝拉的孩子.没想到,今天早上上厕所时,我在垃圾桶里发现了一根两线的验孕棒.那一刻,我激动得跳起来,让伊莎贝拉转了好几圈.我的梦想终于成真了.有一个爱我的妻子和一个可爱的孩子,我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的男人.但我万万没想到,当时的我是多么的兴奋,现在的我是多么的冷静.我知道伊森生病了,看起来相当严重.但我从来没有想过,伊莎贝拉会牺牲我们来之不易的孩子,只为完成伊森的遗愿.我盯着伊莎贝拉看,脸色变得煞白.然而,她似乎并不在乎,随口说道:"这只是个孩子.我们可以在中止后再有一个."但伊森已经收到了危重疾病通知.他没有多少时间了.这是他唯一的愿望.你不能更理解吗?只是一个孩子?她说得那么轻描淡写!这个孩子不就是我们爱的结晶吗?再说了,就算他死了,跟我又有什么关系呢?不是我让他生病.现在他只说了一句话,就要我放弃我们辛苦赚来的孩子.这怎么可能!最重要的是,伊森以前已经抛弃了你.你应该直接拒绝他,打他一巴掌.你为什么来询问我的意见?这太荒谬了!我对伊莎贝拉非常生气,以至于我直接拒绝了她."不,我不同意.我们为这个孩子受了太多苦.我们怎么能因为他就放弃呢!」"为什么他必须让你帮他生孩子呢?就因为你是他的初恋吗?我不知道是伊森疯了,还是伊莎贝拉就是忘不了他,不忍心拒绝他.但突然间,我想起了什么.我今天早上清理垃圾时发现了验孕棒.这是否意味着,如果我没有看到它,伊莎贝拉根本不会告诉我她怀孕了?她会偷偷流产孩子,然后去实现伊森的愿望!想到这里,我冒出了一身冷汗.我看着伊莎贝拉,她似乎被我的话打动了,她的脸色来得非常难看.她皱着眉头,转身走出了门."亚历山大,嫁给你真是太无聊了.你从来不理解我."我告诉你,我已经决定了这件事,没有人能改变它."了解你吗?我们已经结婚七年了.我们是夫妻!你说你想流产我们的孩子,为你的初恋腾出空间.我怎么能理解你呢?想想看.哪个男人能承受如此巨大的侮辱?门被锁上的声音让我回过神来.我赶紧上前,用力敲了敲门."伊莎贝拉,开门.那是我们的孩子.你不能就这样中止它.我不同意."我们是夫妻!伊莎贝拉,你是不是就这样无视我的感受呢?请开门!隔着门,我又听到了她冰冷而不耐烦的声音."亚历山大,你不能再慷慨一点吗?伊森快要死了.我为他生孩子有什么错?由于 Ethan 的疾病,我和 Isabella 在过去的六个月里几乎没有见过面.我对他既感到同情,又感到怜悯.但这并不是伊莎贝拉提出如此无理要求的理由.我紧紧抓住门把手,试图让自己冷静下来,我的声音里充满了恳求."亲爱的,拜托了.你肚子里的孩子,就是我们五年努力拼搏的结晶.他还没有出生.你要就这样放弃他吗?门外的喧嚣一时停止了.我不确定伊莎贝拉是否曾短暂地犹豫过.然而,她的脚步很快就坚定地消失了.门砰的一声关上了,我感觉自己仿佛失去了灵魂,瘫倒在地上,我的心像被刀刺伤一样疼痛.我不明白为什么伊莎贝拉会变成这样.我们以前是那么的深情.像所有的恋人一样,我们会依偎在一起看电影.下班后,我们会手牵手走在街上.有时候,当她看到我太累时,她会为我准备一些小惊喜.我很高兴我有这样一个温柔,慷慨,善解人意的妻子.但自从 Ethan 病重回来后,这一切都发生了变化.因为信任 Isabella,所以当她第一次开始联系 Ethan 时,我并没有太在意.但慢慢地,我注意到有些不对劲.伊莎贝拉以前总是询问我的意见,现在几乎不再与我交流.她会早走晚归,有时她会连续几天都见不到.尤其是在我生日那天,因为伊森打来的电话,伊莎贝拉赶来在大雨中陪他三天三夜.面对我的质问,她哭着说我不信任她.我自责,感到内疚,认为是我的嫉妒导致了这一切.所以,我对她更好,凡事都屈服于她,就好像我想在自己的脖子上套上一条链子递给她一样.但目前的事实让我看到了真相.她只是从未忘记过伊森.即使因为他们七年没有见面,她对 Ethan 的感情也变得更深了.否则,她怎么会同意他无理的要求呢?我苦笑了.我的心慢慢变冷.七年来,我一直把她宠爱在手心里,但我无法与曾经抛弃她的人相比.由于他们如此渴望复合,我决定退居二线.我想拿起电话给伊莎贝拉打电话.告诉她我们应该离婚,我会让路给伊森.但我的手机被她留在了门外.我生气地敲门,但没用.我记得卧室的阳台紧挨着客厅的阳台,中间只有一堵墙.我咬紧牙关,走到阳台上,以空调室外机为跳板,跳进了客厅.就在我拿起电话准备给伊莎贝拉打电话时,我看到了伊森发来的照片.照片中,伊莎贝拉穿着病人的长袍躺在病床上,即将被推入手术室.但她看着镜头时脸上的表情充满了幸福和温柔.Ethan 还给我发了一条信息."亚历山大,我真的很抱歉!我试图说服伊莎贝拉,但毫无用处.她决心为我生个孩子."我只是随口说了一句.我太惭愧了,我没能阻止她!我咬牙切齿地看着我的手机,仿佛能透过屏幕感受到 Ethan 得意的眼神.以前,我和伊莎贝拉去医院看望了伊森.他让伊莎贝拉当着我的面给他喂粥.在和伊莎贝拉谈笑风生时,他还不忘用讽刺的眼神盯着我.那时,我已经看穿了他的真面目.但那时,我和伊莎贝拉的关系已经非常紧张了.我一次又一次地忍受,但最终还是得到了这样的结果.虽然我迫不及待地想撕下伊森虚伪的面具.但为了孩子,我还是拨通了电话.电话一直响着,但没有人接听.我冲下楼,跳上我的车,直接开车去医院,路上不断给伊莎贝拉打电话.就在我快要走到手术室门口的时候,电话终于打了进来.我心中闪过一丝希望,以为她改变了主意.我急切地恳求道:"亲爱的,求求你,不要这样做..."但我还没说完,电话那头就传来了 Ethan 关心的声音."对不起,伊莎贝拉,让你因为我而受苦."我的头嗡嗡作响.我还没来得及说什么.然后,伊莎贝拉温柔的声音让我觉得自己仿佛掉进了冰窖."一点也不难.与你所遭受的相比,这算不了什么.伊森,我愿意为你做任何事情!我突然苦笑起来,泪水不自觉地从眼角滑落.那么,我是不是太晚了?我结婚七年的妻子,为了实现初恋的愿望,就要亲手结束我们孩子的生命!如果她的初恋还健康,是不是意味着我随时都可能被抛弃?我的心里充满了失望,我觉得眼前的世界已经失去了颜色.初恋真的让人难以忘怀!我把电话放在耳边,松了一口气说."伊莎贝拉,我们离婚吧!"然后我挂断了电话.我发呆地开车回家.在路上,我想了很多,回想起我和 Isabella 第一次在一起的甜蜜时刻,以及我们相爱的日子.但回忆得越多,我的心就越痛.从伊莎贝拉以前看我的眼神来看,我可以确定她曾经爱过我.但自从伊森回来后,她的心又回到了他身上.既然如此,她当初为什么要嫁给我呢?我默默地收拾好衣服,把所有的东西都放进一个手提箱里.我发现,在这所房子里住了七年后,我所有的东西都可以装进一个不那么大的手提箱里.就在我快要推着行李箱走了,伊莎贝拉回来了.她的脸色红润,看起来根本不像是刚做过手术.她脸上的笑容在她看到我的那一刻消失了.她皱着眉头看着我."你在干什么?离家出走?"亚历山大,如果你能像伊森一样成熟,我就松一口气了!"成熟?在伊森回来之前,她一直说我很成熟,很体贴.为什么她一回来就变了?就因为我不同意她为初恋生孩子,想和她离婚,我就不成熟了?好吧,那我宁愿不成熟!我没有回答她的问题,只是说:"明天民政局见.然后我继续向门口走去.本以为她会很乐意放手,没想到,她突然用难看的表情挡住了我的去路."亚历山大,你怎么敢!我只是想实现 Ethan 的愿望.你怎么听不懂我呢?一开始我并不想理会她,但听到这句离谱的话后,我忍不住冷笑起来."明白你吗?我怎么能理解你呢?用我孩子的生命,用我头上的戴绿帽子,来成就伊森的愿望?对不起,我没有那么慷慨!"当你真的怀上了 Ethan 的孩子时,我们应该怎么做?我父母应该怎么做?然而,伊莎贝拉却漫不经心地说."伊森快要死了.你为什么对他这么认真?反正只要我们不提,谁都不会知道.这些话听起来很不错,但我的自尊呢?如果伊森真的死了,我不是必须永远生活在一个死人的阴影下吗?当她想到这些事情时,她根本没有考虑我的感受.我完全失望了,真的不想再和她说话了.尽管她用愤怒的目光看着我,我还是把她推到一边,离开了这个曾经充满温暖,但现在只给我带来痛苦的家.因为我的父母不住在这个城市,我不得不暂时坐出租车去朋友家住.看到我,我的朋友很惊讶,问我为什么这么突然来.我不好意思把真相告诉朋友,只说我和伊莎贝拉吵了一架.这时,我朋友脸上犹豫的表情引起了我的注意.坐在沙发上,经过我反复询问,朋友终于把真相说了出来.原来,他的妻子在 Ethan 接受治疗的医院工作.三个月前,她曾看到伊莎贝拉和伊森彼此深情.但当时,距离太远了,她不确定是不是他们.另外,她担心在我和伊莎贝拉之间引起冲突,所以她没有告诉我.他的朋友安慰我说,也许他的妻子看错了.但只有我知道我心里到底在想什么.我以为得到确认后,我会感到难过,愤怒或心碎.但出乎意料的是,我现在出奇地平静.我明白那是因为我对伊莎贝拉的心已经死了.当她放弃我们的孩子并告诉 Ethan 他是她最关心的人时,他们再也没有可能了.我咬紧牙关,把真相告诉了我的朋友,并让他帮我检查一些事情.这时候,我已经不在乎自己的脸了.我只是想知道他们之间发生了什么.他的朋友很快愤愤不平地同意了.一个星期转眼就过去了.在这段时间里,我一直忙于工作,而伊莎贝拉则没有也联系了我.直到我父母打电话告诉我他们已经到了这个城市,我才想起来.之前,当我发现 Isabella 怀孕时,我已经告诉了他们,他们甚至邀请了 Isabella 的父母一起庆祝.想想两位老人曾经多么盼望着自己的孙子,现在孩子已经走了,我感到满满的愧疚.我不敢告诉他们真相,怕他们承受不住打击.正当我在思考如何向老人们解释时,被我遗忘了很久的伊莎贝拉突然打来电话,她一开始就开始严厉地责骂我."亚历山大,你怎么这么健谈?谁让你告诉他们的?"我告诉你,你不能告诉他们这件事.否则,我就和你离婚!我冷笑着挂断了电话.离婚?她又用这个威胁我了吗?以前,当我抱怨她总是跑向 Ethan 时,她曾威胁我离婚,说我心胸太狭隘,嫉妒一个病人.但现在,考虑这些事情已经不重要了.无论如何,我一直想和她离婚.那是晚上.当我到达酒店时,我的父母正在和伊莎贝拉的家人愉快地聊天.伊莎贝拉坐在一旁.当她听到我父母问起她和孩子时,她根本没有表现出任何内疚.相反,她轻轻地抚摸着自己的肚子,看起来非常高兴.看到这一幕,我不禁感到厌恶.但因为伊莎贝拉的父母以前对我真的很好,出于对他们的尊重,我没有直接揭露伊莎贝拉.我只是默默地吃东西.直到他们在吃饭时开玩笑说要我给孩子起个名字,我再也忍不住了.看着两边老人期待的眼神,无视伊莎贝拉在桌子底下拉扯我的衣服,我苦涩地说出了真相."妈妈,爸爸,岳父,岳母,不再需要这些了.""伊莎贝拉流产了我们的孩子,只是为了给她的初恋腾出空间,为他生一个孩子.""我知道这对你来说会是一个很大的打击,但我还是忍不住说出来.妈妈,爸爸,感谢你们这些年照顾我,不记仇.但现在,我要和伊莎贝拉离婚.老人们的希望在那一刻冻结了.他们难以置信地看着伊莎贝拉.伊莎贝拉意识到她不能再隐藏它了.她先是生气地瞪了我一眼,然后咬紧牙关为自己辩护."别相信他的胡说八道.我没有流产,也没有所谓的初恋.看,这是我几天前做的 B 超报告.她从包里拿出一张 B 超片,递给我父母.然后,她再次将矛头转向我."亚历山大,你有什么权利诽谤我?我不知道你是从哪里听到这个谣言的.我快要离婚了.你让我失望了.面对长辈们怀疑的眼神,我对伊莎贝拉冷笑一声."是的,你没有堕胎,因为你肚子里的孩子根本不是我的,而是你的初恋伊森的!"箱子里顿时一片寂静,老人们被这个消息吓了一跳.Only Isabella suddenly raised her head, looking at me, her face full of disbelief. My father-in-law asked me eagerly, his voice full of shock and confusion. "Alexander, you can't talk nonsense! You are husband and wife. You can't listen to gossip and slander Isabella." The family of Isabella had a strict upbringing. Her father and mother were both university professors. They had always taught Isabella to respect herself. If what I said was true, it would be even worse than a nightmare for them, these upright old people. I looked at my father-in-law, who had always been very kind to me, and tried to speak, but I couldn't bear to continue talking. But the truth is the truth. After a week of investigation, my friend had put all the evidence in front of me. There were videos of Isabella and Ethan leaving the hospital to check into a hotel, and there was also evidence that they couldn't help being affectionate in the hospital. What made me feel even colder was that Isabella started buying long-term contraceptive pills at the pharmacy five years ago when we started preparing for pregnancy. That is to say, we didn't have children not because of our physical problems, but because Isabella didn't want to have children for me at all. Now that Ethan was back and the person she cared about the most appeared, she had the plan to have a child, and this child could also let me take the blame. Thinking of these, I felt so cold because of Isabella's deep scheming. If it weren't for my insistence on the bottom line, they might have already found an excuse to help Ethan have a child. Fortunately, I held the bottom line so that they had to take tough measures. This also completely woke me up. Although I didn't say it clearly, my embarrassed look still let my in-laws understand. My father-in-law looked at the silent Isabella and couldn't help raising his hand to hit her. But after all, she was their beloved daughter. My mother-in-law stopped my father-in-law in time and asked Isabella with tears in her eyes. "Isabella, speak up. You tell us, tell Alexander, that these are all false." My father-in-law had tears in his eyes. "And ask what this unfilial daughter has done. If it was false, she would have defended herself long ago." "She has ruined the family traditions!" With that, my father-in-law sighed heavily and bowed to my parents. "I'm sorry to you! In-laws, I never expected to have raised such an unfilial daughter." We quickly stepped forward to hold him. My father didn't say much but just quietly comforted him. "In-laws, no one wants this to happen. It's not your fault." "Let them handle their own affairs. Let's go and have a drink." My father-in-law, with tears on his face, waved his hand to my father, saying that he had no face. Then, he ignored the silent Isabella and pulled the crying mother-in-law away. My parents exchanged a look and sighed deeply. I realized that this had hit them hard, so I planned to take them away. Unexpectedly, just as we were about to leave the box, Isabella, who had been silent all the time, suddenly shouted. "Alexander, is this the result you want? You are so cruel. You've ruined me and my family!" Was it me who was cruel? You were the one who did those shady things. And yet you accused me of being vicious. I left the box directly with my angry parents, leaving a word as I left. "You deserve it." I took the evidence to the court and filed a divorce lawsuit. I didn't want to maintain my marriage with Isabella for a moment longer. While waiting for the court's judgment, my life returned to its former calm. I didn't want to always trouble my friends, so I rented a house. I didn't want to go back to that home that had brought me so much pain and disgust. At the same time, I also wanted to completely erase Isabella from my memory and life. That day, when I was working in the company. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and then someone came in. "Mr. Alexander, we're still busy. Could we have dinner together?" Smelling the familiar fragrance of gardenias, I didn't need to look up to know who it was. I joked. "Ms. Stella invited. How could I dare to refuse? Otherwise, if you withdraw your investment, I'll have nowhere to cry." "By the way, what's so special about today? Why did you suddenly invite me to dinner?" The person was Stella. She was my company's partner and also my college classmate. We had known each other for ten years. Her family was wealthy enough to be on the Forbes list. And thanks to her, our company was able to go public smoothly. I had some guesses about why she helped me, but I thought it was impossible. After all, with her prominent family background, she could find any kind of man. How could she take a fancy to me, an ordinary person who was about to get divorced. So, I could only think that she regarded me as a friend. Stella smiled and sat down across from me, holding her cheeks and looking straight at me. "Don't joke. Today is my birthday. Otherwise, how would I dare to ask you." I just realized it then and felt a bit guilty. Before, because Isabella was jealous, I had always deliberately kept a distance from Stella and didn't dare to have any contact outside of work. At that time, I thought Isabella cared about me and was just strict with me, and I was even happy about it. But now I understood that she just wanted to control me. Thinking of Stella's usual help to me, I had never celebrated her birthday or even sent her a gift. Thinking of this, I wanted to sincerely apologize to Stella. But as soon as I looked up, I met her eyes that were as clear as water, and I couldn't help but be moved. After staring for a long time, I noticed Stella's smiling eyes. I came back to my senses and quickly lowered my head. Stella smiled softly, told me the address, and left. As night fell, I arrived with a carefully prepared gift. There were only the two of us. Since I was already there, I could only sit down, although my heart was in a turmoil. The soft melody sounded, and the conversation with Stella became relaxed, and our laughter came one after another. However, a familiar but harsh cry interrupted our pleasant time. "Alexander, I really didn't expect you to be such a person. Is it this little vixen that made you divorce me?" I frowned and looked back. As expected, it was Isabella, and her best friend was standing beside her. Her best friend had a dirty mouth, full of sarcasm towards me and Stella. I didn't want to pay attention to them at first, but today was Stella's birthday, so I directly said to them, "Enough!" "Do you have to make trouble? Don't bother us when we're alone!" My cold tone seemed to provoke Isabella. She seemed to want to get angry, but suddenly, as if she thought of something, she stroked her belly and showed a wronged look. "Alexander, how could you do this to me? There's your child in my belly." "It must be this fox who confused you and made you abandon our mother and son, right?" Isabella's identity as a pregnant woman and her aggrieved expression made the people in the restaurant start to point at us. I was amused by Isabella's words. Why hadn't I found her so shameless before? Wasn't she afraid that I would expose her? Just as I was about to tell the truth, Stella smiled at me. She took my hand and walked out without a word. Isabella and her best friend chased after us, still with foul language in their mouths. I wanted to take Stella to the car, but she let go of my hand and walked to the busy road. The traffic roared by, but Stella showed no fear, just staring at me affectionately. "Alexander, they're right. I'm a fox, and I've liked you for ten years. Now, I'll give you a choice. Either marry me or I'll die!" Stella had drunk some wine and was a bit drunk. I was worried that something might happen to her on the road. Without hesitation, I interrupted her. "I agree!" After calming her down, I stopped a vehicle, ran to her side, and hugged her tightly. At this moment, I understood her heart and also understood why she didn't let me defend myself. Because even if I presented the evidence, as a pregnant woman, Isabella would still be on the moral high ground. Even though the law was on my side, in people's gossip, I would still be the man who betrayed his wife's feelings. And what Stella did was equivalent to taking all the responsibility on herself. As a man, why shouldn't I accept her confession? I felt so happy to have such a woman who thought about me and loved me. Isabella looked at us in disbelief and immediately panicked. "How could you do that!" "Alexander, I'm your wife. Are you going to abandon our mother and son for her?" I raised my head from Stella's neck, with a troubled look on my face. "I can't just watch her die for me. I'm just getting a marriage certificate with Stella. You're so tolerant. You're even willing to give birth to someone else's child. Surely you can understand me." Isabella was left speechless by my words. She turned around and left with her best friend. Stella and I smiled at each other. Thanks to Stella's assistance, the evidence against Isabella was presented to the court. The divorce lawsuit ended quickly, and Isabella left empty-handed. It wasn't until that moment that I understood from Isabella's last look why she had come to the restaurant to find me. Perhaps she was worried that after Ethan died, she would have neither support nor financial resources, so she wanted to bind me with morality. However, Stella saw through her trick and took the opportunity to show her feelings for me. But by that time, I had no intention of getting entangled in those troublesome matters anymore. Since I had accepted Stella's confession, I decided to focus all my attention on her. I would show my care for Stella with ten times the effort that I had shown for Isabella. During this period, our feelings grew rapidly, and I finally felt Stella's thoughtfulness. She would remember my preferences, know what I was allergic to, and prepare a hot dinner for me after a tiring day. When I was sick, she would take good care of me, remind me to take medicine on time, and cook nutritious porridge for me. These were things that I had never experienced with Isabella. Although she had been nice to me at that time, she never remembered these details, and she had never even cooked for me. I initially thought she might have forgotten or been too busy. But now I realized that the person she really loved was never me. Just when I thought that I would never have any intersection with Isabella again in this life, she actually showed up at the door of my current house. In the newly purchased house, I was surprised to look at the disheveled, almost crazy-looking Isabella. "What's wrong with you?" Isabella suddenly burst into tears and knelt down in front of me, begging. "Husband, I was wrong. I'll go and abort the child now. Let's start over, okay?" Husband? Once it was the name I longed to hear, but now it made me feel sick. Stella sneered and waved her hand. "Don't do this. The man standing here is my husband. How can you call him that?" "How come you've changed so suddenly? Before, you were still defending the child of your first love. Is he dead?" I didn't respond but just quietly watched Isabella. She looked very flustered and kept picking at her hands. After seven years of marriage, I knew this was her habit when she was nervous. Stella looked at her with contempt and turned on her cell phone. "Is it because of this?" The cell phone clearly showed Ethan being taken away by the police in a hospital gown. His face was full of panic, but there was no sign of a patient's weakness. Isabella immediately pushed the phone away. "Take it away." She sat on the ground, crying, seemingly unable to bear the blow. And I wasn't surprised at all, because it was I who had Ethan put in prison. That day, Stella brought me the investigation materials on Ethan. I found out that Ethan wasn't sick at all. He just owed gambling debts abroad and returned to the country to seek refuge. He pretended to be ill to get close to Isabella, just because he had his eye on my wealth and wanted to cheat money from me. Before that, he had already cheated several rich women. With the evidence I provided, Ethan was soon arrested. Presumably, Isabella came to me because she saw that her only support was gone. I said calmly. "Isabella, if he hadn't pretended to be sick and cheated you, you wouldn't have admitted your mistake to me." Isabella repeatedly denied it, with a pleading tone. "No, actually, I've always loved you. If you don't believe me, I'll go to the hospital to have an abortion right now, okay?" I had never seen such a humble side of Isabella. I shook my head. "No need, Isabella. There's no possibility for us anymore." At this time, Isabella's parents came over and looked at me, with a complex expression on their faces. I felt a bit embarrassed. I could ignore Isabella, but for these two kind old people, I still had great respect. They told me that Isabella's mental state had become abnormal on the day Ethan was arrested. She had been immersed in her own fantasies and couldn't get out. This time they didn't watch her closely and wouldn't let her bother me again. I sighed and told them that I would visit them at home often. Then, the two old people patted my shoulder and left with Isabella, who had been murmuring to herself. Since then, I've never seen Isabella again, and I heard that her parents sent her abroad. And Stella and I have lived a happy life. We also have a lovely pair of children. (The End)