Alex went to their matrimonial room after eating the delicious food sharon bought for him.When he entered the room Sharon brought up the topic of marriage again.She said to Alex"darling,when we getting married,I can't wait".Alex smiled and said to her "we are getting married next three month".Sharon shouted happily in surprise"what,are you really serious?,I love you so much".Sharon hugged Alex so tightly.
Alex was actually planning a secret wedding.This was because if Stephanie knows about it has conscience will judge him and if Stephanie knows about it whatever little feelings she still has for him will die completely.So Alex is scared of making the wedding public.Alex still has some hidden feelings for Stephanie that he cannot control.Alex want to keep the wedding private because he remember when Stephanie left without signing the divorce papers,this always made Alex to think that she has plans of coming back.
By the end of the month Alex printed just few invitation cards but Sharon was bothered to know why the cards were few.She asked Alex "darling, why are the invitation cards very few om number?".Alex replied"baby it's because I don't want too many people in our wedding,you know I am a famous people in this city,I don't won't to many distractions from people, especially in social media ".
Sharon paused for some seconds and she said"Alright,but I hope you are not planning to prevent people from knowing that I am getting married to you?".Alex replied"No baby,I am not hiding you,I can proudly introduce me as your wife in front of your family,places and all your friends?".
Alex answered"yes I will boldly do that because I love you". Sharon replied"Alright ".By the end of the month they started send intivation cards to few people that Alex only wanted.Catherine was also invited but she was told not to tell anyother person.Sharon's wedding gown had already been ordered form a big boutique shop by Alex.The place of the wedding reception has already been hired and paid for.
As time went on Catherine the house help had already started working by cleaning the house.Sharon commands her and sometimes shouts on her for any little mistakes.Sharon hated her appearance because of the kind of faded clothes she puts on and because she sees her as just an ordinary house maid.