In the sprawling industrial fantasy world of Callos, where Callo-powered machines and aethercraft innovations drive progress, Victor Crowley becomes the most wanted man on the continent. Framed for the assassination of a high-ranking Zavorskian official during a fragile international summit, Victor finds himself pursued across Zavorsk, Kalendra, and Xinqi by ruthless bounty hunters, armies, and the shadowy 13 Omens of Province.
The Omens, enigmatic figures of immense power and influence, rule the continent from behind the scenes. Each represents an elemental force of life, from Suffering to Glory, weaving their agendas into the fabric of society. But as Victor delves deeper into his hunt for the truth, he uncovers a conspiracy that reaches beyond the assassination—a plot tied to the continent's history, its resources, and the dark secrets of the Omens themselves.
With every step, Victor faces dangerous trials and unexpected allies, encountering two Omens in each leg of his journey. Some will test his mind, others his body, and a few his very soul. As he battles these forces, Victor must decide what he’s willing to sacrifice: his own humanity or the fragile peace of the continent of Eryndor.
Fugitive of Fortune is a tale of injustice, survival, and the relentless pursuit of truth. It weaves a complex narrative of intrigue and rebellion set against a backdrop of steampunk innovation, mysticism, and industrial warfare. Will Victor clear his name and dismantle the Omens' stranglehold on Eryndor underground, or will he fall prey to the machinations of those who framed him?