Chereads / This doesn't feel right....(Yandere primarch gf(?)) / Chapter 7 - The Emperor of Mankind

Chapter 7 - The Emperor of Mankind

Hathor strode to the dining table where those two primarchs changing their atttention to newly arrival Hathor.

"My, seem like our dear guest finally woken up. Sanguinia did you find him first?" Hathor asked, in truth she know that Sanguinia is the first to find yet not the first to sneak around him.

"Yes" Sanguinia replied shortly, her perfect plan to spend the day with him is ruined by the women in front of her and now another challenge approach. "What do you want?"

Hathor taken aback by Sanguinia's sudden change of personality. normally Sanguinina is one of the most friendly out of her sisters, seeing her become bluntly and nearly hostile toward her is both surprise and scary.

'My' Hathor thought 'Jared, you seem to change her into another person' Hathor glare at Jared who meekly enjoying his little meal tried not to intervern with those 3 demi-god fighting each other.

"Mmm..." Hathor's melodic giggle sent shivers down Jared's spine. "Nothing at all, dear sister. Just ensuring our precious mortal is well-cared for."

Jared's pulse quickened with mounting anxiety. Hathor's presence alone commanded absolute submission - while all the divine sisters held that power over him, her particular brand of control reached into the deepest recesses of his being. Every time their gazes met, he felt his very essence yield to her will.

"How are you faring, Sergeant?" Hathor's bronze eyes captured his, and Jared felt himself becoming entranced. His body turned to stone under her hypnotic stare, truth threatening to spill unbidden from his lips. But before she could extract his secrets, the intercom crackled to life.

"Lady Hathor, urgent astropathic communications await you on the bridge." The announcement shattered her possessive hold, her entrancing gaze finally freeing him. Jared collapsed against his seat, desperately gulping air as vertigo overwhelmed him and weakness coursed through his limbs, even though he hadn't moved during their exchange.

"What is it now?" Hathor snarled under her breath, barely containing her rage. Her duties as Warmistress left precious little time to spend with her beloved, and now another interruption dared steal these precious moments. Her eyes darted back to Jared, only to find him cradled in Sanguinia's arms, the other woman daring to comfort what was hers. Murderous jealousy surged through her veins, making her regret accepting the position that kept her from properly claiming him. Her fingers twitched toward the bolt pistol at her hip, aching to eliminate the threat that was Sanguinia, but she forced herself still. Too many witnesses - her sisters Alakhai and countless Marines would see her lose control. Her heart raced with possessive fury as she struggled to steady her ragged breathing, knowing she had to leave while that dangerous woman made her move on her precious one. The sight of that poorly concealed bite mark on his neck only stoked her obsessive anger further. She cast a final glance at Alkhai, noting how the woman's previously relaxed demeanor had shifted to an unnervingly intense stare, her eyes never wavering from the unfolding scene.

Hathor's thoughts spiraled into despair as the crushing realization hit her - her precious one was slipping through her fingers, now gazing at her with naked terror in his eyes. When she risked a furtive look at Jared, his instinctive flinch away from her gaze drove a white-hot blade of agony through her chest. This pain eclipsed anything she'd ever known, transcending mere physical or mental torment. She could have shouldered the Emperor's burdens while he pursued his grand designs, could have accepted being left behind during his crusades - but this? To have her beloved recoil from her as though she were some hideous monster? It shattered her. The bitter taste of failure poisoned her thoughts - if only her first attempt had succeeded, Jared would have been hers willingly, an adoring servant hanging on her every word. Instead, he trembled in Sanguinia's protective embrace, seeking shelter from the very one who loved him most desperately.

Her mind splintered with manic desperation, screaming silently as his fearful gaze pierced her heart. 'Don't look at me with those terrified eyes!' she pleaded internally, her obsessive thoughts spiraling into darkness. 'I'll make it right. I'll eliminate every obstacle between us, every single one, until I'm the only one left in his world. Yes... just me. Only me. Forever me.' The possessive mantra echoed through her fracturing psyche before she wrenched herself back to the present moment.

Forcing composure into her voice despite the madness clawing at her mind, she addressed her sisters with calculated precision. "Hand him over to me," Hathor commanded, her tone brooking no argument even as Sanguinia and Alakhai bristled with protective defiance. "This situation requires my... personal attention."

Sanguinia feigned a gasp, her eyes glittering with mock innocence as she challenged Hathor's demand. "And what could possibly convince me to hand him over? Do tell, sister."

Hathor's expression hardened, her gaze turning steely as she reluctantly played the one card she knew would ensure her victory. "Your flaw. The one Father knows nothing about." Her voice was low and menacing, each word a carefully calibrated threat. She knew it was underhanded, exploiting her sister's vulnerability, but Jared's freedom was at stake, and she would do anything to secure it—even blackmail.

At the mention of the flaw in her legion's geneseed, a secret known to very few, Sanguinia tensed. The Blood Angels under her command became more aggressive, sensing their gene-mother's distress. The prospect of their legion being decimated loomed large if their secret were exposed. Sanguinia loved her legion as much as she adored Jared, and the thought of putting them at risk was abhorrent. But in that moment, the prospect of losing Jared forever seemed even more unbearable.

The room crackled with tension as Sanguinia's crimson eyes blazed with a mix of hatred and anger. Alakhai, confused by the turn of events, remained silent, her eyes darting between her sisters, trying to piece together the puzzle.

Finally, with a growl of reluctant acceptance, Sanguinia relented. "Very well. I will hand him over, but only this once." With great reluctance, she released Jared from her protective embrace. Jared, still reeling from the overwhelming fear instilled by Hathor's commanding presence, found himself once again vulnerable in the grasp of the ruthless goddess.

Alakhai, however, was not one to back down easily. "Wait," she interjected, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What is the meaning of all this, Hathor? Why do you insist on taking him under your care? And what do you plan to do to him?" She leveled a piercing gaze at Hathor, who now held Jared firmly in her right arm, the young man's eyes wide with confusion and fear.

"It's none of your concern, Alakhai" Hathor said as she lift Jared up to her embrace. "I just want to know him 'better' than anyone else"

Alakhai stare at Hathor, she know well what's that mean but she can't do anything, not now, if she want to win him flawlessly she will need to wait, patiently and find the hole to exploit her oppenent.

"Yeah" Alakhai stand up. "I will be on my chamber if you want anything" She paused before saying "Warmistress Hathor" before leaving the dining hall, when she swung the door open, to her surprise finding Juno stand there.

"Oh!" Alakhai gasped, her heart skipping a beat at the unexpected encounter. "What are you doing here, Juno?"

"The message requires immediate attention." Juno's voice carried a sharp edge, her eyes fixating possessively on Jared's form in Hathor's arms. "I expected you'd come by now, Hathor," she added, her piercing glare intensifying with barely contained jealousy.

"Yes, I'll come now," Hathor replied dismissively, deliberately tightening her hold on Jared while ignoring Juno's burning stare. "What matter demands such urgent attention?"

"Father," Juno stated, maintaining an unnaturally controlled tone that barely masked her underlying emotions. "Father requires your presence. He's waiting for you now."

Hathor tensed, her grip on Jared loosening slightly. The emperor rarely summoned her personally since she became warmistress.

"Yes, I'll come immediately," Hathor moved swiftly, momentarily forgetting about the seething Sanguinia behind her.

'You betrayed me,' Sanguinia's lips moved in a barely audible whisper, her eyes blazing with murderous intent. 'Don't worry, I'll repay it tenfold. I'll kill you, and you'll watch as Jared chooses me instead. You'll suffer watching us live our perfect life together as you die alone and forgotten.' Though nearly inaudible even to a primarch, her moving lips and hatred-filled eyes told the whole story.




The Emperor sat in contemplation aboard the waiting hall of his daughter's flagship. His golden armor gleamed under the artificial lights as he pondered the concerning reports from Dorn about the sudden halt in conquests. The abrupt silence from half the legions had pulled his attention away from the vital webway project - a distraction he could ill afford.

Nine years had passed since he'd elevated Hathor to Warmistress, granting her authority nearly equal to his own to coordinate the crusade's final stages. Initially, he'd considered summoning her back to Terra, but news that eight of his daughters had converged in a single star system spurred him to immediate action. He teleported here with his custodian guard, concern gnawing at his heart.

"My lord," Constantine Valdor's deep voice broke the silence. "Fifteen minutes have passed without word from either the Warmistress or your other daughters. Shall I locate her for you?"

"That won't be necessary," the Emperor replied, his ancient eyes distant and unfocused. "She will come in her own time. I suspect she has... pressing matters to attend to."

The chamber doors parted with an echoing groan, revealing three statuesque figures - Sanguinia, Hathor, and Juno. Jared clung desperately to Hathor's arm, his heart thundering in his chest as he found himself in the presence of the Master of Mankind. Tales of the Emperor's might had circulated his homeworld like sacred hymns - stories of a golden god who had cleansed their planet of xenos taint. Never in his wildest dreams had Jared imagined standing in the same room as this legendary being.

The Emperor's penetrating gaze fell upon him for just a moment, those ancient eyes seeming to pierce straight through to his soul, before shifting back to his daughters. If Hathor's presence commanded absolute devotion and submission, her father's aura was a hundredfold more overwhelming - an ocean of raw charisma and power that threatened to drown Jared's very essence.

"My daughters" He said. "What happend to the crusade? why would half of all legions stop doing their conquest and what is it about the conflict with Alpha Legion?"

Hathor swallowed hard, three Primarchs prostrating themselves before their father, any trace of their earlier displeasure masterfully concealed. "Alpharia assaulted one of our cherished sergeants, Father," Hathor breathed, keeping her gaze downcast while tightening her possessive hold on Jared. "We had to... intervene personally."

"this mortal?" The Emperor gestured toward Jared, who trembled in Hathor's protective embrace. "What makes him worthy of such... devoted attention?"

"He's special, Father," Sanguinia interjected with barely contained fervor. "Though his true value may not be apparent now, it's why so many of us are utterly captivated by him, willing to fight for his affection."

The Emperor studied Jared with unnerving intensity, observing this seemingly ordinary human who somehow inspired such passionate fixation in his daughters, noting only a peculiar, indefinable aura about him.

"You," He commanded, fixing Jared with His penetrating stare. "Present yourself."

Fighting back terror, Jared now understood why his mother spoke of this being as divine - His mere presence demanded submission. "I am Jared Kalski, sergeant of the Fassic II regiment, my lord."

The Emperor inclined His head. "Tell me how you first encountered with my daughters."

Through his pounding heart, Jared recalled that fateful day. "On Kastyl II, my regiment fought alongside the Emperor's Children Legion during compliance operations. There I first glimpsed Primarch Fulgrimia, though from afar as she led her marines into battle."

"You had no direct contact?"

Through shallow breaths, Jared's mind flooded with intoxicating memories of her - the way her sweet perfume had clouded his senses, how her piercing gaze had burned into his very soul, and the possessive touches that marked him as hers alone. His heart raced at the mere thought of her obsessive attention.

"No, my lord," he managed, fighting to keep his voice steady despite the rush of memories threatening to overwhelm him.

"What of Alpharia?"

"I knew nothing of her until now, my lord."

The Emperor fell silent before asking, "You were unaware she orchestrated your abduction?"

"I believed it was Lady Fulgrimia and another unknown party, my lord."

"Interesting," the Emperor mused. "So she observed you from the shadows first..."

"Everyone out," the Emperor commanded. "Including you, Valdor. I must speak with him alone."

The chamber emptied as they bowed and withdrew, leaving Jared isolated with humanity's Master.

"Your particular... qualities are fascinating, Jared," the Emperor observed, materializing a chair with a thought. His intense gaze never left Jared's face, studying him like a precious specimen.

Jared lowered himself nervously into the seat. "I'm nothing special, my lord. Just another Sergeant among millions."

A deep, knowing chuckle resonated from the Emperor before his expression grew serious. "Consider carefully - have you noticed how my daughters fixate on you in ways they show no other? The strange occurrences that follow in your wake?" He paused meaningfully. "Like Mary, perhaps?"

Jared's chest constricted at the name. His former squadmate, the woman he'd begun to love, had vanished without warning three years ago on Kastyl II. One routine resupply mission, and she'd disappeared completely - no body, no witnesses, nothing but questions.

"Forgive me for reopening old wounds," the Emperor said softly, though his eyes remained calculating. "But surely now you begin to see?"

"Was it Lady Fulgrimia?" Jared's voice quavered with grief and fury.

"No." The Emperor's tone was flat. "Surprised, aren't you?"

"Then who, my lord?"

"That I cannot reveal - it would only inflame certain... rivalries," the Emperor replied. "But I have a crucial assignment for you, one you may not refuse. The very fate of the Imperium may depend upon it."

Jared's rage melted away beneath the Emperor's overwhelming psychic presence. "My daughters, you see - some have slipped beyond my influence. Several despise me, despite my attempts at reconciliation. Others zealously worship me as their divine god, stubbornly maintaining their devotion even when I command them to stop." The Emperor's lips curved into his first genuine smile. "But then, like a spell finally taking hold, she changed dramatically two years ago. And you, Jared, were that catalyst - though you never realized how many catastrophes you've already prevented. But remember who she originally worshipped?"

"You, my lord?" Jared asked, bewildered.

"Indeed. And I mentioned she 'changed' her focus, didn't I?"

"" Jared gestured weakly at himself.

"Precisely. You've grasped it - she's transferred her divine devotion to you. An unprecedented achievement." The Emperor's voice carried an amused edge. "Congratulations on becoming her new god. Don't worry, I'll help you manage her...intensity."

"This is terrible," Jared whispered. "Please tell me this is the worst of it."

"Worst?" The Emperor's eyebrow arched questioningly.

"Oh no," Jared moaned. "I am completely doomed."

'Not yet,' The emperor said. 'Not under my overseer'

A bead of icy sweat trickled down Jared's spine as the Emperor's words filled him with mounting dread. His mind raced frantically - was this some twisted test? Would he be thrown into a room with all those obsessive personalities and expected to emerge intact?

"Your assignment is straightforward," the Emperor explained, his tone deliberately measured as if speaking to a frightened animal. "Just as the Primarchs each have their personal remembrancers to chronicle their achievements and counsel them, you will serve a similar but unique purpose. Rather than mere documentation, you'll need to wrangle these powerful, fixated beings into a cohesive unit." His lips curved into a knowing smile. "Given your apparent talent for inspiring devoted worship, managing twelve more intense personalities should be challenging but achievable. Currently, they suffer from what one might call sibling rivalry - though 'murderous competition for attention' might be more accurate. You'll mend these rifts, since they seem more inclined to heed you than their own father." The Emperor released a weary sigh.

"I... forgive me, my lord, but how can I possibly succeed where even you haven't?" Jared asked, voice trembling.

"I have faith in your particular abilities, Sergeant," the Emperor assured him with an encouraging thumbs up. "And don't fret - I'll be supporting your efforts to manage my rather... passionate children."

"Like what, my lord? Grant me some kind of immortal ability so I don't easily die?" Jared chuckled to himself, knowing such a thing was impossible.

"Yes, that's one," the Emperor nodded. "Another would be self-defense. I think you already have some basics as a soldier, but to blend alongside my daughters, the risk of you dying either from them or the dangers they face is high."

"Wait, my lord," Jared said, his voice shaking. "What do you mean you're going to give me 'immortality'?"

"Perpetual," the Emperor clarified. "The Perpetuals, to be exact. They're a group of immortal humans, like me and some of my close friends. Impossible to die under normal circumstances; only specific weapons can kill them. And you, Jared Kalski, will become one."

Jared fell silent for a brief period, his life turning upside down. Just three days ago, he thought he could die without anyone batting an eye. Now, he found himself meeting literal demigods called Primarchs, who secretly sought him out. And here he was, face to face with the Emperor of Mankind, who offered him a task that seemed impossible—and immortality? This felt more like a dream than reality.

"And after this is finished," Jared said, looking into the Emperor's brilliant golden eyes, "what are you going to do with me?"

"Me?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow. "No, I am not the one to decide that. It's you. What you end up doing or what fate awaits you is for you to decide. The result of how you handle them will determine your fate, but the two possibilities I see are either living a 'happy' life with them or existing in eternal conflict between them. It's your choice," said the Emperor as he leaned back in his chair, summoning a cup of tea and sipping it.

"Any tips, my lord?"

"Tips?" The Emperor set the cup on the table. "Hmm, I would say that you need to make them jealous to some level so they'll listen to you. Motivate them with rewards, and some might require extraordinary rewards. Think of these rewards as what Sanguinia did with you in that room," the Emperor said, hiding his amused grin.

"H-how did you know?" Jared's face flushed red.

"Son, even an Ogryn would know what that mark on your neck is."




Outside the room, Hathor, Juno, Sanguinia, and Constantin Valdor waited patiently. They knew better than to interrupt the conversation between their father and Jared, but Sanguinia couldn't help but fret over the mask she had left with him.

"Are you alright, Lady Sanguinia?" Valdor inquired. He had been briefed about the peculiar bond between Sanguinia and the mortal. Entrusted with the task of keeping an eye on her, he understood the peril of his assignment but remained loyal to his duty.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that, Valdor," Sanguinia replied, her voice dripping with a hint of venom. "You should concern yourself with someone else."

Hathor swallowed nervously. She knew there was no turning back now; she had crossed the point of no return. Yet, she was willing to bear Sanguinia's wrath if it meant ensnaring Jared for herself.

Juno, the last to fully grasp the situation, couldn't shake the guilt from that day she left him alone. Despite the actions of her sisters, she remained committed to her original duty. In truth, she regretted her momentary lapse. The realization that her sisters were advancing in this twisted competition unsettled her, but she kept her worries hidden. Ultimately, she believed that after Jared had experienced each of her sisters, he would recognize that she was the best choice for him.

'What's the matter, Hathor?' Sanguinia's voice slithered out, laced with a poisonous edge. 'Regretting something you've done?'

Valdor's mind suddenly pieced together the discord before him; the two women were locked in a silent battle, and it was clear that his intervention was necessary.

'Enough, Lady Sanguinia and Lady Hathor,' he interjected, his tone steady and devoid of inflection. 'Such quarrels are unseemly, especially with your father as witness.'

Sanguinia clicked her tongue in annoyance, her heels clicking against the floor as she distanced herself from Hathor and the assembled group. 'Fine, but only for now,' she spat, leaving a palpable tension in her wake.

'What transpired, Lady Hathor?' Valdor inquired, his gaze fixed on the flustered woman before him. 'Did you provoke Lady Sanguinia's ire?'

Hathor's response was a strangled sound, her voice caught in the grip of her own anxiety. 'Just a minor... "disagreement",' she managed to stammer out. 'No need for concern. I'm certain I can smooth over this misunderstanding in time.'

Valdor response with acknowledge nod, he take mental note to report this matter to his lord.

Cora's voice slithered through the air, a serpentine whisper barely louder than the rustle of silk. 'Never seen her this enraged,' she murmured, her eyes tracking Sanguinia's retreating form with a predator's focus. 'I'd wager what you did was atrocious indeed.'

Hathor's brow furrowed, her irritation prickling like a rash she couldn't scratch. She was well aware of Cora's disdain, especially when it came to the mismanagement of her legion. Yet, Cora's words needled under her skin, festering in her thoughts.

Juno, meanwhile, massaged her temples with an increasing sense of futility. The escalating conflicts among her sisters had reached a crescendo that was becoming all too common. Only days before, she had been caught in the crossfire, and while she had no intention of tangling with Cora, the mere mention of Jared seemed to unravel her usually unflappable demeanor.

"Enough!" Juno hissed, her voice a low blade in the hopes of cutting through the tension without drawing blood. "Have you no decorum? Our father's ears are not deaf to the discord we sow."

As if on cue, the doors swung open to reveal the emperor, his presence commanding the room. Jared trailed behind him, his expression as void as an unmarked grave, suggesting that words of great consequence had been etched into his soul. Sanguinia, upon catching sight of Jared, rushed to his side in a flurry of concern, her usual deference to the emperor conspicuously absent.

The emperor shifted his gaze to the anxious Sanguinia. 'Jared wields an undeniable influence, albeit unwittingly,' he mused, observing the transformation of his once stoic daughter over the past few years.

"Sanguinia," the emperor addressed her, his voice resonating with authority. "Jared will accompany me. I expect you to refrain from detaining him."

A flicker of ire and frustration flashed across Sanguinia's eyes, quickly veiled. She was acutely aware that her father remained oblivious to her machinations, but she was desperate to discern his intentions for Jared, the object of her twisted affection.

"And what do you plan to do with him, father," she inquired, her tone sharper than expected, catching the emperor off guard, though he maintained his composure.

"He will undergo rigorous training with me," the emperor declared, his gaze locked onto Sanguinia's, as Valdor stepped closer, ready to protect the emperor should Sanguinia lose control. "So that he may better serve us all."

Hathor and Juno recoiled at their father's pronouncement. The implications of his words were clear: Jared would remain with them.

Sanguinia fixed her glare on the emperor for a prolonged moment before releasing Jared, but not before planting a possessive kiss on his cheek. "Don't forget about me, okay?" she whispered, a murmur only the emperor could discern, his gaze sweeping over the rest of them.

"Hathor, continue your duties as Warmistress. I will inform you when Jared is prepared to return to your side," the emperor commanded, to which Hathor and Juno responded by dropping to their knees.

"Thank you, father," Hathor uttered, her head bowed low.

"And you, Juno," the emperor continued, "you will return with me to Terra. I have a task for you and Leona."

The mention of Leona, the emperor's eldest daughter, caused Juno to frown. Their relationship was fraught with conflict; Leona's disdain for Juno's strategies was matched only by Juno's resentment of Leona's stubbornness and perceived arrogance.

"Yes, Father," Juno assented, concealing her dismay at the prospect of collaborating with Leona once more.

"And I believe Cora and Petra are also aboard this vessel, are they not?" the emperor inquired, watching as Cora, phasing in and out of visibility, finally materialized and knelt before him.

"Yes, father," Cora acknowledged, her head bowed. "What is your command?"

The emperor nodded. "I require you to monitor Aurelia. Her obsession is... troubling. Disregard her rate of planetary conquest, as each is adorned with statues of Sergeant Jared," he said, his eyes settling on Jared, who flinched at the mention of his name.

"That woman," Cora muttered under her breath, striving to keep her tone respectful despite her distaste. "You merely wish for me to observe her?"

The emperor nodded. "And include her adoptive father in your surveillance. I sense impending calamity from him. If necessary, eliminate him, for Aurelia cares for no one but the man standing behind me. She would not shed a tear at his demise, yet she would heed his counsel if it aided her in drawing closer to Jared."

Cora bowed deeply, the words "Consider it done" barely leaving her lips before she disappeared from view, her form blending seamlessly with the shadows.

The Emperor's gaze swept the room, landing on his eldest daughter. "Where's Petra?" he inquired, his voice echoing with an edge of impatience.

Juno, ever the obedient child, responded promptly. "She's in her private chamber, Father," she said, her voice a soft melody that contrasted with the tension in the air.

"Summon her," the Emperor commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Now."

Hathor, the ever-loyal aide, complied, issuing a brief command into her communicator. Moments later, the door to the chamber whispered open, and Petra stepped through.

"Greetings, Father," she said, her voice steady despite the surprise that flickered in her eyes. What could he possibly want with her at this hour?

"Stand, Petra," the Emperor said, gesturing for his daughter to rise. "I have work for you to do."

Petra obeyed, her posture rigid as she stood to her full height. "And what is it?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Fulgrimia," the Emperor replied, his gaze piercing. "Keep an eye on her. It may seem strange for me to ask this of you, but I sense something amiss with her, and you will be the one to thwart it."

Petra remained silent for a moment, her mind racing before she finally nodded. "Understood," she said simply, her voice betraying no hint of her inner turmoil.

"Good," the Emperor said, signaling for Jared and Valdor to depart. "I will take my leave now."

As the room emptied, Petra's gaze lingered on Jared, who stood behind the Emperor. Her eyes, filled with a longing that bordered on obsession, never strayed from him. Of all the sisters aboard this vessel, she had yet to touch him, to exchange even a simple greeting. Watching him vanish once more twisted something deep within her, a yearning that threatened to override her self-control. Her legs trembled with the impulse to rush to him, to wrap her arms around him, but she remained rooted to the spot, her duty to her father warring with the magnetic pull Jared exerted on her.

The Emperor, perceptive as ever, noticed Petra's fixation and the subtle twitching that betrayed her inner conflict. He approached her, placing a firm hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch as though startled from a trance.

"Petra," he said, his voice laced with a hint of concern. "Do you want to greet him?" He gestured toward Jared, his eyes never leaving her face.

Petra bit her lip, mortified by her loss of composure. How could she have allowed herself to become so unhinged, especially in front of her father? "No, Father," she managed to say in a voice that trembled slightly. "I am fine. Please, continue with your urgent matters."

The Emperor's gaze lingered on her for a moment longer before he turned his attention to Jared. In the silence of the hallway, a telepathic message was sent, a command that resonated within Jared's mind with the clarity and force of the Emperor's voice.

"Show me," the voice thundered in Jared's head. "Your power, show it to me. Consider this your first test."

Jared fell silent, caught off guard that the test had arrived so soon. Usually, it was the primarchs who approached him; he rarely needed to take action or initiate anything himself.




In her opulent chamber bathed in warm amber light, Fulgrimia breathed in the intoxicating blend of perfumes that filled the air. Her delicate fingers gripped the paintbrush tightly, almost painfully, as she obsessively worked on the canvas before her. The subject of her artistic devotion was him - her beloved - depicted with his regulation-cut black hair and wedding attire.

She painted him standing proudly beside a taller woman - herself - with flowing pearl-white hair and enchanting sapphire-purple eyes, dressed in wedding finery. For hours she had labored over this scene, trying desperately to capture the perfect moment, their perfect union. But something was missing. The artwork felt hollow without his actual presence. She needed him here, needed to have him completely. Only then would everything be truly perfect.

"No," she whispered, her voice trembling with desperate yearning as the brush slipped from her grasp. "This isn't perfect enough. Nothing is perfect without him here."

Her hands clutched at her skull as time slipped away meaninglessly - minutes bleeding into hours as she sat motionless. Only her fingers betrayed movement, alternating between pressing against her temples and wringing together in fevered anticipation. Broken whispers escaped her lips as her emotions cycled wildly, consumed by precious memories playing on endless loop. Every perfect detail of him burned into her mind - the warmth of his gaze, the softness of his hair, the intoxicating scent that was uniquely his. Everything about him was flawless, destined to be hers alone.

The realization struck her like divine revelation. "Yes," she breathed, her voice raw from hours of muttered obsession. "He's the one I've searched for across centuries. He'll make me complete, we will be perfect together."

Fulgrimia rose with newfound purpose, gliding to her secret sanctuary - a chamber known only to her. Within lay artifacts from the Dark Age of Technology, including her prized possession: The Truce. The delicate necklace gleamed with purple gems and neural-interface wiring, a mind-control device of terrible power. It would ensure Jared's devotion if all else failed. Beside it rested The Will - a ruby ring designed for more subtle manipulation, whispering the user's desires directly into the target's mind until they became willingly obedient. She disabled the stasis field, letting the ring fall into her waiting palm, already imagining how perfectly it would bind him to her forever.

A twisted smile graced her lips as she studied the ring nestled in her palm. "The perfect gift," she whispered, her voice dripping with possessive devotion. "Once it graces his finger, his transformation will begin. Day by day, thought by thought, until his entire world narrows to me alone. Every other soul will fade to meaningless shadows in his eyes."

With reverent care, she slipped the ring into a velvet pouch, alongside her cherished collection of surveillance picts capturing Jared's every moment - sleeping, training, even the rare instances he smiled.

Fulgrimia's soft giggle echoed through the chamber, a sound that made hardened warriors tremble and even Space Marines feel primal terror grip their hearts. "Soon," she purred, her eyes gleaming with obsessive hunger, "you'll belong to me completely."


