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Nothing but Lies and Stories (Steven Universe AU)

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By HobisPrincess, High School Human AU Steven was a regular teenager, attending school like any other kid. That was until he began to discover things about his mothers past that might just change his life forever. And if that wasn't complicating his life, meeting a girl, Connie Maheswaran might just make it just as interesting.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Back in Beach City

She woke up to the smell of salty water and a cold breeze. The sudden familiar scent in the warm air that plagued her nose made her more alert than before, although still very groggy from the long nap she took, her excitement bubbled within her. Looking out the window, she saw the shining blue ocean in the distance, the white sand twinkled in the bright sunlight. She smiled, seeing the beach she once stepped foot in as a child, now after many years it still remained unchanged


At least, that's what she thought. 


"Connie, straighten back up if you're awake, you know what slouching can do to you" Her mother called sternly, watching the young girl in the rearview mirror. 


Instantly, the 16 year old straightened up at her mother's words and compiled to her wishes. Staring at her window, she hummed to herself seeing the famous Beach City come closer and closer to view and within minutes, they had reached the center of the city down by the boardwalk. The Maheswaran family parked their car on the side of the street. Connie looked around, watching the people roam by and past her. Some on bicycles, scooters or just simply walking on the sidewalks. 


Beach City hasn't changed at all, Connie concluded.


Climbing out of the car, Connie secured her phone in her back pocket and straightened out her outfit. Her parents took each other's hands and stood in front of their only daughter. Her mother hummed, glancing at her wrist watch. 


"Your father and I will be shopping for groceries, you have exactly one hour before meeting us back to the vehicle" 


Connie nodded at her mother's request and set off the opposite direction from her parents. She passed by some shops along the way, remembering each and every single one of them. She was surprised to see how much everything was the same but had also changed. She noticed that the boardwalk was smaller than she remembered. Took her a lot less time to walk to certain areas of the city than before. Of course, when you're little the world seems like a bigger place, now that she's taller and older, that big place she once knew was so small. 


Connie has been wandering around town aimlessly and before she knew it, she had appeared right in front of a cafe. She looked upwards, reading the sign that said The Big Donut Cafe. Connie smiled, she remembered always coming to this cafe with her parents when she would be rewarded with a sugary treat every now and then. Not too often though, as her mother refused to really have Connie supply herself with caffeine and sugar as a child. Something she really missed out on as a child. Of course, never really protesting, she never seems to question or mind being deprived of sugar.


Taking a breath, she opened the doors to the bakery and was instantly hit with a whiff of a sweet bread smell. Connie saw a few people standing at the counter so she roamed around the store observing the inside of the store. The decor had greatly improved from the past. Before it was a simple wood for the walls, no real decorations or fancy furniture. Had some nice tables and simple stands. Compared to now? The walls were painted white, new refrigerators for the refreshments, clean marble countertops and a huge menu board that hung from the ceiling.


"Whoa…" Connie breathed, very impressed with the change. She was next in line. "Welcome, what can i get-" The blonde behind the counter stopped mid sentence. Connie felt a grin on her own face seeing the woman's face lit up at an instant. 


"Connie?!" the woman screamed in excitement, gasping at the 16 year old. 


"Sadie!" Connie laughed, equally giving back the same excited energy.


 "Oh my gosh it's been such a long time, you're back in Beach City?"


"Yeah! Mom and Dad found some jobs here and we moved back for the meantime" 

"Cool, jeez you're already so grown up, last time I saw you, you were like, 10 years old" Connie chuckled and nodded. 


"Yeah well, we all gotta grow up right" Sadie gave a shrug and nod as if to agree at her statement. Connie realizing there was a line, she stepped aside letting others start ordering. Sadie was quick to apologize to the customers for not moving as quickly as it usually should be. In no second flat the customers had gone and walked off satisfied.


Just before she could continue her conversation with her friend, Connie had briefly glanced at the signs around the counter to which one stuck with her. A help wanted sign. 


"You guys are hiring?" 


"Yeah, you looking for a part time job?" She asked, cleaning off the counter with a rug. 


"I sure am, I'm planning on saving money for college entrance exams and tuition. I figured if i'm going to move away for college, i'll need to sustain myself" 


Sadie hummed in agreement. "Yeah, i get that. Well just drop in your resume and i'll run it by Lars and we'll give you a call" Connie's eyes lit up, she rummaged through the bag she had hanging by her shoulder and pulled out a folder. Opening it she had pulled a piece of paper and handed it to Sadie. To her surprise it was the exact document she needed.


"Jeez, you're prepared" she mumbled. Connie's cheeks flushed a light red. She laughed nervously and rubbed her neck. "Uh, my mom says I always gotta be" 


"Well thanks anyway, we'll let you know" Connie grinned, taking a few snacks and a drink from the coffee shop and decided it was time to head back to her parents as her hour was almost up. Thanking the female again, Connie left the store feeling nothing but excitement. 




"God I thought that this headache would go away, but not even the aspirin is helping" The purple dyed hair girl groaned, rubbing her temples with both her hands. A low chuckle omitted from beside her, to which she glared up at. 


"No one asked you to come with me Amethyst, I'm gonna meet up with the gang anyways" The male beside her stuffed his hands in his pockets, his black hood on. Amethyst pursed her lips and a pout. 


"Chill Steven" the 24 year old grunted, giving the taller male a light shove who didn't seem to budge from his current position. "I'm only coming because I wanted a smoothie from the cafe, and your ass wouldn't come back with one if I asked. Steven gave a nod. She wasn't wrong. He'd either forget about it or just accidentally drink it on the way home since he'd forget it was hers in the first place. Such a shame really, but it's not like he does it on purpose it's just happened more than enough times that his family already knows. 


"Hi Steven.." a girl waved at him as he walked past her and her group of friends while they all giggled once he gave them a small smile and two fingered salute. Once they were out of view his smile dropped and went back to neutral. Amethyst raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "Damn, you got girls all over you" Steven kissed his teeth and shrugged. He was a well known guy at school sure, not your typical jock that's stupid and hits on every single girl that comes his way. He was a bit more reserved and highly advanced for his age. For his well behaved manners and attitude he had his guardians to thank. Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet and his father Greg. 


"Yeah but I don't do anything but give minimal attention" 


Amethyst laughed. 


"Ight, whatever. One of these days you're gonna come home with a girl" she winked. Steven rolled his eyes. "And when you do, you can count on me to get the rest out for some alone time" Steven shook his head, slightly annoyed but her statement did make him think. He was so focused on school and always doing some sort of sport that all his free time was used up. He never really gave it much thought about being in a relationship with a girl. 


Come to think of it, why hadn't he? None of the girls seem to really interest him as much as they all seemed to be with him. But has he really gave them a chance? Steven cringed at this thoughts. Ugh, he didn't want to think too much on the subject. 


Amethyst and Steven reached the famous Big Donut cafe where Steven just stood back and waited for her. In the meantime, Stevens friends had drew near the cafe as well, where they called out to him. 


"Ayo Steven!" A blonde shouted, holding a peace sign in the air as Steven looked around for the owner of the voice which summoned his name. He grinned and shouted a greeting back. 


"Hey Peedee! Finally" Peedee smirked, pulling Steven into a short embrace before letting go. "Didn't think I was gonna show? Nah man, I wouldn't miss the last hangout of semester break" 


Right, classes started up again tomorrow. Their hangouts were definitely gonna be less often than before since his friends were ones to all take their studies seriously. He had good influences around him thought occasionally they do stupid crap and get in trouble for it. Nothing too major though. Teens will always be teens. 


"Right," muttered Steven. "Let hit the arcade? Buck and Sour Cream will meet us there so we can all go to the party Sour Cream is DJing at by the beach" PeeDee agreed you the plan and both left. Steven shot a quick text to Amethyst that he had left and his plans for the rest of the night, "just in case" as Pearl says. Knowing where he's at in case of emergency will help them locate him faster if his cellular device wasn't working and he'd go missing for awhile. 


Entering the Arcade, Steven and Peedee went a couple for a couple of rounds with racing games, shooting games and shooting hoops. Unknowing to them, they had both drawn a crowd as they both worked together to beat a high score of a game. Beat Meat Mania was definitely an intense game which eventually tires out the player with the constant movement of your arms swinging left and right. Steven and Peedee were working up a sweat. 


Buck and Sour Cream arrived to pick up the two high schoolers when they saw the group that surrounded them. Everyone was murmuring, attentive to the screen. The two adults stared at each other, walking over to the commotion. The moment Steven and Peedee finished with a pose the crowd made an uproar and cheered. Steven and Peedee gave each other high fives and excited screams. 


"That was sick" Buck spoke, remaining expressionless but everyone can tell that he meant what he said. "Beat the high score. Hell yeah!" PeeDee cheered. "That's the most accomplished I've felt in my entire life" he groaned. The other two males chuckled. "Tonight's gonna be rad, ready to go?" Sour Cream announced to the small group. They all silently nodded and agreed, proceeding to make their way to the beach. 


"After getting this gig, you're bound to get contracted more. Maybe even to Empire city" PeeDee acknowledged. Steven agreed. "Yeah, you started your own parties a few years back. Now look at you man, you've seriously upgraded" 


Sour cream chuckled "Yeah, I heard there's always some talent scouts out during these types of parties. Maybe one will make it"


They made it inside Buck's car, driving down to the sandy beach, where people had started gathering around. Everyone with glow sticks, sparklers, fireworks. There were large trucks filled with piled up coolers and signs. Stands and tables with food and a big area cleared out with the DJ stand fixed on the stage and speakers were placed in their respective areas. Steven and Peedee gawked at the amazing set up. They were definitely impressed to say the least. Sour cream and Buck passed out their leftover glow sticks and face paint two the teenagers. 


"Let's party"




Connie could see the party lights in the distance. Their new house wasn't that far away from the beach so she was able to see the city party in the distance. Connie was only grateful that the noise couldn't be heard. It was almost 8 in the afternoon and she still had to work on unpacking some of her things and cram in a little studying before the day ended and it was time for bed. 


"Connie!" he mother called from downstairs.


"Yes?" she answered


"Dinner will be ready soon, finish up soon" 


"Yes ma'am" she called out. Connie took one look at her room, her desk was out with her school books and bag neatly placed on her desk. Her bed and clothes already in her closet and dresser. Though some stuff was put away and there were still several boxes to unpack she deemed that it was enough for one day and went down stairs to join her family. 


"...Now onto some developing news. The case of The Missing Diamond. Rosaline Diamond, one of the most richest airs in the state of Delmarva went missing around 16 years ago has reopened after the Diamond family continues the search for answers as to how and where she could have went. More details to come after this short break" 

Connie's father turned the TV off after taking some seconds listening to the news announcer while his wife finished setting up the table. Connie bit the inside of her cheek, hearing the familiar name. The Diamond Family. Connie did a school paper on them last year, calculating and analyzing their economic success and financial status in the economy. The Diamond family were successful in funding mining plantations. Ones that were successful in mining precious jewels, oil and food farms. 

Connie didn't always agree with how they ran their business, of course it seemed like it was more about the money than anything but they were damn right on the nose with bringing it in and expanding their company which their strategies, Connie had to admit were smart. Just like the rest of the state, with one of the four airs just suddenly disappearing with no trace? 

That was strange. 

Begs the question, what would such a rich and successful woman want more than what she already had? Was she running from something? someone? of course, no one really knows what goes behind those perfect walls.

"Unsolved cases, always fun to look into. I hope that they find what happened to that lady" Dr.Maheswaran mumbled "Would be a shame if they didn't get to the bottom of the case" Connie snapped at whatever trance she was in. Connie hummed silently, agreeing with her mother. The 16 year old was left with her thoughts at the dinner table.