Rubbing my temples, I closed my eyes and took in multiple breaths.
Another day down, multiple days to go.
I hanged my apron and picked up my bag to leave the cafe.
"Bye, Mr. Phillips. "
I glanced over to see him, drowned in the 3rd newspaper today.
"See you tomorrow, Riri."
I smiled and exited the café.
This was IT.
My life
Wake up-Work-Home-Repeat
I have literally nothing going on, maybe some secret business to blow me up or something but
Seated in my old beaten up Mustang, I sparked it up.
Thank your Lord you still have gas in this old piece of metal.
I closed my eyes, said a nice word of prayer to keep the gas at least till I get home and started driving.
find out what it means to me... "
I sung out loud with a deafening pitch.
That's why you have never even seen the Broadway stage
You suck at singing
Good Lord
Shut up!
My eyes were closed this whole time when suddenly
I opened my eyes slowly to see what damage I had caused.
Seeing the smoke, my hands gripped the sides of the steering wheel.
"Oh no! " I exclaimed.
Guess it's not your lucky day.
Scratch that
You're never lucky.
My heart started racing as I noticed the amount of smoke.
I walked closer to see a....
Sweet Jesus!
A freaking BUGATTI!
What's the owner going to say about this..
I smiled nervously as I noticed the amount of people watching.
This is some real bad damage