Chereads / Through The Looking Glass: A White Tulip / Chapter 3 - CH3 The Jeffersonian

Chapter 3 - CH3 The Jeffersonian

Lucifer swooped into a graceful but rushed landing after having flown cross-country to California. Having rung Amenadiel in flight he was expecting to see some familiar faces as he entered the Lux, his old establishment. Amenadiel has kept the place fun and clean, Lucy had no complaints. The music wasn't as loud as usual, and the building had been emptied. Reaching the bar he found his friends, well most of them.


"Lucifer!", shouted Chloe as she ran over to him. The two shared an emotional hug as Ella sat at the bar with a smirk. Amenadiel was waiting behind the bar as well.


"Did you explain it to them?", Lucy asked Amenadiel with his usual swagger and a hint of urgency.


"Everything you told me. Lucy, I can't change the free will of the people this Narrator brought here, but I can keep our kids safe while you deal with this.", explained Amenadiel.


"Of course, what else could I have hoped for? Chloe, Ella, we can bring Dan back. I can visit! Mm, but only if we beat this game.", Lucifer said.


"I'm in! I finally get to help with the celestial stuff!", Ella grinned.


"Lucifer, what would I say to Trixie? Hey your dad's back from heaven?" asked Chloe.


"Yes exactly!", said Lucy, unsure where the problem lied, "I think having her father back will be more than worth a little theological shock?"


Chloe mulled this over before nodding reluctantly. "I told the station we would be gone helping the feds for a while.", she said.


"Splendid! I'll carry you, and Amenadiel can carry Ella.", Lucy smiled to all of them brightly.


"I get to fly?", Ella turned to Amenadiel with her hands flapping.


"Well, time is of the essence, but don't say I didn't warn you. Flying isn't all it's cracked up to be.", said Amenadiel.


"And Maize?", asked Lucy.


"Told her to meet you at the Jeffersonian.", said Amenadiel.


"Fantastic! Chloe darling, are you ready to board Devil Airlines?", asked Lucy with a smirk.


"I thought I wouldn't see you for 20 years Lucifer. If there's a chance I can have you in my life, I'm ready to fly anywhere.", Chloe said.


The four of them stepped outside. The angels opening up their wings and taking flight with their friends. The loud wind didn't allow for conversation and Chloe clung tightly as the city got small and distorted. Ella's laughter cut through the wind somewhat, giddy and fearless despite the heights.



Brennan was speechless. After a morning of supernatural nonsense, her, Booth, Angela, Dexter and Debra Morgan had driven in hushed silence. Their minds racing with the possibilities of villains and wishes. Walking through the entrance of the looming Jeffersonian she thought she could move forward and face the supernatural, but as they make it to the lab she was now face to face with her dead colleagues. Vincent carried a nervous expression , while Sweets smiled wide at her and Booth. Booth wasted no time in hugging his old friend, surprising Sweets.


"We um, met a Narrator.", explained Vincent.


"It's nothing short of a miracle to have my favorite intern back.", Brennan made firm and teary eye contact with the nervous man.


"Booth, I see you've decided to stop suppressing your emotions.", laughed Sweets.


Booth smirked faintly, "It's all thanks to my lovely wife.", he said looking to Brennan. Sweets nodded happily.


"Speaking of wives, Sweets, have we gotten ahold of Daisy yet?", asked Angela, but Sweets shook his head.


"Angie?", called out her husband Jack, rushing over to them from the lab, "We just saw the footage from the bar cameras, and we've got to go back! I'm sure we can find something."


 Angela took his hands to calm him, "I don't think so, there was nothing, and the stakes are sky high. Who all saw the bar camera footage?"


"Aubrey just sent the footage from the bar where these people appeared Angela. I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seeing it myself." said Cam, entering the lab entrance. "The ghosts arrived just before you did, on the elevator.", she sighed nodding to their old teammates, "We're the only ones that know so far."


"Speaking of ghosts, you've brought friends.", said Sweets, studying the man and woman from the bar video that had accompanied the team.


"Debra, and this is my brother Dexter. We work for the Miami metro PD. I called our team on the way. They sent a few people to help.", said Debra.


"Long way from home.", said Jack with a raised eyebrow.


"Just how many people?", asked Cam.


"Just a few", said Debra, disappointed.


"The… Narrator said we should make some room in the lab while at the bar. Can we request some more space Cam?", asked Brennan.


"I can ask Caroline, but no promises", she stopped mid-sentence to think, "Keep me updated", said Cam before heading to Caroline's office.


"What about the man in the suit? The outdoor cameras didn't catch him leaving, he just disappeared off camera.", asked Sweets.


"Ah the Devil!", laughed Angela.


"The Devil?", asked Jack, looking to Booth.


"That weirdo isn't the Devil.", Booth said, shaking his head.


"Well following fantasy logic, and having said the name three times…", Brennan let her voice trail off as she invited everyone to turn with her to look at the entrance. To her and everyone else's mild shock, the man in the suit was walking through the building, having just complemented a security guard.


"Speaking of me are we?", laughed Lucifer as his party of himself, Ella, and Chloe arrived at the lab.


"Chloe Decker, Lieutenant" she introduced herself by shaking Booth's, Brennan's, and Debras hands.


"Ella, forensic analysis", she said bubbly while waving.


"Right on.", nodded Jack before the introductions commenced.


"Oh and before I forget, Amenadiel, Carol, Dan and your father Dr. Brennan have all offered to watch the children in heaven while we deal with this, just send him a prayer.", smiled Lucy, pointing to the sky.


"My father? Can I see him?", asked Brennan, skeptical but concerned.


"Why would the Devil ask us to pray?", asked Booth, annoyed.


"Well dad left with mom and now Amenadiel is…", Lucy pointed up again, "The big man so to speak, leading the angels and all that. And yes Dr. Brennan, I'll have them all flown down tonight to gather the children."


"If I find out my kids are in some asylum with your friend…", Booth got in Lucy's face, but Brennan pulled him back.


"Booth, you saw what that narrator could do. If my dad is there, I'm sure I can trust him. What if someone like Pelant has returned?", asked Brennan in a hushed tone.


Booth sighed deeply and turned to Jack to ask, "You ok with this?"


"God no, but if an angel flies down here tonight, I may change my mind, especially now that you've mentioned Pelant", Jack spat out the name.


"Uh hi, mom here. I also don't know if I'm OK with this.", said Angela.


"Perhaps you could ask for someone you trust to come by as well darling!", Lucifer suggested, proud of his idea. Angela gave pause to think about this.


"Do we have any leads on who we should be looking for first? Aside from this Pelant fellow?", asked Chloe.


"Sort of, at the bar, the Narrator gave us a hint or two. At the fringes you'll find one of two great evils, and he said to expect more players to arrive today. I still haven't figured out the hint.", explained Dr. Brennan.


"I've got a quick question for the clown show. Why can't this angel god Amenadiel just solve our… dilemma?", asked Booth.


"Ah, I had hoped for the same. Amenadiel can't alter the free will of humans. He made some deal with the Narrator to keep the children safe, but I'm afraid we won't get much more help from him, though I'll try to twist what I can out of him.", explained Lucifer a little down.


Cam returned more quickly than anyone had expected. Reaching the group and taking a breath she spoke, "Well you may not all believe this, but here goes, one Colonel Broyles with the FBI has already cleared quite a lot of space for expansion here.", shaking her head she continued, "Caroline said he did it just this morning, as if all the red tape in the world was nothing more than a suggestion and that nearly everything on the man's file was redacted. He also mentioned the Fringe team to her, and to expect a BAU team as well."


"Well, we can take the win right?", asked Angela.


"We're finally getting more room?", asked Dr. Brennan, managing a smile.


"Everyone knows the BAU, but what's a Fringe team?", asked Booth.


"Fringe! I thought I heard fridge, ha! Well perhaps they get to wear something stylish, the uniforms do get a little old.", laughed Lucifer.


"Perhaps we can answer that.", the calm voice of a male child reached them from a large group of people who were nearing the lab. The child was bald and wore a simple outfit reminded everyone of a onesie.


The group was split in two. An older man in a rumpled suit and hat, a tall man with intense but friendly blue eyes, and a serious looking woman in an FBI suit. The other group was more numerous. 3 women and 5 men made up what some people recognized as the BAU team.


"Reaching a comfortable distance the rumpled man questioned, "We're looking for Bones?"


"And you are?" asked Booth with some suspicion as to the answer.


"Oh now Booth! It's clearly the Fringe team! Just look at this old chap's style!", Lucifer said honestly to the man.


"Ha! Thank you, lad! Guilty as charged on both accounts! Ah, Walter Bishop.", said the old man.


"I'd like to make a proposal.", a tall and handsome man from the BAU with a stern gaze had raised a hand. The bones team shared some glances before nodding. The man continued, "There's a lot of us and we've got a lot to do. My suggestion is that we each set up spaces to catalog our teams' enemies, with priority given at each team's discretion. We can present to the others, introduce ourselves, and share the basic need to knows before we split up and get started."


"Wow, I'm convinced!", Angela said, looking around with a grin.


"Sounds right to me.", said Cam.


"There's also Jane and Teresa on their way, a behavioralist and an investigator, also married.", the oldest man in the BAU group mentioned.


"One thing before I forget", the blue eyed an began, "Peter by the way, Broyles has given us a large budget to work with, and Nina Sharp has given us priority access to Massive Dynamic's labs and equipment. If anyone needs some special tools or any at all really, we could have a list whipped up and shared."


"Massive dynamics? For real?" asked Vincent, "They're-"


"Yea we know Vincent, big company, I agree that we should get started before the squints get let astray here.", interrupted Booth.


"Concurred.", said Debra.


"Just one question!", Lucifer stopped the groups from splitting up into offices for a brief moment, "Will the um, child be staying?" The group's attention moved to the bald boy Walter was grasping the shoulder of.


"Oh yes, Michael is a wonderful assistant, why he's been instrumental in my work for years now.", explained Walter with a prideful smile.


"Michael huh? Are we sure it's safe for a child here? It's much safer in heaven with the others till we wrap this all up.", Lucifer tried to convince the others.


"Heaven?", asked Peter, but was ignored.


"Why I dare say he may be older than you!", laughed Walter with some seriousness.


"Doubt it.", Lucifer and Chloe said dead pan simultaneously.


"From what I've heard from the Fringe team on the ride here it's wise to let them do things their way, now, let's get rollin out!", said a man everyone would soon know as Gideon.