The floating market was still bustling with activity, the voices of merchants intermingling with the bustle of visitors, and strange smells permeating the air. Dante was walking behind Dabi, his arms crossed as the latter spoke excitedly, excited at the idea of buying new clothes.
Dabi excitedly as he looked around: Dante, since we're already here, why don't we buy you some new clothes? I mean, you always wear the same thing, right?
Dante calmly as he looked at his simple clothes: My clothes are fine, I don't see the need to buy more.
Dabi insistently: No, no, no! Impossible, this market has fashions that you can't find anywhere else. Did you know that some of these clothes are made from the fabrics of air itself?
Dante skeptically: The fabrics of air? That doesn't make sense.
Dabi winked: Nothing here makes sense, does it? Anyway, you can't refuse! Today, I'll make you look stylish.
Dante sighed: Okay, but no exaggeration.
Dabi led Dante through the twisting alleys, until they reached a store that seemed to be suspended in space, its entrance a curtain of pale green light that rippled like water.
Dabi pointed inside excitedly: This is it! The Wind Breath Store, the best place to buy unique clothes!
Dante looked at the moving entrance with apprehension: Is this safe?
Dabi pushed him inside: Of course! Come on, don't be a coward!
Upon entering, they found themselves in a spacious hall, where the clothes were not hung on shelves, but were floating in the air, moving slowly as if they were flying in an invisible space. Some of the fabrics looked transparent like a ghost, and others glowed with colors that changed with every step they took.
An elf saleswoman with long ears and bright violet eyes approached them, wearing a scarf that fluttered as if it had a life of its own.
The saleswoman smiled: Welcome to Wind Breath, are you looking for something special?
Dabi excitedly points to Dante: Yes! We want something that makes him look great, but still simple. We don't want to take him out of his comfort zone completely.
The saleswoman looks at Dante appraisingly: Hmm… I think I have something perfect for him.
The saleswoman waves her hand, and several pieces of clothing rush towards them, dancing in the air. There was a dark coat with silver trim, a light but sturdy shirt, and pants that looked comfortable to move around in.
The saleswoman: These are made of Wind of Silence fabric, light as air, but strong as steel.
Dante looks at the clothes, then at an excited Dabi: Okay… I'll try them on.
Dante takes the clothes and enters a changing room surrounded by a curtain of soft mist. Moments later, he emerges wearing the new clothes, which feel like they were made especially for him.
Dabi whistles in admiration: Dante! Who is this handsome man?! I don't recognize you!
Dante shakes his head as he looks at himself in the mirror: They're more comfortable than I expected.
Dabi winks: I told you! Now, it's my turn to pick out something amazing for me!
As Dabi excitedly wandered around the store, looking for something that would suit his exaggerated taste, Dante stood by the window overlooking the floating market, where he saw a strange sight—in a far corner of the market, a masked figure was silently watching them, before disappearing into the crowd.
Dante felt a strange pang in his heart, a vague sense that things wouldn't stay calm for long.
After Dante finished trying on his new clothes, Dabi stood in front of a long mirror, putting on a black scarf with silver patterns and frowning as he turned it over in his hands.
Dabi thoughtfully: Is this elegant enough? Or is it too dark?
Dante sarcastically: You care about this too much.
Dabi raised an eyebrow: Of course! If you're going to fight, at least be elegant while doing it.
Dante sighed: It's a scarf, Dabi, not a magic shield.
The saleswoman smiled as she looked at Dabi: Tasteful, sir, this scarf is made of stardust threads, light but resistant to the elements.
Dabi admired: Okay, I buy it!
After finishing shopping at the clothing store, the two of them went out to the floating market again, where colorful lights danced overhead, and voices were buzzing everywhere.
Dante looked at the shops around him: Since we're here, I think we should go to the armor stores as well.
Dabi surprised: Oh? You're interested in armor? I didn't expect that from you.
Dante calmly: Well, fighting isn't always about attacking only. I guess I better be prepared.
Dabi smiled wickedly: Huh, it seems my book really affected you.
Dante mockingly: You're imagining things.
Dabi pointed to a side alley in the market: Well, then let's go to the Rock Skin store. I heard that it has some armor made from the fibers of small dragons, light but strong.
They entered one of the side alleys in the market, where the lights were dimmed, and a quieter atmosphere prevailed. The shops here were less flashy, but the merchandise was more distinctive.
When they arrived at the Rock Skin store, the place looked like an old blacksmith's shop, but instead of fire, there were columns of green light swimming around the pieces of armor hanging on it. In the corner, there was a bald dwarf with huge arms, polishing a shield with a strange hammer.
The blacksmith gruffly looks at them and smiles: Looking for armor, huh?
Dante looks at the armor on display: Something sturdy, but doesn't impede movement.
Dabi points to a thin black armor with silver lines: And this? It looks light.
The blacksmith smiles proudly: Iron Breath armor, made of a flexible yet tough material, absorbs shocks and distributes force evenly, like a second skin.
Dante touches the armor carefully: How much is it?
The blacksmith: Eighty gold brisa.
Dabi whistles: Oh, that's very expensive.
Dante quietly looks at other armor: Do you have something less expensive but of similar quality?
The blacksmith wipes his chin: I have this.
The blacksmith pulls out another armor, a silver-colored chest armor, with a simple but solid design.
The blacksmith: Not as flexible as the previous one, but it's sturdy and light. Fifty-four gold brisa.
Dante looks at Dabi: I think that's appropriate.
Dabi winks playfully: Are you paying for it yourself, or should I consider it a gift from you?
Dante with a slight smile: I'll pay.
After completing their purchase, they leave the store, only to find that the market has gotten more crowded as the night progresses. The lights have gotten brighter, and the air is filled with the scent of exotic spices and drinks.
Dabi looks at Dante's sword sheathed on his back: Don't you want a new sheath? Your sword looks like it's seen better days.
Dante looks at the sword, running his fingers over the old, slightly worn sheath: Maybe... but it still does the job.
Dabi raises an eyebrow: Man, this isn't just a sheath, it's a style! Imagine drawing your sword from a sheath made of dragon skin, or one engraved with mysterious inscriptions, wouldn't that be more exciting?
Dante sarcastically: Because the sheath is what determines the strength of the sword, right?
Dabi puts his hand on his heart exaggeratedly: You're hurting me, Dante. The scabbard reflects the swordsman's personality, you have to choose one that suits you!
Dante thinks for a moment, then exhales: Okay, let's go see.
Dabi smiles triumphantly and leads him through the market, heading towards a small shop located between an ancient manuscript shop and a cart selling glowing flowers. The shop had a wooden sign that read "Artisan's Fingers" in elegant font, and the interior seemed to be filled with scabbards of all shapes and materials.
As they entered, they were greeted by an elderly man with a light white beard, who was sitting behind a wooden table polishing a scabbard made of black bones.
The craftsman in a calm voice: Welcome to Artisan's Fingers, where every scabbard here is either a scabbard for a legendary sword of a historical figure, or a scabbard made with precision by the elements and hands of magical blacksmiths. Are you looking for a scabbard for a sword?
Dabi excitedly: Yes! We want something that suits my friend here.
The craftsman looks at Dante and his sword, Dante's dazzling silver sword that shines with a golden sheen and has the sword's name in Rutanese symbols on it.
The craftsman nods slowly: "His name is 'confirmed' huh? Where did you get this sword… Well, never mind. A sword like this needs a sheath that reflects its power."
The man starts showing them some sheaths, one made of cloth reinforced with sturdy silver threads, another made of purple wood surrounded by a carefully carved metal frame, but one sheath caught Dante's eye.
It was a simple silver-gray sheath, but it was decorated with black metal edges that resembled rock cracks, and on its surface were some mysterious lines that seemed to shine faintly golden in the light.
Dante touches the sheath cautiously: "What is this?"
The craftsman smiles mysteriously: "A sheath made of the hide of a creature called a wind horn. Strong, light, and responds to its wielder over time. It's not just a sheath, it will adapt to you." Dabi with admiration: Oh, that sounds a bit magical.
Dante thinks for a moment, then nods: I'll take it.
The craftsman smiles as he carefully wraps the sheath: Wise choice.
After Dante finished purchasing, they walked out of the store, Dabi looking at him slyly.
Dabi: Look at you, shopping and choosing things that suit you, who knows? Maybe one day you'll even start caring about your appearance!
Dante: Let's not exaggerate.
Dabi laughed as he patted Dante on the shoulder, then looked around and said excitedly: Well, we bought the clothes, the armor, the sheath... Now how about we try the local food? I'm so hungry!
Dante nodded with a small smile, and let himself and his friend be led towards the smell of seasoned barbecue that filled the air. Little did he know that this night would end up being something more than just a regular shopping spree.
*After entering the restaurant*
As Dante and Dabi sat at a small wooden table in a restaurant specializing in grilled chicken, the sound of the grill and the sound of the meat turning filled the place, mixed with the aroma of the fragrant spices.
Dabi takes a bite of a piece of chicken: So, how do you think the training is going so far? Do you think you're starting to improve?
Dante thinks for a moment before calmly responding: Progress is slow, but I'm starting to understand my technique more.
Dabi nods in agreement: That's normal. No one gets strong overnight. Then he points to Dante's sword next to him. By the way, what do you think of the name the craftsman mentioned? It seemed a bit strange, didn't it?
Dante remembers the name the craftsman read on his sword: He said it's called Confirmed... It sounds old, but it's somehow familiar, and he also asks who got me a sword like that.
Dabi tries to remember while eating: Confirmed... I feel like I've heard something similar before, but it doesn't come to mind now.
Dante raised an eyebrow as he struggled to remember, then changed the subject with another question:
Dante: Since we're talking about names, what's the name of your sword, Dabi?
Dabi smiled proudly as he put the piece of chicken aside and grabbed his sword: Oh, I'm glad you asked! My sword is called Rivendra, a name inspired by the ancient elven language, meaning "cutting flash".
Dante looks at the sword briefly: It sounds like a powerful name.
Dabi excitedly: Of course! A swordsman's preferred sword name is something very important, whether you're a swordsman, a knight, or even just a beginner warrior!
Dante smiles slightly: It's mentioned in your book, The Swordsman of the Three Continents.
Dabi points at it happily: Exactly! It's a great book, isn't it?
Before Dante could respond, they were interrupted by the sound of a commotion and loud laughter coming from the other side of the restaurant. There was a group of men and women sitting around a large table, laughing uproariously, their voices getting louder with every joke that was told between them.
Dante looks at them and then at Dabi: I'll be back in a moment.
Dabi raises an eyebrow: Where?
Dante gets up as he stares at the noise: There's something interesting.
Dante slowly approaches the large table, where everyone was laughing They clapped as someone spoke animatedly, cracking jokes and pranks with unparalleled skill. He hesitated for a moment before sticking his head out into the crowd to see...
Yuno was sitting in the middle of the table, confident as ever, engaging in a verbal duel full of pranks against the other people in the restaurant, and he would never come out a loser! Every sentence he said was met with loud laughter, whistles, and cheers, in what seemed like an unofficial competition to win the title of "Prank King" of the place.
Seeing this scene, Dante couldn't help himself and shouted in a clear voice over the noise:
Dante: Yuno!
Yuno paused for a moment, turning his head towards the voice, before his eyes widened in surprise, then a wide smile spread across his face as he raised his hand in greeting:
Yuno: Dante! You're here too?!