Chereads / The Etherian Prototype / Chapter 2 - Hunter Or Hunted

Chapter 2 - Hunter Or Hunted

"Jäger Captain's Log: Walkers were seen roaming along the outskirts of Ballista, They don't seem to do much except for snap their jaws at each other and try to attack anything that comes close to them or makes sound…Mo-I mean Shadow Weaver, says that this is because Walkers were made as a side-effect of the Princesses' indiscriminate use of their Wild Magic, as a result: These things can sense magic in all living things, try to attack whatever comes near them and drain them of any kind of life source whether it's magic or…maybe they act like those weird monster things in Kyle's books and eat non-Princess flesh…Zombies, I think they're called, no matter…I'll go down to the base once the sun comes up and investigate their patterns…Jäger Captain Adam, signing off…"

Adam had been spending all of the night and most of the next day trying to observe the Walkers that were wandering along the outskirts and inside the abandoned grounds of the Horde Stronghold known as Ballista. After carefully detailing their habits and how aggressive they were in degrees of their proximity to life forms, he made the first move and scaled the cliffside walls with the help of a grappling hook. "Good thing that Shadow Weaver drilled me into taking Physical Training seriously…" He muttered as he landed on the ramparts, staying on high alert as he carefully walked among the edge and glanced around to gauge his surroundings in the ruined fort.

Ballista had once been the Horde's most formidable riverside fortresses but it was also it's most contested one; Salineas was it's most hostile enemy while forces were transported there by sea and even though Plumeria maintained it's pacifism through living in nature, Brightmoon was eager to ensure that the Horde Fortress never gained that closer foothold however they could. Equipped with thick walls and only a few ways in meant that the Walkers approaching either waterlogged themselves or navigated the wild overgrowth from Plumeria's outskirts.

"So far with what I can tell, the Walkers around here don't really do much outside of struggle to get to the fortress and the ones that DID get here just…wait." Adam theorised as he inspected a set of tracks that lead towards the waterfront. "They don't seem to guard it and they aren't focused on anything besides lingering here…But for what?"

As Adam continued to scour the stronghold for any kind of leads, his frustrations started to grow as the anxiety for his first ever mission plus the fact that anything he DID turn up was already known made him irritable, though it also made him unaware that something was watching him from afar with nothing good in mind before vanishing into the dark.

"This is hopeless…All the training I did and Shadow Weaver is counting on me to find out results for the Walkers and yet this is…I…GH!" Adam growled in frustration and kicked a dented Horde soldier helmet across the grounds but something kicked up when he did. "What…" He muttered to himself; he leaned in closer to the dust cloud and saw some claw marks in the dirt where the tanks were located, there were some covered holes in the ground where it looked like something burrowed into it. "Someone's digging for something…But for wh-"

Before Adam could even finish his sentence, there was the sound of breaking glass followed by a wailing alarm that resonated throughout the entire stronghold and with what he learned about the Walkers, this was the equivalent of ringing a dinner bell. "Oh, this doesn't look good." He thought to himself as he drew his stun baton from his belt and triggered it when he heard the sounds of raspy howling from the waterside and from under his feet. "Really not good…" He remarked as he jumped back as the ground began to crack and dozens of hands dug up from the underside.

These were the real deal Walkers, the holograms had them as shambling transparent bodies but these were more horrific to look at; They were in various bodily disarray ranging from reddened skin and fallen out hair, peeling skin and bloated from the ones that were waterlogged made for a clear sign that they were very much not to be touched.

"They look so much worse than what the Horde made them out to be…This was done by Princess Magic?!" Adam remarked as he swung the baton to knock the first lunging Walker down and then back up again to hit the next one under the chin. "Either way, I ain't touching them without gloves!" He snarked before swinging again to knock other Walkers back; Though he noticed that no matter how many times that he hit them or how much voltage they were zapped with, they always got back up to try again. "They're not going down…Tank…I need a tank!" He thought before sprinting for the least broken down war machine and climbed in.

"//Vocal Identification, please!//" The AI voice chimed as they felt the new entry inside while the tank wobbled back and forth and the scraping of claws screeched from the opening at the top.

"Seriously?! We're being attacked right now! Shouldn't you have automated defense measures if you're operational, I know your model of tank so you definitely should!" Adam snapped at the voice as he tried to find a key panel.

"//Incorrect verification, please state your Identification now.//" The Voice chimed again as it prompted Adam once more.

"Grr…Fine! Computer! Allow access for Jäger Captain Adam, Horde Soldier number 30091983!" Adam called out as he strapped himself in, sighing in relief when the chime indicated success. "Alright, set up the power to be redirected to the main cannon and allow for manual aiming!"

"//Access Granted!//" The Voice announced as the tank roared into life and the controls slackened so Adam could aim the tank properly.

"Alright…If blunt force won't work, then how about this!" Adam yelled as he began firing the tank's cannon at the bunched up Walkers that were trying to attack this new threat.

As each mob of Walkers got blasted and sent flying across the stronghold but more continued to rise up out of the ground like they were clawing free.

Adam kept firing on them as he got the information that he needed but taking out the Walkers that were trying to kill him took priority. "Alright, Computer! Redirect power to mobility and we can try escaping out of the fortress." He instructed but was disappointed when a warning sound came up and a light started beeping.

"//WARNING! Power core overheating, any further redirection of power or repeated firing of main cannon will result in complete system shutdown and potential core rupture.//"

"Of course it will…You are reeeeeally helpful, you know that?" Adam said sarcastically as he unstrapped himself from the tank's seat, "Just wish I could at least jet boost ou-Wait…I have an idea." He said to himself as he then tapped on the keys for control. "Computer, disregard warning and channel all power into the engines for max output." He ordered as he moved behind the chair and kicked open the eternal hatch. "Oh, don't forget to set off the alarms."

The tank registered the inputs and began letting out a loud, piercing squeal across the whole courtyard, alerting every Walker in the Stronghold and outside of it as they began to rabidly claw, bite and otherwise attack the vehicle.

Adam used the noise and their diverted focus to sneak away and hopped onto a nearby flagpole, climbing up and then navigating to a higher floor. "That should keep them distracted until the tank goes up." He grunted as he rushed along the walls and then headed for the nearby stairwell to get to the higher ramparts.

"Looks like someone's too smart to be an average soldier…How about we have a little fun time together~" A grating voice chimed out from the dark of the stairwell in front of Adam and out stepped someone who looked both the same yet different from the Walkers.

This skeletal person was over 7 feet tall with bone-white skin, greasy black hair that hung past their face and made them look like a creature from one of Shadow Weaver's tales. Their eyes were ringed in black and so sunken into their sockets that they looked like two sickly yellow dots sitting in a pool of red, their body was clad in what looked like a black version of Catra's leotard and with black and white tipped boots to match.

"You…You're not from the Horde…And you don't look like a Walker….Are you with the Rebellion?!" Adam interrogated as he poised his Stun Baton; "And don't bother lying to me because I know you would stand out a mile away in the Horde!"

"Why so violent? I'm not your enemy…And I know better than to target a fellow Captain." The figure said with a scratchy voice that sounded like it tore at their vocal cords to speak before pulling out a reddish Horde Captain pin. "Not to mention I-" They continued to talk but stopped as they got better stock of Adam and felt a grin spread across their cracked lips and exposing a mouth of abnormally white, crooked teeth. "You're not like other Horde Soldiers that come here, you're…different." They said with a breathy and unsettling chuckle.

"I'm warning you…Tell me who you are!" Adam snapped as he could feel something in his gut, it felt like a block of ice settled in his insides and even though he was determined to keep up a brave face; One part of his brain urged him to not back down while the other was screaming at him to run away.

"You feel…Familiar…You feel like me…I want to sample you, Little Me…" They practically demanded with a manic sounding laugh and they lowered themselves like they were about to pounce; Their arms quickly shifted and warped like they were a bubbling liquid before slowly pushing out five bone white claws from their fingers which scraped against the stone walls with a terrifying screech.

"Well…I guess I can't mistake that disturbing look…That thing's a WEAPON, alright…" Adam thought to himself as he grabbed the box by his waist and pulled out an unfurling riot shield. "So you're a part of the Princess's secret weapons…Brilliant, I can take out you AND this section's threat of Walkers at the same time." He called out as he got into a fighting stance. "Make it easier on yourself and I might take you in for inspection instead of dissecting you, Claw."

"Oh, Little Me…You are so generous for naming me....and adorable to think you can hope that…I've already taken down plenty of Soldiers who claimed the same." The Figure now named as Claw cooed in a singsong voice before erratically rushing forward to swing their claws at Adam in a blindingly fast barrage of whites and blacks.

Adam was easily second to Catra when it came to speed but this person practically blew her out of the water as it took every ounce of focus just to bring the shield up and block the swings that were stronger than even Rogelio's attacks. "Okay, I knew Princess Magic was strong but what the hell do they do to make THESE guys?!" He mentally yelled as he swung his arm out to thrust the Stun Baton at Claw which was ducked under and ended with Adam getting kicked in the head to knock him back.

"Oh, do stop struggling…It takes the fun out of sampling you and I'd rather not spoil your vintage with dirt and metal." Claw sneered as they rushed forward with a flurry of swipes that tore the shield to pieces like wet paper. "There you are~ NOW HOLD STILL!" They manically shrieked and thrust their clawed hands at Adam's face.

Adam was barely quick enough to dodge the strike but it still hit it's mark as it made a four fingered cut against his cheek before he moved with his momentum and swung the remainder of the shield to bash Claw directly in the face. "This thing's bad news…I either die fighting to him or I lea…No…I refuse to retreat…Adora wouldn't…Catra wouldn't so neither will I!" He mentally resolved himself as he got to his feet. "One way or another, I'll make sure you get sterilised." He remarked but then felt a strong kick knock him over the side and onto the ground below where the Walkers once were.

"No need…My Claws already did their job…A single cut is enough to start infecting you…It's laughable really." Claw taunted before laughing as they saw the Walkers attacking the tank while the timer ticked down. "Soon enough, all those brains…All that nerve will melt away as you become one of us…Will you retain that smart brain of your's? Or will you devolve into a mindless corpse…snapping and snarling over the basest urge to consume magic…" They taunted and goaded him as the side of their face was an angry looking colour from getting struck.

"Heh…You know…It's pretty funny." Adam admitted as he wiped the blood from his cheek though winced as he felt everything under his skin burn from it's effects as well as several bones cracked from Claw's kick. "You've spent all this time talking down my smarts and everything that you've missed one thing." He mentioned as he saw Claw stalking closer to him with one clawed arm raised that manic giggling that crescendoed with every step.

"And what would that be, Little Me? That your loyalty to the Horde is stronger than your fear? That you would sooner die than let an enemy beat you? Because I've heard just about everything from your fellow Soldiers~" Claw crooned as they raised a claw high to finish the job.

"That you claim my intelligence was so weak yet you failed to see just where I put you." Adam remarked as he glanced up at Claw; "Even you can hear something like this all around you…I still think you can get surprised even as a walking cadaver."

Claw saw the mob of Walkers not paying any attention to them but there was the sound of a dull hum growing louder as the engines from the Tank were at critical mass. "I….You…Sneaky little weevil….You might make it as a smart little Walker yet~" They remarked with a curdled mix of pride and anger at being outsmarted. "But I think you've forgotten one important thing, I will be able to survive an explosion like this…Can you?" They asked with a dark, almost ghoulish smile on their face once they realised that they could either toy with Adam before the inevitable or they could break down.

"Maybe not." Adam said honestly as he tried to sit up; "But you igored one extra thing that puts us over you Walkers…" He mentioned as he clicked a Heat Grenade into activation from his belt. "It might be a long drop out of this world but I'll make sure you go riding it down with me." He stated and then threw the beeping grenade at Claw's head, the detonation hit them with it's full force and made them do the most shocking thing that Adam had ever seen this creature do.

Claw had been hit in the face with an exploding grenade and the resulting pain caused them to howl like a wild animal and clutching their face. "Y-Forget making you into a worthy drone…I'll infect you fully…drag you to your precious Fright Zone and watch you run like a rabid beast!" They shrieked like a banshee and pounced for Adam in a last ditch effort to gain the upper hand.

"One last thing to mention…A fight isn't over until the fat lady sings." Adam remarked as he grabbed Claw's wrist to hold back their blades from jabbing him before redirecting them to jab the ground beside him. "And this particular one's a screamer." He quipped as he headbutt Claw to stun them and grabbed onto their collar tight so they wouldn't come off.

"//Warning! Core breached, evacuate to a safe distance….Goodby-//"

Adam felt his eardrums blank out as the explosion rocked across them and held on as the flames from the tank expanded outwards; Hitting Claw's body while he used them as a shield while the flames rolled over.

After the dust settled and the flames died down; Adam peeled the blackened remains of Claw's charred body off of him and lay them down as he got to his feet. "So…Just to report; I tracked Walkers to the base, found out that they were lurking around a nest and for some reason…A WEAPON has randomised number of claws, okay…I think I'm done here…" He thought to himself as he held his side where Claw kicked him and staggered towards the gate. "We just need a boat…Most of these things get slowed WAY down in water, it'll be a longer trip since Salineas isn't open to Horde visitors but at lease I can travel along the rivers and find somewhere to dock…"

While Adam was making his quick escape, another figure was crawling out of the woodwork and was poised to strike him down from amidst the broken wall. They rushed forward and then with a split second for Adam to turn at the sound of crunching dirt.

"No…No, you do NOT have the right to call yourselves the good guys here!" An angry girl's voice yelled as they held Adora captive and furiously gestured to a decimated area that had been visited by the Horde. "You guys are LITERALLY called the Evil Horde for a reason!"

During her and Catra's "excursion" into the Whispering Woods; Catra crashed their skiff and got them lost with Adora finding a mysterious looking sword trapped in the undergrowth and ended up with visions ever since she got back to the Fright Zone. "I told you, we aren't the bad guys in any of this!" Adora protested as she narrowed her eyes at the Princess Glimmer and her archer friend Bow. "If anything, I'm stopping you from making things worse."

The two members of the Princess Rebellion had come across a strong reading for First Ones tech in the same area that Adora was searching for the sword, once the three coincided with each other and caught the Horde Soldier trying to pull it free which lead them to the current situation. "From making what worse, exactly? The fact that the Horde is corrupting Etheria or the fact that those Walkers are attacking everyone they see because of how destructive you get?!" Princess Glimmer yelled at Adora as she was both riding the high of potentially showing off a prisoner for the Queen while equally incensed at the soldier's audacity.

"You seriously think that the Walkers were made by Princesses? How does the Horde guess that vile, destructive and magic eating monsters originate from magic belonging to the purest stones on Etheria?" Bow asked as he looked at Adora with a confused expression; However the ground under them shook briefly as a dim flash of light came up in a mushroom cloud from far away before he could get a response out of Adora. "Glimmer…That explosion….I think it's come from-"

"Ballista…So the Horde are trying to fight back already, were you just the distraction so they could win it back?!" Glimmer snarled at Adora as she held on to the Sword that the three of them found.

"What are you talking about? Ballista's basically an abandoned military base!" Adora yelled back at her; "Besides, the only thing out here beside you are the…Walkers…" She trailed off when she started to remember something that she heard before their trip. "Wait, we need to get to the fortress, now! I think my friend might be in dang-"

"If it's a Horde soldier like you then I say they can handle themself just fine!" Glimmer grumbled as she gripped the sword's hilt tighter; "But you should be more concerned about yourself…You're going to be taken to Bright Moon and you can answer to the Queen." She said with a stone cold look that almost resembled Queen Angella, that was until it changed to a grin of barely contained glee. "Mom's gonna be so proud, she'll HAVE to let me conduct missions more!"

Adora was pulled along lightly by Bow as they directed her away and further into the Whispering Woods. "Adam…If Shadow Weaver sent you to where I think she's sent you, please be careful…" She thought to herself as she walked. It wasn't that uncommon for Adora to be the one worrying about Adam and Catra causing trouble in the Fright Zone; Whether it was the catty girl causing mischief or antagonising other Horde Soldiers, Adam was often on the other end of the spectrum as he practically attracted people who wanted to knock him down a peg purely for being Shadow Weaver's son or for whatever Catra gets him involved in.

"Don't worry…If you're worried about your friend being there, it's mostly just broken down tanks and discarded junk anyway…Besides, Walkers that roam around that area end up getting smacked away by Plumeria's defenses or just trapped when they can't cross the rivers." Bow said in an attempt to be reassuring, Adora may have been their prisoner but he still operated on a belief that a a happy prisoner was a helpful prisoner.

"I don't need to discuss things with my captors…And I don't need you to pity me." Adora rebuked him with a stiff tone in an attempt to sound tough, however her facade cracked a little as she bit the inside of her lip; "My friend's tough…I know he is, but with Walkers creeping everywhere and a princess like that running around…She's dangerous on her own as it is without bringing Walkers into it."

Bow raised an eyebrow as Glimmer teleported out of site; "Have you actually met a Princess before? I know Glimmer's kind of…snippy at the moment but she's normally really nice."

"Yeah, likely…The moment she gets upset, she's probably gonna go out of control with her magic and bring more Walkers out into Etheria." Adora huffed as she felt Bow stopping and with a more confused expression than she expected.

"Is that what Hordak's been telling you all?" Bow asked with a look of bemusement and then found himself stopped from probing further as he heard Glimmer sounding like she was in distress further into the forest, breaking himself into a quicker run so he could check on her with Adora having to keep step while tied up.

A groan echoed through a dark chamber as Adam slowly regained consciousness and found himself surrounded by a circle of red film like energy. "Wha-What happened?" He thought to himself as he got to his feet unsteadily…Or at least, he tried to as cuffs had him bound to a cold metal table. "I can't move…." He croaked before starting to struggle. "I can't move! HEY! SOMEONE…ANYONE?!" The Jäger Captain yelled into the darkness with no person to respond, only the glowing light of the barrier and a sudden wave of energy hit his body with a quick yet very clear message that he wasn't going anywhere.

The entire chamber was lit up by this sudden contact and the barrier surrounding their captive flashed to life along with his yell of pain. "Do not struggle so much…This barrier that I had been tasked to make is tailored to react when your body gets excited." The familiar voice of Shadow Weaver broke the silence as she floated over towards him and stopped just shy of the barrier.

"Shadow Weaver…What's going on? Why have you bound me like this and why did you make up a Detainment Barrier for me? You know that I don't need one!" Adam tried to question the sorceress as she then moved away from him but he could tell she hadn't diverted her attention.

"It does not please me to detain you like this but Lord Hordak has explicitly ordered me to conduct immediate actions…To find out what happened at Ballista and as a preventative measure once we were informed of the state that you were found in." Shadow Weaver explained, though it sounded like she was keeping information vague for him.

"The mission!" Adam craned his neck so he could look up at his superior; "I managed to track some Walkers into the main grounds of Ballista, they established a nest there but it hasn't progressed past the gathering stage." He explained as he tried to pick apart what he could remember. "I was taking notes of the habits and why they opted for an abandoned base instead of somewhere more rich in magic."

"I see…They could have congregated there because it has Plumeria on one side and Salineas on the other, two very powerful sources of magic come from there and very dangerous for the Horde's soldiers." Shadow Weaver detailed with no hint of emotion in her voice; Which was strange because even among the likes of Adora and him, Shadow Weaver always had some underlining hint of affection towards the two but now…It was like she had never even known him before.

"I was attacked when the alarms at the fortress went off, the sound of it attracted all of them that were in the area…I managed to wipe them out when there was both no more options and I had everything I needed." Adam further explained as he found that the more he tried to detail, the hazier everything had gotten. "Look…What exactly happened? Last thing that happened was that…WEAPON…."

Hearing this was enough for Shadow Weaver to turn and face him; "You found one? Did it have any discerning features? Any indication of where it came from?" Shadow Weaver asked as she started to get concerned over the fact one was so close to both the Princess's domains in forest and sea.

"It had claws…It's face was all sunken in and it was acting unhinged…I thought that I managed to destroy it…But it wasn't alone." Adam finally pieced the rest of it together. "But that should be okay, right? A WEAPON is gone and I can still jump in to take back Ballista to make it Horde-worthy again…Right?"

"No…After that explosion, you disappeared from my Sight and with no Horde checkpoints in that area…No one to verify your location or your status." Shadow Weaver explained while she turned to face the imprisoned Adam. "So when a Horde troupe found you on their way to a checkpoint and brought you back…This was found." She explained and pointed to the bandaged up part of Adam's shoulder along with a bone like shard that was currently in a skinny glass tube.

"I…What? What happened?" Adam asked as he tapped his shoulder where the bandages were. "The most I got on that fight was a scratch to the face…When did this happen?"

Shadow Weaver seemed to understand the look on his face as she eyed him; "You were found on the outskirts of the Talon Mountains and collapsed for anyone to see…You are lucky that you were discovered by Horde before anyone on the side of the Rebellion does…Or that Hordak didn't find out about your condition."

"Condition? I don't understand, I got back here safe an-"

"The only reason that you are still able to continue the work you do and do it rationally is because of the specialised training regimen that I given you when you were younger…Any lesser man would have been reduced to a rabid beast yet somehow you seem to defy those symptoms we see in any infected person because of it." Shadow Weaver explained.

Adam felt the shackles undo on his wrists and ankles as he sat up; "Stronger, Faster and Sturdier for fighting in Lord Hordak's name." He repeated out loud what she had said in the past. "So where will you send me now, Shadow Weaver?" He asked as he got back into Captain mode.

"For now, I need to keep you close by to monitor for any change in infection probabilities so sending you anywhere remote is out of the question…Until I can be assured that you are fit, you will conduct missions as a secondary Force Captain." The shadowy sorceress mentioned as she cautiously undid the barrier. "Adora has gone missing and Catra is either unknowing of her whereabouts or she refuses to tell me…You are to help assist a squad in her place and make sure that Catra does not misbehave."

Adam felt his blood run cold at her casual/calm tone while she talked. "Ad…Adora's missing?" He mumbled quietly; "T-Then I'll do it! I'll accept the mission and find her no matter wha-" The hooded boy affirmed but reflexively quietened down as he saw Shadow Weaver raise her palm to him.

"Stressing yourself will not aide your mission…But this will also be a secondary objective for you as well; If Adora has gone for this long then I…And even moreso Lord Hordak need to know why, whether it's because she's been captured or for whatever reason…I need you to track her down and find out her condition." Shadow Weaver explained as she floated over to him, lowering his hood so she could gaze upon his masked face before using her thumb to stroke his cheek; "I know you want to find your friend, child. Just as much as I want to ensure Adora remains safe...And I know that you won't fail me; Now go meet with the Squad at the loading bay, they will explain more there."

Adam pulled up his hood and saluted for her; "I will do my best to make you proud, Shadow Weaver...And I promise that I will bring Adora back to the people who care about her more than anything." He said honestly; Now more driven to undergo this mission and rescue his supposedly captive friend.

"First, I want you to have this." Shadow Weaver mentioned as she picked up what looked like an ornate mask similar to the one that he wore already; However this one was a deeper shade of red and possessed white runes along the front that faintly glowed with light. "This new mask of your's will aide you in filtering out Walker Hive toxins and stop filtration issues wherever your missions will take you."

Adam took off his old mask and then placed the new one on with an audible click. "I can breathe better in this…It's perfect." He complimented as he sat the old mask on the table. "I won't let you down." He assured Shadow Weaver before leaving though he stopped at the door for one final question. "If I find Adora…And if she doesn't want to return, what would you have me do?" He asked her with some underlying worry, Adora was one of his childhood friends after all.

"Do not entertain such thoughts, Adam…I have given you everything you need to bring Adora back to me." Shadow Weaver promised him as she watched him leave the sanctum, her eyes turned to the container that drove Adam into a fit and gazed into it's inky contents with a more cold expression. "If the WEAPONs are too much for even Adam with all of my efforts invested…I may need to double my efforts in testing him further, if not to purge Etheria of this blight…Then as an insurance policy if Hordak decides to intervene with my pride." She thought with a rather dark streak as the substance pulsed in it's prison.

Adam quietly made his way towards the hangar but noticed something odd about the other soldiers as he passed them; Normally they would be curtly polite or otherwise pretending that he didn't exist, now they were giving him a wide berth to walk or had a look of unease around him.

By the time that he got to the Hangar; He heard hushed voices near a skiff that was prepped and ready, standing at the ready were Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio but no one else was around.

"Captain Adam, Sir!" Lonnie barked as she stood to attention with the other two following suit.


With Rogelio's affirmatory growl, Adam walked past and gestured for them to relax; "I'm guessing you know the mission...We're going into enemy territory and shutting down a potential Rebellion incursion at a weapons factory." He explained though he couldn't help but notice that Kyle looked like a field mouse being eyed up by a cat and Rogelio was on edge ever since their "Captain" stepped in. "So I'm assuming we have one more to wait on..."

"Hey Adam." A familiar voice that dripped with catty playfulness and impudence came into hearing range as Catra decided to wander up to the group; "Looks like Shadow Weaver granted Adora's wish after all...We're all on a squad together."

"We should be ready to go; Kyle, you prep the skiff for departure, Rogelio can get supplies ready and Lonnie? You make sure we've got weapons loaded in case things go south." Adam ordered as he took on his role as a Captain and listened to them obey him.

"Sounds like you've taken to it...Now saddle up, we're going on a road trip to Thaymor." Catra said with a smirked as she tapped Adam's chest before making a feline leap onto the deck of the skiff.