Sagi bolted into the field and Jengaaro was substituted. Sagi placed himself in a place Gachira can never pass the ball to and he said, he was ready every pass .
"We all know that Gachira can't send any ball to Koichi, so what's their plan" Aki thought and then smiled
" Sagi is a real egoist but he still lack experience to dominate the field from the LM,MM,RM(left midfield, middle midfield and right midfield)" Aki thought to himself and sighed
Immediately when the game second half starts, Gachira lost control of the ball and lairo took it forward to their net but surprisingly, zintetzu tackled him with force thereby breaking his legs and the ball was with Sagi.
Everyone were suprised, when they saw sagi with ball close to the net and the remaining players started running towards him but he humiliated them by using his head to toss the ball inside the net.
The audience were cheering and screaming their lungs out.
" No wonder, he stayed in that position. Smart choice for an amateur" Jengaaro said.
"How did you know that" Gachira said to Sagi
" I am controlling the field and it was good zintetzu broke lairo's leg so that lairo can't create any chemical reaction with kokubo kowe" Sagi said eminating an unbelievable aura.
" Now that lairo shinro is out, takashi is entering" the board Man said
" Stay on cover for Sagi, he likes using foolish tricks and I will like you to break his own leg " lairo said, grinning in pain and agony.
The game began and takashi started to tail Sagi and he told him that " I've already been informed about you ability Koichi and all your tricks. And the rules state that there is no foul or cards . And I suppose breaking your leg is the best approach" takashi sneered
" Sagi" Gachira shouted before takashi realized that Sagi wasn't actually listening to him and was not with him.
Immediately, he chased after Sagi and ran to the net. With his big body he was able to block all Sagi's shots.
It was ten minutes for them to score a goal or game over and after the tackling of takashi to Sagi.
They used the same techniques to get the ball to Sagi but fortunately, takashi keeps tailing him and Sagi had to Elastico him to the penalty box where takashi set the leg of Sagi but he was able to shoot the ball and it hit the top bar and it was so close but surprisingly Sagi was smiling.
Surprisingly, Gachira came flying and gave the most unbelievable shot.
It was said to Gachira that when takashi started tailing him ,he knew that takashi was going to tackle in the box so he purposely shot the ball to the top bar for Gachira to give the final shot.
" It's judgement time, encouragement or Career
Spoilage, smile or sadness, happiness or tears free". White box correspondence
Everybody gathered together to hear the results of the match.
" My name is Masada aoiyama and also the correspondence of white box. The match we just witnessed was a real blast and it is time for judgement and expulsion"
Everyone were shocked to hear the word expulsion and judgement at the same time.
"Surprisingly, the Host of this match is already expelled and some unexpected visitors are judged. Kokubo kowe has being awarded 14 points for his bright starting goal for the other team. Jengaaro is awarded 14 points too. zintetzu is awarded 14 point too for his skillful blocking techniques and nice opening. Lairo and Shimgaki, the other member are now expelled. And so the un judged are mamitaro Gachira for his wonderful work of art in the last minutes of the game. Sagi has claim the area as necromancer in the field. The un judged have been awarded 35 points" Masada aoiyama said.
Sagi was startled by zintetzu and he said
" I never knew that breaking his legs meant spoiling someone else career"
Lairo never knew that, that day his career was finally going to end as a footballer and strategist of the front.
After two weeks, Sagi has been selling food with the food he brought from home and he and Gachira sell together.
Before a guy came to summon Gachira and called him Sept leg breaker.