Chereads / My Life & How It Has Changed Me Book 2 / Chapter 56 - Chapter 30-1 Book 2

Chapter 56 - Chapter 30-1 Book 2

Chapter 30-1


Part 2

I felt something pulling me back when it passed; I was sitting in his office and he and I were staring at each other. From the corner of my eyes, I could tell we were alone. I knew Star Trek was fiction, but somehow, I was transported or had been beamed to his office. It bothered me knowing the church house like the back of my hand, but somehow, I had walked from one end of the building to the other and hadn't realized it. I was wondering what kind of power he had over me when he shook me from my thoughts. Asking me if I was alright, having to repeat it a couple of times before I could grasp what he was saying.

I nodded that I was, but inside, I doubted my answer. I looked away so I wouldn't have to look into his eyes; I felt drained. He said, "Tell me about what makes you fear this church house. We talked about your father yesterday and the basement boiler room." I scrambled my thoughts, trying to remember the conversation, but I drew a blank.

I looked down at the floor seeing my bare feet, apparently, it didn't bother him that had remained barefoot when I walked or beamed down to his office even more so seeing his shoes with his socks stuffed inside sitting at the side of his desk. I searched the room looking for Mom and Aaron, but he said. "Your mother and brother have left you here so we could talk more privately. I'll take you home when we're done."

He asked me again, and I told him. "I didn't remember talking to him regarding the boiler room or my father."

He said. "Interesting," considering the details and the length we talked about it."

Again, I said, "I didn't remember the conversations." He told me he had spoken to my mother and my brother, and they both verified that I wasn't lying. I gasped like a fish quickly closing my mouth.

I nodded, asking him to tell me what they said, hoping it was a lie, and he was just testing me. He repeated it, telling me almost word for word in such detail. I knew it, I had lived it over and over. I said. "And you believed me that it really happened?"

He said. "I do and I wasn't proud of the fact that I learned about it and was too late for anyone to do anything about it. All I can do now is making sure it never happens again." I nodded, not realizing I was crying until he handed me a box of tissues.

I wiped my eyes and my nose, having him repeat the earlier question. I felt as if a huge burden had been removed from my shoulders. I told him everything he wanted to know. Even what my life was like with the Rothwells. He didn't seem shocked, he simply listened. I told him I hated them and loved them, but most of all I feared them, but for me, they were the closest thing I had to having a real family.

He understood and didn't criticize me for it. I told him I was doing my best to trust my mother, but the things that she and my father did to me were making it hard for me to trust her. Stating so far, she has kept her promises and seems she really cares, but I still don't trust her. Telling him I would rather spend the rest of my life with the Rothwells than be in a home where my father or my mother could abuse me at will.

The Rothwells may be quite harsh when it comes to punishments and sometimes go too far, but I truly believe they love me compared to my parents. He understood, nodding his head. When I had answered his questions to the best of my ability, he took me home. Mom was waiting for me at the door the second we pulled into the driveway. I still felt drained and could feel everything spinning around me, but I also felt a great peace that hadn't been there before. Mom didn't ask me what we talked about. She simply kissed my cheek and told me to wash up for dinner.

Once again, I was wondering where the time had gone, and it still bothered me that somehow, I managed to walk the length of the building and not know it in my bare feet. I asked Mom about it. She said that I had done it without any coaxing. I asked her if she felt a weird sensation when she shook hands with the Bishop. She said she hadn't, and in some ways that too concerned me. Mom asked me what kind of feeling? I simply said it was hard to describe, but I did my best saying that every time we shook hands, or I looked into his eyes, it was like an out-of-body experience and left me drained.

Mom stating that it might be something to think about, and ponder a bit, and praying might help. It that in itself was unusual for her, considering she had never been a real spiritual person. So many things had changed about her over the last couple of years. Including the fact it didn't seem to bother her that Aaron and I spend most of our time in our boxers rather than being fully clothed, even going barefoot didn't seem like a big deal anymore. Not once has she tried to degrade me or yell at us for being immodest or immoral. It was like she wasn't the same mother I knew anymore.

I still didn't trust her enough to ask why the change of heart or why if it didn't bother her anymore. I just knew something must have changed inside of her, but apparently, it didn't transfer over to my sisters or my father.

She asked me if I had experienced it with anyone else; I didn't like lying to her. So I said, "I rather not talk about it until I was sure I wasn't crazy, or I just imagined it." It almost sounded like I didn't trust her seeing her face. I knew that I had hurt her because I didn't trust her. I told her to give me some time, so I could work it out, but I would love to talk about it later if she was willing to wait. She understood and kissed my cheek, telling me when I was ready, she be willing to listen.

I wasn't really hungry, so I asked her if it was alright if I ate after I had laid down a bit. Mom felt my head saying I felt feverish, and it would most likely do me good. I nodded, stumbling away from the table. Mom quickly came to my rescue before I fell flat on my face. I didn't like showing how weak I was, but it was better than falling. I knew Dad would be angry if I didn't keep my word. I asked if I could use the phone and call the Rothwells first, saying they would tan my hide so would Grandma if I didn't call them. Mom reminded me that I didn't need permission. I said. "I know … it's just a habit."

Dad picked it up on the second ring. He sighed with relief when he heard my voice telling Shane to tell Mom that I was on the phone. I could hear Mom pick up the other line quickly asking me if I was ok. I knew better to lie, and Dad wouldn't be, so I learned this time. So said I was tired and had been a long day. Leave it to Mom to know something more was wrong with me. Asking to speak to my mother, I handed the phone to my mother, telling her that Mom (Rothwell) wanted to talk to her.

Mom nodded, taking the phone. Mom told her I felt feverish when I came home after talking with their Bishop. Mom handed me the phone, ran to the bathroom coming back with the thermometer, and quickly placing it in my mouth, taking the phone from me. Telling her I had been sick last night, but I was fine this morning. Mom took the thermometer out of my mouth. Told her that it was a little high not quite a hundred but close. Mom said she was thinking about placing me in the tub but hadn't done it yet.

I could hear Mom yelling on the other end that if it went any higher, she would be there and take care of me herself, asking her what kind of mother she is letting her son run about town with a fever. Mom had tears in her eyes, but she held her ground saying I had just come home and hadn't realized I was feverish until a few minutes ago was concerned when I wasn't hungry. They both knew I was always hungry and when I wasn't, red flags went up. Mom handed me back the phone and quickly ran a bath for me while I spoke to my foster parents. I told Mom (Rothwell) that it wasn't her fault, it was mine. I had come home with it, so my mother truly didn't know that I was feverish until about ten minutes ago.

Dad told Mom to give my mother a break, and that she was doing her best. Mom sighed, asking to speak to my mother. I handed the phone to her, hearing Mom (Rothwell) apologize to her for making it a bigger deal than it was. She was just concerned about my well-being, stating it was quite common for me to run a little high at night. Mom said she understood and apologized as well for not knowing about it sooner. Parents could be such worry warts.

I finished my conversation and hung up the phone. The longer I sat there the more drained I felt. The room wouldn't stop spinning. It took several tries before I was able to stand up on my own two feet. I was hugging the wall as I made my way down to the tub. I didn't need help to undress, but I let Mom help me anyway. She helped me into the tub; the water wasn't too cold or too hot; it was perfect. Mom took the soap and bathed me as if I was still a small child. When she was done drying me off, she wrapped the towel around my waist and helped me to bed.

Mom cussed when the phone rang. Aaron yelling it was grandma, and she wanted to speak to me. At the same time, there was a knock at the door. When rains it pours, Mom cussed, leaving me with wet hair and a towel around my waist having me lie down lifting my legs and feet onto the bed saying she would be back, and placing the thermometer into my mouth.

Mom picked up the phone telling Officer Kenly I was down in my room, telling Grandma that I couldn't come to the phone right now, and Officer Kenly was here to check on me said when she got a minute, she'd call her back hanging up the phone.

Mom entered the room just moments after Officer Kenly. Telling her he was just here to check on me and to check on my supply of tranquilizers and pills I would need. Mom realized she had forgotten to stop at the drugstore on the way home, but Officer Kenly had, handing her the meds I would need tonight.

I was surprised she didn't complain about it or the fact no one trusted her to give her more than one day's supply. He didn't require me to be a side of beef on display, just simply asked if my mother had kept her word. I nodded that she had and thanked him for his concern. Mom told him I came home sick after meeting with the Bishop. He nodded, feeling my feverish skin frowning that my temperature was almost one hundred and one. I had just taken a nice long bath, so he let it go, telling her to call him if it goes any higher. Mom gave him her word and walked him to the door. My sisters had gone to bed early, considering Mom was still angry with them for causing every policeman in the county to come to our house.

Again, I thought Mom was being too nice when it came to punishment. Taking away their TV privileges and having no friends for a week, was quite mild compared to what the Rothwells would have done to them. Just because they were girls the Rothwells differentiated when it came to punishment. Jody and Kerry had run laps enough times in their swimsuits and spent enough time in the hothouse, just as much as us. I had no doubt when they were younger that they, too, had a tan backside. Mom quickly called Grandma back after she had finished putting me to bed. It didn't take long after taking my meds; I was out like a light in a matter of minutes.

I had risen early having woke Mom, hearing the soft clicks of my typewriter and the swift dings of the bell when I hit the return key. She quickly placed the thermometer in my mouth and smiled seeing it was back to normal. Today she fixed me a hot bowl of instant oatmeal and added apples and raisins to it like Mom (Rothwell) did, with a large glass of milk and orange juice.

My sisters soon entered the room, seeing that my brother and I had just finished our breakfast and I had taken up most of the table with my books scattered around it. Mom simply gave each of them a couple of pop tarts and an apple. Rather than disturbing me or my work. She also handed them a note to give to their teacher to excuse them from class early so she could pick them up on our way to swim practice.

Susan and Becky complained about it, but Mom wouldn't tolerate the attitude. Aaron and I cringed, waiting for the monster to come out of the cage. But Mom just ordered them to get ready for school or she would give them a spanking to give them something to think about. I could see the fear in their eyes when she said it. I knew she was honoring her promises to me, but I had my doubts on how long she would keep it. Susan growled angrily at me and Aaron, earning her a slap across the face and extending their punishment. I shook and controlled myself as we waited for the monster to strike. Aaron quickly ran down the stairs to avoid getting beaten.

We were running a tad behind, having to wait on Susan, taking her sweet time and having Mom go in and get her to move more quickly. Aaron and I had already changed into our swimsuits to save time in case there wasn't enough time to change before roll call. Mom was prodding Susan into the car, saying we were running late, and it was her fault. Susan said she would rather have gone home with her friends than go to some boring pool with us even more so with me. Personally, I didn't care one way or the other, but it was Mom's show, and I knew if she didn't break the speed limit, we were going to be late. Susan and Becky complained all the way there. Mom and I just ignored them.

We had just arrived in the nick of time, giving Mom shortcuts on how to get there. My coach was calling the roll and had just said my name when I walked in. I had barely enough time to strip off my shirt and kick off my shoes before I found my swim buddy. Mom waved at me folding up mine and Aaron's clothing and took a seat near the kiddie pool, watching Aaron jump in with a cannonball. By the time my sisters came in still arguing hugging towels around their porcelain skin. I had taken my place in line. I could instantly tell they hadn't spent time in the sun. I smiled seeing how uncomfortable they were showing off that much skin in public.

My coach whistled at me to take the line and placed her hand on my shoulder. I focused on giving her my full attention and dived in at the same time my buddy did; we were racing against the clock to beat our own personal times, and after the fourth lap I was feeling exhausted, but I dug deep into my reserves and toughed it out, quickly slapping the buzzer. My coach wrote down my time, telling me I needed to work more if I wanted to win tomorrow.

I took several sips of cold water from my personal bottle that had my name on it. It's hard to believe being submerged in water that you still get thirsty. My sisters blushed when they noticed me and the boys on our team. Standing in wet swimsuits, showing off our well-formed bodies, even though we were decent, our swimsuits showed everything. It brought back memories of when I to blush to see myself and my fellow teammates. Showing off our manhood and our tight butts which you could clearly see, but over time it was something you came accustomed to, besides, I had worn less living in the Rothwell home.

Aaron had made fast friends with other the boys and girls in the kiddie pool, tossing a ball back and forth. My sisters, on the other hand, chose not to join them and stood apart from everyone else. Mom had taken up some needlepoint and watched us, well mostly me snapping more pictures, even more so when I was doing complex diving off the high dive when it was our group's turn and having to return to do more laps. Today my arms and legs felt like limp noodles and that concerned me, and once again I was thinking about my parent's Bishop and the power, he had over me. Wondering why it drained me so much after shaking hands with him.

I had made better time regardless of how I felt inside and knocked two minutes off my time, earning my coach's approval. Telling me she knew I could do it with a nice pat on the back. Mom didn't introduce herself, but I asked my coach if she would like to meet my mother and my brothers and sisters. Mom stood and shook her hand while I introduced them. Mom was shy and overwhelmed, not knowing what to say. Considering the fact, she was in a different element being called out which said clearly to the world that I lived in a foster home which wasn't a surprise or big deal considering she already knew.

My coach simply told her I was one of her best students, giving my mother more credit than she had earned, asking her if she would be attending the meet tomorrow. Mom said she would and my coach reinstating the time I would have to be here. Mom didn't back out simply and said she and I would be here and on time if not sooner.