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Chapter 42 - Chapter 22-1 Book 2

Chapter 22-1

Facing My Greatest Fear

Part 2

Yet the proof was on the table said I had robbed a liquor store being they were my clothes. It was the videotape and the clerk behind the counter that saved my ass. The clothes may have been mine, but the voice wasn't, and Kelly's ankle monitor, not mine registered that it was him. I was in class the entire time having several witnesses including the teacher during the time it happened saying I was. Kelly's friends had given me the beating during lunch just like I stated.

Mom and Dad wanted to make sure that it wasn't me during all those other times and was driven to the hospital in handcuffs just in case I had, and even if it proved that I was innocent he didn't want to give away that Dad, Mom, and the officers were onto them. Having Kelly and his friends watch me being placed in the back of a police car doing a high five stating clearly to me. Mom, and Dad they had won, but that wasn't enough proof to convict them. It just simply said they approved of the decision of me taking the blame nothing more.

I hated needles as I sat there strapped down so they could draw my blood, but it didn't stop me from screaming and almost breaking free, but a deal was a deal. Once the needle was in, I stopped screaming because in truth it didn't hurt as much as I had thought. Dad nearly laughed when the test came back saying I tested negative on both counts. Those handcuffs came off so fast and flew across the room and he hugged me to death crying and apologizing to me. But to me, their trust had been shattered and would be harder to get back.

We both knew I was in trouble when came so close to going to jail for a crime I didn't commit, but the fact that Shawn and Kelly would keep trying until they were caught red-handed, or I was sent out of the home for good and punished for their crimes before it would stop. The video and the clerks may have proven that I didn't do it by voice or a slight height difference and my monitor putting me in a different place during the crime wasn't enough. All it proved was that Kelly was there nothing more in the area. He and Shawn needed to be caught red-handed.

Dad and Mom had no choice but to keep me grounded and punish me for the crime, to give the illusion they had gotten away with it. What they didn't know was Mom, Dad, and I had planned it right down to staging a beating and locking me in the hothouse after doing my daily and nightly laps around the field in plain view of everyone in the house. I had nothing to be ashamed of and had endured worse over the two years, and not one of my brothers in the Rothwell house hasn't done this on many occasions.

Dad only made me do it to prove that I was being punished, and I was good with that. We went as far as acting I had been scrubbed down with the hard scrub brush when the fact of the matter, I was red from taking a very hot bath and sent to my room without supper, with supper waiting for me in my room and a nice clean pair of boxers.

During my punishment, Dad and Shane would set up a nanny cam in my room and one in each of my lockers, one at school and one at the gym. Where I would be seen working out in case, they planted evidence again there. Dad and Mom would make it known that I had one more chance before I would be sent away in handcuffs to Juvenile corrections. Not knowing they had fallen right into Dad's hands proving what they were doing to me that put me in this position to do things so unlike me.

Meaning the one always in trouble, instead of the one rarely in trouble, at first, we didn't think they would take the bait. Having to escalate the punishments nightly and after school and after being in the hothouse nearly every day after school and during the weekends and several laps around the field, for over a week, Dad had let it known, one last time that I wasn't to be trusted. Stating he meant what he said.

What they didn't know was that everything was staged, including the hothouse with a soft mattress, and sleeping bag, and some comfortable camping gear. That it was practically a penthouse suite, the only difference was the lock on the door to keep everyone out instead of actually keeping me in right on down to a battery-operated TV and radio. The laps were to give me exercises, nothing more.

Besides being naked was nothing new, it was part of our carefree lifestyle that all my brothers did regardless of whether they were being punished or not, well except for Arthur, Shawn, and Kelly. The only ones who find it humiliating and embarrassing when it comes to being exposed in front of my sisters and Mom. Wearing boxers or shorts are one thing, being naked was a whole completely different animal. It bothered them that the rest of us were comfortable about it.

The sting was on when they were both had been caught placing stolen money in my room and several boxes of cigarettes and a large bag of weed in my school locker room. Dad would call the school each day and have them check my locker and the gym. Even though he had the evidence from my room he wanted to incriminate as many people as possible when it came to Kelly and Shawn's friends during the sting, and not give them a leg to stand on. When Dad had all the evidence, he needed he invited Kelly and Shawn, and their friends. Plus their parents witnessed what had been going on for months behind everyone's back, setting me up for the fall because I refused too steep to their level, in hopes of removing me from the equation.

It was something to remember when everyone saw me handcuffed and two officers sitting next to me as if they were getting ready to take me away and they wanted everyone to know it. Kelly, Shawn, and their friends were about to have one final moment stating that they had told them so, that it had always been me and good reddens to bad rubbish.

When Dad put the video in that showed their faces on video from the feeds of each of the hidden cameras, committing the acts, you could hear a pin drop. Like most criminals they always try to run, Dad and Mom didn't intervene, and neither did their parents. Kelly was the first to be taken down and his friend, Shawn too was in very hot water. He may not have stolen the items like Kelly and his friends, but Shawn was caught planting them in my room and in the gym when he thought nobody was looking. 

He too was taken away to teach him what happens to criminals and had plenty of his friends join him and a couple of them giving him up when the heat was on rather than having the choice to join him. Shawn was fingerprinted and spent a month in Juvenile corrections to teach him a hard lesson in hopes of turning his life around, personally, I felt it should have been longer. Kelly was never returned and went directly to jail for robbery, and assaulting me on school property and drug possession, and bad influence of a minor. None of us were sorry to see him leave in handcuffs instead of me. Dad and Mom were more disappointed that they couldn't turn him around making it number two, but also learned a hard lesson during the time Shawn was in lock-up. Jared and Jason came forward soon after stating that Shawn had been sexually abusing them.

Arthur tried to pin it on me, stating I would sneak down when nobody was looking and force him to have sex with him. The only major problem with that was I had yet to even make it down ten flights of stairs without a storm class episode. Require me to be tranquilized several times to bring me down and the mere fact me and Shane are locked in my room nightly. Made it a very unlikely possibility, but wouldn't be the last time that he or Shawn would try to blame it on me. Or try to get me in trouble more so because it was my fault for having him locked up, and punished beyond reason when he returned.

By the time Shawn came home. I had dropped out of all the sports except for kickboxing and redoubled my efforts with gymnastics and swimming, gained inner peace with music and cooking, and kept working hard on cattle ranching with Shane. On Shane's birthday,y Dad and I came up with the money to buy Shane his first car, a yellow and green Toyota truck. With two horse trailers, Mom and our sister had put money aside to buy Shane his own horse with the help of our employers.

Instead of one horse in one big open field, we had four horses, my horse and Shane's horse, and Dad's horse who was the mother of the colt. Well, let's just say that he thought it was his horse. When came to the point it didn't matter which horse he wanted to ride. He and Shane still ended up chasing them around the field before they could saddle them, and will always wonder what I do differently when it comes to animals. When all I had to do was step in the field or be anywhere near the fence they would run to me, not once did I have to chase them as they did.

Dad and I also ended up building a chicken and rooster pin because the neighbors were getting tired of theirs always following me home almost on a daily basis. Plus Mom liked having fresh eggs instead of going to the store to buy them but drew the line when Shane brought home four cows only to end up with three lambs and two sheep a week later. Due to Dad giving me and Shane a high five and a knuckle bump. All Mom could do is place her hands on her hips and roll her eyes as she watched them all follow me into the field.

We didn't start off as ranchers or farmers, but let's say Mom and Dad learned the trade because of me. He purchased the adjacent fields that were on both sides of the street that used to be the large gap between us and the houses and built a small barn. Mom put her foot down when it came to pigs, but it was too late when I came home with two goats and their young ones. For payment of taking care of somebody's yard in exchange.

Mom had started a whole new album of pictures starring me, Shane, and Dad's new hobbies. When came to farm life. Mom took advantage of the benefits when came to making her own cheese, butter, eggs, and milk. We didn't make a lot when came to wool, maybe a few dollars here and there, but we did it mostly to keep the sheep healthy. The Goats were great when came to extra milk and different varieties of cheese, plus eating weeds around the property. Considering they will practically eat anything.

Shawn and the new boy Danny had a worst job or punishment was shoveling manure and there was lots of it and of because of my animal friends made the most of it. Not saying me and Shane didn't shovel our fair share of it, but they did shovel it the most. Because they were always in trouble and again. That became a sore point because it was indeed my fault for bringing home these pets of mine. But what's a boy like me going to do when all the animals happen to like me? Licking my toes and feet and slobber all over my face while we roll in the dirt and the hay. With Mom, Dad Shane, and my sisters always snapping pictures to add to their collection. I prayed they would run out of film.

Danny Landale was two years younger than Shane and was sixteen, and the same age as me and Shawn. He had been known for running away and doing drugs, with a whole line of needle tracks in his arms. Was also known as a bully in the schoolyard, he was born and raised in the LDS faith. Most people would call him a jack Mormon. Meaning he was never in church that often to be counted as being true LDS, other than being baptized in the faith, he was not part of it or had any other ties.

He wasn't as tall as Shane, but he was a head taller than me at five feet two if that. Dirty blond hair and baby blue eyes, and partly Hispanic even though he didn't speak anything but English … Kelly and he had a few things in common cigarettes and foul mouth and mean as a rattlesnake. Dad and Mom liked a challenge, but he was nothing like Kelly or James when it came to problems, the fact that he been in out of Juvenile corrections made him a dangerous kid not to take seriously. Dad only smiled when he walked in the door, Shane and I whispered let the games begin.