Chapter 46 - Neglect

On that very moment I could feel my whole life running before my eyes. I was ready to give up but then a hand grabbed me before I could even realise what was happening I was out of the water and a coat was placed around me.

It was a boy with black hair and blue eyes he was someone

I hadn't seen in the past 6 months of working under the department. I was thinking who he could he be? How he came here and how did he know I was here in the first place? Why did he even help me? But all my questions came to heart when I looked into his eyes, It fell like the world has stopped for a second, It felt as if the coldness of the air, the numbness of my body and the chirping sounds around me we all lie. In that moment all that mattered was him

and for the first time in the whole 15 years of my life, I started to desire something and that was him, if he will my life.... No, he has to be in my life and for that to happen I would do anything, I didn't know what it was or why was I feeling a strange attraction to a guy whom I just met a few moments ago. I thought my desires weren't normal, but I didn't care as long as I could pacify this roaring heart of mine.

It was only in the future that I got to know that this feeling was known as love...

My unending imaginations of us being together were haulted by a sudden voice. Frowning, displeased by the intrusion I turned to the direction of the voice only to find my team leader standing there his face etched with worry and the boy from before was nowhere to be found, the coat drapped around me was also missing as if all the moments earlier were nothing but a dream.

I told my team leader what may happened hoping he could help me find the guy but he in turn told me that whatever I saw earlier was nothing but an imaginary fairy tale, he also told me that he didn't see anyone in that area.

His words might have been true but I wasn't one to back down not when I could feel the warmth of his fingers against my the wrist. Asurring myself that what a happened wasn't any dream I started searching for him, practically everywhere but those efforts were of no yield. I was on the verge of losing hope, when I stumble upon the him again. This time in a royal banquet where was I was assigned guard duty. It was then I realised that the guy who helped me was the second Prince of the Empire, this explained the reason for not finding him.

The man whom I fell for was a prince and that to of the ver Empire I was serving. His standing was far above me, He was someone I couldn't even dream of, For him, I was just an ordinary girl who didn't deserve attention, just an ordinary chess piece he could abandon any time. It all fell like s*** and that was when I decided that I would do anything, ANYTHING to make him realize my value, To let him know that he could rely on me for everything.

From the day on, I started working hard and with time passing my roles with in

the magic department changed and at last I was assigned position of ministry of magic, the youngest history all for him.

I thought that was enough for him to realise my value and pay more attention to my feelings which he did he recognised me not as a lover but as a pawn one he could use anytime he wanted. We in the views of people were a couple, some people even idolized us, we were the centre of attraction everywhere in every party, every banquet and every political meeting people's eyes followed us everywhere, but the reality was different. In isolation we were far from their expectations we were in a relationship sure, but that wasn't one of lovers but of master and servant.....

He knew...he knew I loved him, serving under the magic department and his position has Prince allowed us to have more interaction with one each other and even a fool could see that I was madly in love with him but he was unmoved. In these interactions, I understood that all that matter to him was 'the throne' nothing else, He was nothing but a calculative man.

For two years, I thought I could make him for me. But that proved to be an impossible task, losing my patience I resorted to some drastic steps, if known the people that would have become the biggest scandal, but that didn't matter, as long as I could have him nothing else mattered.

I was soon out of wits and all my plans ended up in failure.

It was then that he was poisoned, I was devastated. I couldn't believe I was so immersed in my search for ways to make him fall for me that I neglected his safety.