Chapter 11 - Mawali plant

Christopher secretly entered the slums and saw a house in the corner of the slum and in that house, a mother was cooking food for her child, She was very beautiful she looked like the textbook description of a princess.. She had golden hair and green eyes, She was not too tall either. But she was not too short, not too fat and not too thin either, she looked just right absolutely good. Looking at her, it did not seem she could even be a mother of children.

Christopher forgot the reason he had come here for and started looking at her in a daze, But he could not remember what her name was?

Seeing Christopher's condition, the prince called out to him and said, "you fool, you can't even see women. If you like her so much, then do whatever you want with her and don't forget that now you are in my place i.e. you are a prince and no one can even point a finger at you even if you do anything wrong and if you tell her your identity then you don't have to do anything. She will become your lap dog"

Christopher didn't know what to reply to Prince 's words. He just asked "you, all that comes to your mind is snatch whatever you want, rob whoever you want don't you know anything else? You are so full of the pride of being a prince that you are not able to see anything else. If you were in my world, the polis would have cut you into small pieces and my dear prince please don't lecture me on girls, I am a hundred times better than you. Okay, just keep quiet, let me do my work"

Christopher started to think of something after saying this,

'I cannot take any advice from this person. This prince is really crazy.... I know she is the mother of the protagonist and having her on my side might be useful but just look at her history, this woman only loved one person in her life and that person left her. She has been taking care of her child for so many years give her a break dammit, doesn't she deserve some happiness for herself? Atleast I believe she doesn't deserve to be treated as some thing. I am not going to use her I'm not saying I'm going to be her protector or anything I just want whatever happens to her to be good.

While Christopher was thinking this in his mind, the woman finished cooking and went out. She started calling her son. Christopher took advantage of this time and entered the house. He went to all the rooms and slowly started looking everywhere forthething he needed. He found a plant in a small corner of a room.

That plant was not any ordinary plant infact it was the rare 'Mawali plant'. That plant had red flowers and green leaves!

This plant was known all over the world for its medicinal properties. With the help of this plant, our protagonist turned the tribe to his side.

Christopher took the plant and put it in his storage ring and placed another plant there which looked exactly like the plant. He did this so that he would not face any problem in the future. Because in the future if our protagonist finds out that a plant was missing from his house, and even if that plant may be just a small, ordinary plant, he will be suspicious that something was happening in his house and it was not a good thing and one thing only Christopher knew was that this plant did not come to our protagonist's house just by chance. Someone else had placed it there intentionally. He did not know who it was, but it was his job to find out.

After Christopher picked up his plant, he left.

I stayed in a hotel that night; the hotel was not very big but enough to give my body some rest.

As soon as I got up early in the morning, I headed out of the city. My destination was Avany county. I had to do a small task in this city before leaving the desert and that was to meet the countess of this county,

I had two options: either I enter her house or I call her outside

I had already chosen the option in my mind. I thought I would enter her house, talk to her and everything would be sorted but Prince was not happy with me secretly entering that house like a thief. When I stole the plant the previous night, he was feeling very humiliated. Now if I did anything against him, he would get angry, so I was forced to choose the other option.

I found one of the her servants in the market, If I knew how to use magic, I could have hypnotized him and made him do my work easily. But I was a sword user so I couldn't do anything and could only talk to him.

I first observed him closely, and when he started going into a closed alley, I followed him, I put the sword on his neck. He got scared and started begging me, "Leave me, please leave me "

I lowered my voice and soon my cold voice rang through his ears "I will leave you, if you have to do one thing for me."

"Sir, I don't have much money sir, please let me go, there are small children in my family. They are dependent on me. Sir, please leave me."