Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 205 - Chapter 201: "The Eggpocalypse Now"

Chapter 205 - Chapter 201: "The Eggpocalypse Now"

The gang had barely left Dairyvale's greasy borders before they stumbled upon yet another absurd scene. The road ahead was lined with enormous, cracked eggshells, the yolks oozing ominously into the dirt like some cursed breakfast gone horribly wrong.

"What… the actual hell is this?" Kazuya asked, nudging a gooey puddle with his boot. The yolk responded by bubbling menacingly.

"It looks like someone decided to have an omelette-themed natural disaster," Ravynne said, grimacing as she stepped over a particularly large piece of eggshell. "Why do I feel like this is Quackleton's fault?"

Quackleton, perched on Kazuya's shoulder, quacked innocently, as if to say, How dare you accuse me of such poultry nonsense?

"This is bad," Sylvara said, examining the yolk. "This isn't just any egg mess. This is…" Her voice trailed off, and she visibly shuddered. "The Eggpocalypse."

"Egg… what now?" Kazuya asked.

"The Eggpocalypse," Sylvara repeated, her voice grim. "A catastrophic event foretold in the ancient scrolls of the Avian Oracles. When the Great Eggs of Eternity hatch, chaos will descend upon the world."

"Seriously?" Ravynne groaned. "We just brokered peace between butter and margarine, and now we have to deal with world-ending eggs?"

The Eggmen Cometh

Before anyone could respond, the ground began to rumble. From the distance, a group of humanoid figures emerged, their bodies encased in egg-shaped armor. Each step they took made a squelching sound that was both deeply unsettling and weirdly comical.

"Who dares trespass on the sacred yolkgrounds of the Egglords?" one of them bellowed, his voice echoing from within his egg-shaped helmet.

"Oh great," Kazuya muttered. "Egg-themed villains. That's just what we needed."

The Egglord at the front pointed a whisk-like scepter at them. "Kneel before the Eggpire, or face the wrath of our mighty shells!"

"Do you guys actually hear yourselves?" Ravynne asked, drawing her rapier. "This is ridiculous, even by our standards."

Another Egglord stepped forward, holding what appeared to be an oversized frying pan. "You dare mock the Eggpire? Prepare to be scrambled!"

Battle of the Breakfast Brigade

The Egglords charged, their yolk-covered weapons swinging wildly. Kazuya barely had time to draw his sword before he was fending off an attack from one particularly aggressive Egglord wielding twin spatulas.

"Why is this happening?!" he shouted, ducking under a yolk-filled swipe. "What did we do to deserve this?"

"You're the Chosen One," Sylvara said, firing off an ice spell that froze an Egglord mid-charge. "We're basically magnets for this kind of nonsense."

Meanwhile, Ravynne was having the time of her life. She ducked and weaved through the chaotic battle, her rapier flashing as she dispatched Egglords with surgical precision. "This is actually kind of fun," she said, laughing as she deflected a yolk grenade with her blade.

Quackleton, of course, was doing nothing to help. He sat on a nearby rock, preening his feathers and quacking occasionally, as if offering sarcastic commentary on the chaos.

The Yolkening

Just as the group began to gain the upper hand, the ground trembled once more. From the largest eggshell in the field, a monstrous figure emerged. It was an enormous chicken-like creature, its body glowing with an unholy golden light.


Kazuya stared at the monstrosity in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? A kaiju chicken? Really?"

The Yolkenator let out an earth-shaking cluck and began to charge a massive energy blast in its beak. The group scattered, dodging just as the blast obliterated a nearby hill.

"This is getting out of hand!" Ravynne shouted. "What's the plan?"

Kazuya glanced at Quackleton, who was still perched smugly on his rock. "Quackleton, do something! You're the Chosen Duck!"

Quackleton quacked once, then spread his wings and flew toward the Yolkenator. For a moment, it seemed like he was actually going to face the monster head-on. But instead, he landed on its head and began pecking at it furiously.

The Yolkenator roared in frustration, swatting at its own head as Quackleton continued his assault. "IS THIS YOUR PLAN? A DUCK?!" it bellowed.

"Apparently," Sylvara said, launching a fireball at the creature's leg. "Honestly, it's as good a plan as any."

The Great Eggplosion

Between Quackleton's relentless pecking and the group's coordinated attacks, the Yolkenator began to falter. Finally, with one last mighty quack, Quackleton struck the creature's weak spot, causing it to explode in a shower of golden yolk.

The group stood in stunned silence, covered in egg goo as the battlefield fell eerily quiet.

"Well," Ravynne said, wiping yolk off her face. "That was… something."

"Quackleton actually saved the day," Kazuya said, staring at the duck in amazement. "I don't know how to feel about this."

Quackleton puffed out his chest, letting out a triumphant quack. He then hopped back onto Kazuya's shoulder, as if nothing had happened.

To Be Continued...

As they continued their journey, the group couldn't help but wonder what other culinary horrors awaited them. One thing was certain: life with a Chosen Duck was never going to be boring.