Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 200 - Chapter 196: “Dinner Party of Doom (and Appetizers)”

Chapter 200 - Chapter 196: “Dinner Party of Doom (and Appetizers)”

The Culinary Cabal's headquarters was not what anyone expected. Nestled deep in the heart of a dark, ominous forest, it looked less like a fortress of evil and more like a five-star restaurant with mood lighting, smooth jazz, and a suspiciously endless valet service.

"What is this?" Kazuya asked, staring up at the glowing neon sign that read:

"Chez Doom: Fine Dining With a Side of World Domination."

"It's… chic?" Ravynne tilted her head, clearly unsure whether to be impressed or insulted.

Sylvara crossed her arms, her tail flicking in irritation. "I expected a dungeon, not… whatever this is."

"Don't let the ambiance fool you," Crustopher whispered, clutching his baguette like a weapon. "They'll probably serve us hors d'oeuvres of doom before trying to murder us."

"Do we at least get free bread?" Kazuya asked.

Quackleton quacked indignantly, his tiny spoon-lance at the ready. He'd taken to wearing a miniature tuxedo jacket and bow tie, his apron tucked neatly into a sash.

The Grand Entrance

The group approached the maître d', a tall, slender man with a sharp goatee and an even sharper glare. He looked down his nose at them and sniffed.

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes," Kazuya said, holding up the invitation. "We're here for the Grand Feast."

The maître d' inspected the invitation, his eyebrow raising slightly. "Ah, yes. The troublemakers. Welcome to Chez Doom. Please, follow me."

As they were led inside, the group was struck by the sheer absurdity of the place. Chandeliers made of glimmering forks and knives hung from the ceiling. Waiters in perfectly pressed uniforms glided between tables, carrying trays of steaming dishes that smelled both heavenly and slightly cursed.

At the center of the room stood a massive table, covered in a feast so extravagant it looked like a painting. Roasted meats, golden bread, sparkling wines, and desserts that seemed to shimmer unnaturally.

"It's like a food coma waiting to happen," Ravynne whispered.

"No," Crustopher said gravely. "It's a trap."

Meeting the Pâtissière of Peril

As they took their seats at the table, the room fell silent. A figure emerged from the shadows—a woman dressed in an extravagant gown made entirely of fondant, her hair styled into a towering confection of spun sugar.

"Welcome," she said, her voice smooth and sugary-sweet. "I am the Pâtissière of Peril, and I am delighted to host you at my feast."

Sylvara narrowed her eyes. "Delighted to poison us, you mean."

The Pâtissière laughed, a sound like tinkling crystal. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. After all, you're the main course."

"What?!" Kazuya jumped to his feet.

"Oh, not literally," she said, waving a hand. "You're far too stringy for my tastes. But you are here to entertain us. You see, the Grand Feast is not just about food. It's about… competition."

At her signal, waiters began placing bizarre dishes in front of them. There was a soup that glowed green, a salad that seemed to writhe, and a cake that… growled?

"To prove yourselves worthy of leaving this place alive," the Pâtissière continued, "you must survive the Iron Stomach Challenge!"

The Iron Stomach Challenge

The rules were simple: eat everything on your plate without passing out, vomiting, or, in Quackleton's case, exploding.

"I regret everything," Kazuya muttered as he stared down at his plate. The glowing soup seemed to be… whispering?

"Let's get this over with," Sylvara said, picking up her spoon.

The first bite was chaos. Kazuya's soup tasted like someone had boiled regret, panic, and a dash of cinnamon. Sylvara's salad tried to wrap itself around her fork like a clingy ex. Ravynne's cake let out a small roar when she poked it, then began to sing an off-key opera.

Crustopher, meanwhile, was calmly eating his baguette.

"How are you so calm?" Kazuya demanded, his face green.

"I've been training for this," Crustopher said, taking another bite. "Also, this baguette is lightly cursed. It neutralizes other curses."

"YOU HAD A CURSE-NEUTRALIZING BAGUETTE THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Sylvara shouted, her salad trying to climb up her arm.

The Plot Thickens

As the group battled their cursed meals, the Pâtissière watched with a smirk. But something about her expression seemed… off.

"She's stalling," Ravynne muttered, glaring at their hostess. "She's waiting for something."

Kazuya looked around the room, noticing the other Cabal members whispering to each other. The waiters had disappeared, and the doors were all closed.

"This isn't just about food," Kazuya said. "They're planning something."

Before he could say more, Quackleton quacked loudly, his tiny wings flapping furiously.

"What is it, buddy?" Kazuya asked.

Quackleton pointed to the dessert table, where a massive, golden pie sat under a glass dome. It was glowing faintly, and its scent was intoxicating.

"The Pie of Power," Crustopher whispered.

"What?" Sylvara asked.

"It's a legendary artifact," Crustopher explained. "Whoever eats it gains incredible strength—but at a terrible cost."

"What's the cost?" Ravynne asked.

Crustopher hesitated. "Uncontrollable flatulence."

Chaos Ensues

Before anyone could stop him, Quackleton launched himself at the Pie of Power, shattering the glass dome. The room erupted into chaos as Cabal members shouted, the Pâtissière screamed, and Quackleton began glowing like a tiny sun.

"He's going super saiyan!" Kazuya shouted, shielding his eyes.

Quackleton let out a quack so powerful it shook the room, sending Cabal members flying.

"Grab the pie and run!" Sylvara shouted, leaping over the table.

Kazuya grabbed the glowing pie, dodging a flying fondant spear from the Pâtissière. The group bolted for the nearest exit, Quackleton glowing like a beacon as they fled into the night.

To Be Continued…

As they escaped into the forest, panting and covered in bits of cursed food, Kazuya looked down at the Pie of Power in his hands.

"This better be worth it," he muttered.

Sylvara smirked, wiping cake off her cheek. "It's never worth it. But it's always fun."

And with that, the group set off toward their next absurd adventure, the glow of the Pie lighting their way.