Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 128 - Chapter 124: “The Butter Battle Brigade”

Chapter 128 - Chapter 124: “The Butter Battle Brigade”

The group stood at the edge of a lush meadow, the golden baguette gleaming in Sylvara's hands like some sacred relic. Unfortunately, the idyllic scene was marred by the arrival of... well, an army of anthropomorphic butter sticks.

"Yes, you heard me right," Kazuya said flatly, staring as a battalion of angry butter warriors emerged from the nearby woods. "Walking, talking sticks of butter."

"HALT!" barked their leader, a particularly rotund stick wearing a pat of golden armor. His voice was smooth yet commanding. "You have no right to wield the Baguette of Destiny! Surrender it now, or face the wrath of the Butter Battle Brigade!"

Sylvara blinked. "Is this really happening?"

"It's like a fever dream," Ravynne muttered, readying her bow.


The butter leader took offense to this. "We are not mere imitations! We are the essence of indulgence, the pinnacle of richness! Prepare for buttery justice!"

The Battle Begins

Without warning, the butter army charged. It wasn't a silent charge, though—they squeaked as they ran, their slick forms glistening in the sunlight.

Kazuya sighed. "I'm about to fight butter. This is my life now."

Sylvara brandished the Baguette of Destiny like a sword. "Let's spread them thin!"

The first wave of buttery attackers slid toward them at breakneck speed. Ravynne shot an arrow at one, but it ricocheted off its glossy exterior.

"They're slippery!" she shouted.

"No kidding!" Kazuya said, dodging a butter stick that came at him with a tiny butter knife. He swung Eggscalibur, smacking the butter warrior into the nearest tree. It exploded on impact, leaving a greasy smear behind.

The Butter Bombers

Just as the group started gaining the upper hand, the Butter Battle Brigade unveiled their secret weapon: the Butter Bombers. A squadron of flying butter sticks, equipped with tiny wings and ladles filled with melted butter, took to the sky.

"Are you serious?!" Kazuya yelled as a ladle of molten butter splashed dangerously close to his feet.

"They're airborne!" Sylvara shouted. She swung the Baguette of Destiny, which emitted a golden beam of light. The beam struck one of the Butter Bombers, causing it to spiral out of control and crash into its comrades.

Cluckminster cackled. "Taste the power of true carbs, you dairy delinquents!"

Ravynne's Brilliant Idea

Ravynne ducked behind a rock, panting. "We can't keep fighting like this! They just keep sliding back together!"

Sylvara gritted her teeth. "Then we need to find a way to stop them for good."

Kazuya snapped his fingers. "What do you do with butter? You melt it!"

Ravynne's eyes lit up. "The ovens from the last dungeon! If we lure them there—"

"We can toast their greasy butts!" Kazuya finished.

Cluckminster nodded solemnly. "A bold plan. Let's hope it works."

Operation: Toasted Butter

The group retreated strategically, leading the butter army back to the bread dungeon. The Butter Battle Brigade, emboldened by their apparent victory, followed eagerly.

"Fools!" the butter leader declared. "There is no escape from buttery justice!"

As soon as they reached the chamber with the ovens, Kazuya and Sylvara sprang into action, reigniting the fiery furnaces. Ravynne fired arrows at the butter warriors, her aim forcing them closer to the heat.

The butter leader began to realize what was happening. "Wait! Stop this madness! We can negotiate!"

"Nope!" Kazuya shouted, kicking a stick of butter directly into the nearest oven. "You had your chance!"

The heat intensified, and the butter army began to melt. The butter leader let out a dramatic wail as he slowly liquefied. "You may have defeated us... but you will never defeat cholesterol!"

The Aftermath

When the battle was over, the floor of the chamber was a slick, golden lake of melted butter. The group stood on a dry patch, surveying the carnage.

"Well, that was... weird," Sylvara said, wiping sweat from her brow.

Kazuya sighed. "At least it's over. But now I feel like I need a salad."

Ravynne wrinkled her nose. "We're never getting this smell out of our clothes."

Cluckminster, however, looked pleased. "Victory is ours! The sacred baguette remains safe!"

As they left the dungeon, Sylvara turned to Kazuya. "So, what's next?"

He smirked. "Hopefully something that doesn't involve fighting breakfast foods."

Little did they know, their next adventure was already waiting... in the land of the Holy Jam Jars.

To Be Continued...