Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 96 - Chapter 92: “Trials of the Fowl Guardians: Feathers of Fate”

Chapter 96 - Chapter 92: “Trials of the Fowl Guardians: Feathers of Fate”

The team stood at the entrance of the Temple of the Feathered Crown, an ancient structure carved into a mountainside. The stone doors were adorned with intricate carvings of chickens, ducks, and birds of all kinds, their eyes seeming to follow the group as they approached.

"I feel like we're about to enter a poultry-themed horror movie," Kazuya muttered.

"Should I be worried that these carvings are judging me?"

"Only if you've ever wronged a chicken in your life," Sylvara teased.

Fergus smirked.

"Well, Kazuya did steal an egg from Cluckzilla once."

Kazuya sighed.

"Let it go, Fergus. It was either that or get roasted by a kaiju."

As they pushed the heavy stone doors open, a blast of feathers blew out, swirling around them like a feathery tornado. The scent of ancient chicken feed filled the air.

Inside, a grand hall stretched out before them, lit by golden torches shaped like chicken legs. In the center stood a pedestal, upon which sat a glowing, golden egg.

Sylvara narrowed her eyes.

"This is too easy."

No sooner had she spoken than a deep, booming voice echoed through the hall.


From the shadows emerged three giant bird-like figures, each wearing ornate feathered armor and wielding weapons made of bones and feathers.

"The Fowl Guardians…" Sylvara whispered.

"Here we go."

The First Guardian: Clucktor the Wise

The first guardian, Clucktor, stepped forward. His beak glistened under the torchlight, and his eyes were filled with ancient wisdom (and possibly a bit of madness).

"To prove your worth, you must pass the Trial of Knowledge! Answer my riddles, or face the wrath of the Cluck!"

Kazuya groaned.

"Riddles? I hate riddles."

Fergus patted him on the back.

"Don't worry. How hard can it be?"

Clucktor cleared his throat.

"What has feathers but doesn't fly, makes noise but doesn't speak, and lays eggs but isn't a chicken?"

Kazuya's eyes widened.

"Wait… what?!"

Fergus chuckled.

"Easy. It's… uh… a confused pigeon?"

Clucktor shook his head.

"WRONG! Prepare to face… THE FEATHER STORM!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind filled with thousands of feathers blasted toward them, tickling them mercilessly.

"Stop! Stop!" Kazuya gasped between laughs.

"We'll figure it out!"

Sylvara, unfazed, stepped forward.

"It's a pillow."

Clucktor blinked.

"Correct. You may proceed… for now."

The Second Guardian: Beakthor the Brave

The second guardian, Beakthor, strutted forward, flexing his massive bird muscles.

"For the second trial, you must prove your strength in battle! Face me, or flee in disgrace!"

Kazuya sighed.

"Finally, something I can handle."

Beakthor raised his giant feathered mace, and Kazuya drew his sword. They clashed in a whirlwind of feathers and sparks, the sound of metal on bone echoing through the hall.

"You're pretty strong for a chicken," Kazuya grunted, dodging a swing.

Beakthor chuckled.

"And you're pretty slow for a hero!"

The battle continued until Kazuya finally managed to knock Beakthor's mace from his hand.

"Looks like I win."

Beakthor nodded respectfully.

"Well fought. You may proceed."

The Final Guardian: Quackalot the Trickster

The third guardian, Quackalot, waddled forward with a mischievous grin.

"For the final trial, you must prove your cunning and humor. Make me laugh, or face eternal embarrassment!"

Fergus perked up.

"Finally! My time to shine."

He stepped forward, pulling out his rubber chicken prop.

"What do you call a chicken who tells jokes?"

Quackalot cocked his head.


"A COMEDI-HEN!" Fergus squawked, squeezing the rubber chicken.

The hall fell silent… and then Quackalot burst into laughter, his quacks echoing through the temple.

"You pass!" Quackalot gasped between laughs.

"That was the funniest thing I've heard in centuries!"

Victory and the Feathered Crown

With all three trials complete, the golden egg cracked open, revealing the Feathered Crown inside.

Sylvara approached cautiously, lifting it from its nest.

"We did it. The Feathered Crown is ours."

Kazuya grinned.

"So… does this mean we control all birds now?"

Suddenly, the crown glowed, and a flock of tiny chickens appeared out of nowhere, pecking at Fergus's feet.

"Hey! Shoo! Get off me!" he yelped.

Sylvara laughed, placing the crown on Kazuya's head.

"Looks like you're the new king of the birds, Kazuya."

Kazuya groaned.

"Great. Just what I always wanted."