Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 87 - Chapter 83: “Attack of the Punderworld – The Rise of Dadjokar, Lord of Lame!”

Chapter 87 - Chapter 83: “Attack of the Punderworld – The Rise of Dadjokar, Lord of Lame!”

Just when the crew thought life couldn't get any more absurd after battling OmelettaDon and acquiring their new pet, Cluck Norris, a mysterious fog rolled in, bringing with it a chorus of groans and facepalms from the distant shores.

"What is that sound?" Kazuya asked, wincing as another wave of groans echoed over the water.

Fergus peered through his Spyglass of Questionable Quality.

"Looks like… a group of people holding their heads."

Sylvara shivered. "That's the sound of… bad jokes."

Suddenly, a towering figure emerged from the mist, riding a giant floating stage covered in flashing neon lights. He wore a sparkling dad sweater and had a microphone staff, complete with socks and sandals.


The crew groaned in unison.

The Pun-ishment Begins

Dadjokar pointed his microphone staff at the crew, his voice booming.

"Why don't pirates ever learn the alphabet?"

Kazuya sighed. "Oh no."

Dadjokar grinned.

"Because they always get stuck at C!"

The entire ship rocked from the sheer force of the groan that followed.

Fergus grabbed his head. "Nooo! He's too powerful!"

Sylvara staggered. "We can't… handle… this level of cringe."

"Quick, cover your ears!" Kazuya shouted.

But it was too late. Dadjokar launched into another barrage of jokes.

"Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

"Because he was outstanding in his field!"

"What do you call fake spaghetti?"

"An impasta!"

"What do you call a fish with no eyes?"


The crew collapsed onto the deck, writhing in agony.

 The Battle of Wits

Kazuya struggled to his feet, determined to fight back.

"Two can play at this game!" he shouted.

"Hey, Dadjokar! Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Dadjokar smirked. "To get to the other side? Please, that's basic."

"Nope." Kazuya grinned. "To avoid YOU!"

The crew erupted in laughter, breaking the spell of Dadjokar's puns. Dadjokar stumbled, clearly taken aback.

"Impossible! No one has ever countered my puns before!"

The Dad-Off

"It's time for a Dad-Off!" Fergus declared.

"First one to run out of puns loses!"

Dadjokar narrowed his eyes. "Very well. But be warned—I'm the undefeated champion of cringe."

The battle began.

Kazuya: "What do you call a belt made of watches?"

Dadjokar: "A waist of time."

Sylvara: "Why don't skeletons fight each other?"

Dadjokar: "Because they don't have the guts!"

Fergus: "What did the ocean say to the beach?"

Dadjokar: "Nothing, it just waved!"

As the pun-fest escalated, Dadjokar began to crack under the pressure. His microphone staff started to flicker, and his socks-and-sandals combo came loose.

 The Final Blow

Kazuya stepped forward, ready to deliver the final blow.

"What did one plate say to the other plate?"

Dadjokar winced. "I… I don't know…"

Kazuya grinned.

"Dinner's on me!"

With that, Dadjokar exploded into a cloud of dad sweaters and cringe dust, his floating stage collapsing into the sea.

The crew cheered, victorious at last.

 Aftermath – Too Many Dad Jokes

As the fog cleared, Fergus looked around nervously.

"Do you think he's really gone?"

Sylvara shrugged. "Who knows? But I think we've had enough dad jokes to last a lifetime."

Suddenly, Cluck Norris the chick let out a tiny cluck.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" it chirped.

The crew froze in horror.

Kazuya groaned. "Not you too!"

The tiny chick grinned.

"To get to the egg-cellent side!"

Everyone facepalmed as the ship sailed toward their next ridiculous adventure.