Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 80 - Chapter 78: “Kaiju Chaos: The Revenge of the Egg Monsters!”

Chapter 80 - Chapter 78: “Kaiju Chaos: The Revenge of the Egg Monsters!”

"Just when we thought it was over..."

Kazuya sighed heavily as he stared at the wreckage left by Cluckzilla and Duckzilla. The village was in ruins, bread crumbs were scattered everywhere, and the townspeople were busy trying to fix their homes.

But just as the crew prepared to leave Brioche Island, a strange rumbling echoed from the distance.

"Oh no… please tell me that's just my stomach," Fergus groaned.

"Nope. That's the sound of more kaiju nonsense coming our way," Cluckbeard said with a grin. He seemed way too excited about the prospect of more chaos.

Suddenly, the ground split open, and from the cracks emerged… a giant, monstrous egg.

"What the actual cluck?!" Kazuya yelled.

The egg began to shake violently, cracking as it slowly hatched. Out popped a terrifying, two-headed creature. One head looked like a chicken, and the other head resembled a duck.

"It's… CluckDuck!"

Sylvara smacked her forehead. "Of course it is."

 CluckDuck's Rampage

CluckDuck let out an ear-piercing screech, flapping its massive wings and stomping toward the village.

"Why does everything we do end in giant monsters attacking?!" Kazuya screamed.

"Because fate hates us," Sylvara deadpanned.

CluckDuck began laying explosive eggs that burst upon impact, sending feathers and yolk flying everywhere. Villagers screamed and ran for cover as egg-shaped explosions destroyed buildings and set bread stands on fire.

"That's it! I've had enough of this poultry-based madness!" Kazuya drew his sword.

"You're gonna fight that thing?" Fergus asked, wide-eyed.

"I don't have a choice! If I see one more bird-themed disaster, I'm going to lose my mind!"

The Battle Plan

The crew quickly huddled to come up with a plan.

"Okay, we need to outsmart CluckDuck," Sylvara said. "It's a two-headed monster, so maybe we can confuse it."

Cluckbeard grinned. "Or we could feed it one of those cursed artifacts we've been collecting."

"No more cursed artifacts!" Kazuya snapped.

Fergus, however, was already digging through his bag. "Too late! I've got just the thing."

He pulled out a tiny, glowing rubber chicken.

"What's that supposed to do?" Nerissa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's the Rubber Chicken of Chaos." Fergus grinned. "Guaranteed to cause absolute mayhem."

"So… it's just like us?" Sylvara muttered.


 The Rubber Chicken of Chaos

Fergus hurled the Rubber Chicken of Chaos at CluckDuck.

For a moment, nothing happened.

Then, suddenly, the rubber chicken sprang to life and began bouncing around like a maniac.



CluckDuck's two heads became completely distracted by the bouncing chicken, chasing it around like a pair of hyperactive toddlers.

"It's working!" Kazuya cheered.

"Wait for it…" Fergus whispered.

The rubber chicken bounced higher and higher until it landed on CluckDuck's heads and exploded into a shower of confetti and glitter.

The two-headed monster let out a confused squawk before collapsing into a pile of feathers.

 The Aftermath

"We did it!" Kazuya pumped his fist in the air.

"Another kaiju defeated," Cluckbeard said proudly.

"Can we PLEASE go one day without encountering giant birds?" Sylvara groaned.

As the crew celebrated their victory, the wizard appeared, looking concerned.

"Um… guys?"

"What now?!" Kazuya asked.

The wizard pointed to the horizon, where several more monstrous eggs were beginning to crack open.

"It's not over."

From the eggs emerged a parade of bizarre kaiju creatures, including:

Eggzilla – a giant egg with legs. Gooseatron – a robotic goose. Featherthulhu – a terrifying tentacled bird monster.

"We're doomed, aren't we?" Kazuya muttered.


 The Ultimate Kaiju Battle

As the new kaiju monsters began their rampage, the crew realized they had no choice but to fight fire with fire.

"We need to summon our own kaiju," Fergus declared.

"Do we even have a kaiju?!" Kazuya asked.

Fergus pulled out another cursed artifact—a tiny egg-shaped pendant.

"Meet… MegaChick!"

He smashed the pendant on the ground, and with a burst of light, a giant chicken mech appeared.


"I have a lot of free time, okay?!"

 The Epic Showdown

MegaChick and the kaiju monsters charged at each other, engaging in a battle that shook the entire island.

Villagers watched in awe as feathers, yolk, and explosions filled the air.

"This is the weirdest day of my life," Kazuya muttered.

"And it's only going to get weirder," Sylvara replied with a grin.

As the battle raged on, Fergus stood proudly beside his creation.

"I told you guys… chickens are the future."