Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 75 - Chapter 73: “The Bread Basket Strikes Again: Rise of the Yeast Beasts”

Chapter 75 - Chapter 73: “The Bread Basket Strikes Again: Rise of the Yeast Beasts”

Just when the crew thought the Bread Basket couldn't cause more chaos… it did.

It started innocently enough.

"Look, guys," Fergus said, pulling a loaf from the basket. "It's just a normal loaf of sourdough this time. No crumbs. No curses."

"Finally!" Kazuya sighed in relief, tossing the crumbs from his boots into the ocean. "Maybe we've seen the worst of it."

Cluckbeard squinted at the loaf. "Aye, but does it seem… a bit puffier than usual?"

Before anyone could answer, the loaf started to move.

Sylvara raised an eyebrow. "Oh no. Not again."

Suddenly, the sourdough grew legs, a mouth, and two beady eyes. It hissed like a wild animal.


The crew collectively froze.

"Is… is that a bread monster?" Kazuya asked, staring at the growling loaf.

Fergus gasped. "It's a Yeast Beast!"

Cluckbeard flapped his wings in panic. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

 The Yeast Beast Attack

The Yeast Beast lunged toward Kazuya, snapping its doughy jaws.

Kazuya dodged just in time, pulling out his sword. "I swear, I am DONE with this cursed basket!"

But the moment he struck the Yeast Beast with his blade, the loaf split into two smaller Yeast Beasts.

"Wait… they multiply?!" Sylvara yelled, jumping onto a barrel to avoid a snapping bread roll.

"Of course they do!" Fergus shouted back. "It's YEAST! That's what it does!"

Nerissa blasted a wave of water magic at one of the beasts, only to watch in horror as it absorbed the water and doubled in size.

"Okay, that didn't help," she muttered.

Cluckbeard, ever the dramatic pirate, grabbed the Bread Basket and shook it in the air. "Ye cursed relic! Why won't ye let us live in peace?!"

The Bread Basket rumbled ominously.

"Uh… guys?" Fergus said, pointing to the horizon.

Out at sea, more Yeast Beasts were rising from the water. Giant baguettes, monstrous pretzels, and even a giant cinnamon roll kraken were emerging from the depths.


The Battle of Yeast Island

The crew scrambled to prepare for battle as the Yeast Beasts charged the ship.

Kazuya shouted orders. "Sylvara, take the port side! Nerissa, cover the starboard! Fergus—stop eating the bread monsters!"

"But they're delicious!" Fergus protested, munching on a piece of pretzel.

The fight was pure chaos:

Sylvara used her magic to toast the Yeast Beasts, turning them into crispy snacks. Nerissa created a whirlpool to trap the Cinnamon Kraken. Cluckbeard swung from the mast, yelling pirate-themed bread puns like, "Ye doughn't stand a chance!"

Meanwhile, Kazuya faced off against a giant, sentient baguette.

The baguette hissed. "I AM THE BREAD KING!"

"Of course you are," Kazuya muttered, rolling his eyes. "Why wouldn't there be a Bread King?"

 The Bread King's Monologue

The Bread King towered over the crew, a crown of sesame seeds on his head.

"FOOLISH HUMANS!" he boomed. "For centuries, bread has been enslaved to your tables. We've been sliced, toasted, buttered, and devoured without mercy. But no more! Today, WE RISE!"

Fergus whispered to Kazuya, "Should we feel guilty about this?"

"No," Kazuya said flatly. "It's bread."

"PREPARE TO BE CRUMBED!" the Bread King roared, launching a volley of breadsticks.

Sylvara snorted. "That's the best he could come up with?"

"Hey, puns are hard," Kazuya said, dodging a flying breadstick.

The Great Toastening

Realizing that traditional weapons weren't working, Kazuya had an idea.

"What if we… bake them?"

Sylvara blinked. "You want to cook the bread monsters?"

"Exactly!" Kazuya grinned. "It's time to preheat the oven!"

With a combination of fire magic, water steam, and Cluckbeard's pirate shanties, the crew managed to trap the Yeast Beasts in a massive oven-like spell.

As the heat rose, the Bread King shrieked. "NOOOO! NOT THE TOASTENING!"

The crew watched as the Bread Army turned into a mountain of crispy, golden pastries.

The Aftermath

Exhausted but victorious, the crew gathered around the Bread Basket once more.

"I swear," Kazuya said, brushing crumbs off his shirt, "if this thing causes one more problem, I'm throwing it into the ocean."

Fergus, still munching on a toasted croissant, shrugged. "Worth it."

Cluckbeard raised a mug. "To victory! And to breakfast!"

Sylvara smirked at Kazuya. "Admit it. You love the chaos."

Kazuya chuckled. "Okay, fine. But if the next quest involves pastries, I'm quitting."

The Bread Basket rumbled ominously again.

Everyone froze.

"NOPE!" Kazuya shouted, grabbing the basket and hurling it into the sea.

The crew watched as it sank beneath the waves.

"Think that's the end of it?" Nerissa asked.

A long pause.

Then, Fergus said with a grin, "I give it a week before it washes back up."

Everyone groaned in unison.