Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 70 - Chapter 69: "Quack to the Future: Enter the Duckverse"

Chapter 70 - Chapter 69: "Quack to the Future: Enter the Duckverse"

With the Feather of Fate in hand, Kazuya and his merry band of chaos-makers set sail toward the Duckverse. As the ship cut through the water, the sky shimmered with golden feathers, and the sound of quacks echoed through the air.

Fergus leaned over the railing, grinning ear to ear. "I've been on some weird quests, but this one? This one takes the bread. Literal bread."

Nerissa crossed her arms. "I still don't understand how ducks can be masterminds of world domination."

Sylvara, ever mysterious, gave a sly smile. "You'd be surprised what creatures are capable of… when they have wings and bread-based economies."

 The Portal to the Duckverse

As the crew approached a shimmering golden whirlpool, Sylvara held up the Feather of Fate.

The feather began to glow brightly, and the whirlpool morphed into a glowing portal shaped like a duck's beak.

Kazuya stared at it, deadpan. "Of course the portal looks like a duck."

Fergus nudged him. "Quack up, buddy. We're going in!"

The ship lurched forward, and they were sucked into the portal.

Arrival in the Duckverse

When the ship emerged on the other side, the crew found themselves in a bizarre world where everything was duck-themed.

The sky was filled with flying ducks wearing top hats.

The trees were shaped like duck heads.

Even the clouds quacked as they floated by.

Kazuya rubbed his eyes. "Are we sure we didn't drink something weird?"

Suddenly, a duck-shaped carriage pulled by giant swans rolled up to the dock. The carriage doors swung open, and out stepped a duck in a royal cape and monocle.

"Greetings!" the duck said, bowing deeply. "I am Sir Ducksworth of Quackshire, advisor to King Quackimus the Bold. Welcome to the Duckverse!"

Fergus couldn't contain his laughter. "King Quackimus?! This is the greatest day of my life."

Sir Ducksworth puffed out his chest. "I assure you, the King is a serious ruler. He has summoned you to his palace to discuss the Great Bread War."

Sylvara sighed. "I knew there was a war. There's always a war."

 The Palace of King Quackimus

The crew was escorted to a grand palace made entirely of bread.

Inside, ducks in regal attire waddled around, discussing politics and quackonomics. Duck guards armed with baguette swords stood at attention.

Seated on the Bread Throne was King Quackimus the Bold, a large duck with a crown made of croutons.

"Welcome, adventurers," the King said, his voice deep and commanding. "You have entered the Duckverse during a time of great peril. The Duck Dynasty is at war with the Goose Empire."

Kazuya raised an eyebrow. "Wait, geese? You mean there's a goose faction too?! What's next, the Pigeon Mafia?"

The King nodded gravely. "Indeed. The geese seek to control all bodies of water, while we ducks believe in freedom for all ponds."

The Goose Attack

Before the King could explain further, the palace doors burst open, and a squad of geese in military uniforms stormed in.

The leader of the geese, General Honkton, stepped forward. "Quackimus! Your time is up! The geese shall reign supreme!"

Kazuya stared in disbelief. "Did that goose just… monologue?"

Sylvara drew her sword. "Looks like we're fighting."

As the crew prepared to defend the palace, the geese charged.

Fergus grabbed a baguette sword and yelled, "HONK THIS!" before launching himself into battle.

Nerissa unleashed a torrent of water magic, sending geese flying.

Kazuya, ever resourceful, grabbed a loaf of bread and used it to lure the geese away.

"Follow the carbs, you honking menaces!"

The Dance of the Ducks

In the midst of the battle, a duck bard began playing a jaunty tune on a lute.

King Quackimus shouted, "Activate the Dance of the Ducks!"

Suddenly, all the ducks began dancing, their movements creating a magical barrier that repelled the geese.

Fergus, mid-swing, paused to watch. "Is this… a duck rave?"

Kazuya: "I think it's working!"

Nerissa, deadpan: "We're winning with a duck dance party. I don't know whether to laugh or cry."

 The Secret Weapon – The Golden Egg

As the geese retreated, King Quackimus revealed a hidden vault beneath his throne.

Inside was the legendary Golden Egg.

"This," the King explained, "is the source of all power in the Duckverse. Whoever controls the Golden Egg controls the destiny of all avian species."

Sylvara frowned. "And you're just… showing it to us?"

The King nodded. "I trust you. Besides, it's useless without the Key of Quack."

Kazuya blinked. "And where's the Key of Quack?"

The King sighed deeply. "We… may have misplaced it. It was last seen in the hands of a rogue chicken pirate named Captain Cluckbeard."

Fergus facepalmed. "Not the chickens again!"

 The Next Quest Begins

With the battle over, the crew gathered to plan their next move.

"Our quest just got a whole lot weirder," Kazuya said.

Sylvara smiled. "We've faced worse. What's a little duck dynasty drama?"

Fergus grinned. "I'm in. Let's go find this Cluckbeard and end this ridiculous bird war."

Nerissa groaned. "I swear, if we run into a pigeon crime syndicate, I'm out."

As they set sail for their next destination, the crew couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of it all.

Kazuya leaned against the railing, watching the sunset. Despite the chaos, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of peace.

"Adventure, comedy, romance, and ducks… What more could I ask for?"

The ship sailed into the horizon, heading toward the next chapter of absurd adventures.