Chereads / “Help! I’m the Chosen One (and I Didn’t Sign Up for This)!” / Chapter 61 - Chapter 60: “Chicken Nuggets and Emotional Damage”

Chapter 61 - Chapter 60: “Chicken Nuggets and Emotional Damage”

Our heroes, weary from their meme-fueled adventure, finally emerged from the cursed lands of Memoria. The air was fresh, the sun was shining, and there wasn't a single Pepe or Minion in sight.

Kazuya stretched his arms. "Ahhh… Finally. Some peace and quiet."

Suddenly, Fergus ran up to him, holding something wrapped in cloth.

"Yo, Kazuya! You're not gonna believe what I found!"

Kazuya sighed. "Fergus, if it's another cursed object, I swear I'm leaving you here."

Fergus grinned and unwrapped the cloth to reveal…

A McKingdom Happy Meal.

"Where the hell did you get that?" Kazuya asked, rubbing his temples.

"Dunno. Found it under a tree. It's still warm!" Fergus ripped open the bag and pulled out a box of Chicken Nuggets of Mystery.

Sylvara squinted. "You're going to eat those?"

"Of course!" Fergus shoved a nugget into his mouth without a second thought. "What's the worst that could happen?"

The ground rumbled.

"Ah, crap," Kazuya muttered. "I hate being right."

Enter: The Nugget Overlord

From the sky, a golden light descended, accompanied by an ethereal chant:

"Ba da ba ba ba… I'm lovin' it."

A giant, floating Chicken Nugget with a crown appeared before them. Its voice echoed like thunder.


Fergus froze mid-bite. "Uh… me?"

The Nugget Overlord pointed a greasy finger at him. "FOOLISH MORTAL. YOU HAVE SUMMONED THE ETERNAL HUNGER."

Nerissa gasped. "Wait, wait, wait… is this happening because of chicken nuggets?"

Sylvara pinched the bridge of her nose. "I told you fast food would be the death of us."

The Nugget Apocalypse Begins

The Nugget Overlord waved his hand, and suddenly, chicken nuggets began raining from the sky.


Fergus caught a nugget in his hand. "Sweet! Free food!"

The nuggets, however, exploded on impact like greasy little bombs, sending the group running for cover.

Kazuya ducked behind a rock. "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO US?"

Sylvara peeked out, her hair covered in nugget crumbs. "This is the most ridiculous thing we've ever faced."

Nerissa wiped sauce off her face. "And that's saying something."

Just then, Fergus held up a small packet. "Guys! I found the solution!"

Kazuya squinted at it. "Is that… barbecue sauce?"

"Yup! And it's limited edition spicy BBQ. Legend says it can banish cursed nuggets!"

Sylvara raised an eyebrow. "You're telling me we've been running for our lives, and all we needed was sauce?"

Fergus nodded proudly. "Yup. Sauce solves everything."

A Saucy Battle

The group sprang into action, armed with sauce packets like holy weapons.

"Take this!" Kazuya yelled, hurling a packet at the Nugget Overlord.

The sauce splattered across the Overlord's face. He recoiled in horror.


Sylvara grinned. "Keep going!"

Fergus chucked a ketchup packet at him. "Taste the truth, you greasy fiend!"

The Overlord stumbled backward, slipping on a nugget. "YOU FOOLS! YOU CANNOT DEFEAT THE NUGGET KINGDOM!"

Suddenly, Nerissa pulled out a hidden packet. "Time for the ultimate weapon…"

She held up a Szechuan Sauce packet.

Everyone gasped.

"No way," Kazuya whispered. "I thought those were extinct."

Nerissa smirked. "Limited edition, baby."

With a dramatic flourish, she squeezed the sauce onto the Nugget Overlord's crown. The Overlord let out a final, dramatic cry:


And with that, he exploded into a rain of golden fries and napkins.

The Aftermath

As the dust settled, Kazuya picked up a nugget. "Well, that was… something."

Sylvara nodded. "At least it's over."

Fergus bit into another nugget. "These are actually pretty good."

Everyone glared at him.

"What?" he asked. "You can't waste perfectly good food!"

Suddenly, a loud DING echoed through the sky.

A holographic Ronald McKingdom appeared. "Congratulations! You have defeated the Nugget Overlord and unlocked a new quest!"

Kazuya groaned. "I'm done. I'm officially done."

The hologram continued, ignoring him. "Your next mission: The Ice Cream Machine Mystery."

Fergus's eyes lit up. "YES! I've always wanted to know why it's always broken!"

Sylvara sighed. "Here we go again…"