Chapter 5 - Christmas eve P2

Now with just the two us here I don't see the need to cook a whole turkey, plus from my own recollection I never actually cooked a turkey before in this life or my last. 

But a ham I can do, unfortunately, either out of pride or shame, old Scott didn't buy a ham so... what's the worst that can happen? 

"Alright Charlie the turkey is prepared and in the oven now all we have to do is wait for it to cook. In the mean time how about you and I talk"

 "About what?"

"Anything, about school, about your friends, what you like to do, your favorite movie. Anything works"

"School is fun, I enjoy hanging out with my friends. We played outside the other day in the snow it was fun"

"That's good to hear now I remember your mother saying something about older boys telling you about there's no such thing as Santa, you wanna talk about it"

 Charlie paused for a moment then said "No, I already talked to Neal about it he's a very good listener"

"O come on I want to hear your thoughts too, besides I won't charge you for the time"

Charlie rolled his eyes "Ok, its just that I was talking to my friends about what we wish for Santa to bring us and then one of the older boys came over. He said there is no Santa, that there was no way for Santa to exist"

As I listen to him tell the reasons why Santa couldn't exist, I understood. When you list out the reasons why Santa couldn't exist it makes sense. Sure in comics Santa existed and when you compared him to other comic book characters his powers are not anything insane. But here, in this world even with characters like Quicksliver or Dr. Strange the idea of one man delivering presents to children all around the world in one night on a sleigh, it is ludicrous. 

"Look Charlie you're right on paper there is no way Santa could exist, but this isn't about what the older boy thinks or what your mom and Neal think. It's about what you belief in." I reach out to Charlie and point toward his heart and say

"All around the world there are children who believe and those who don't, but regardless they still choose to be nice or naughty. When I was a little boy like you I also started to question whether Santa Claus existed or not. And even when I stopped believing I still chose to be nice to others because I believed that by being nice to others they will respond in kind. It is these values that make us who were are and nobody can change that, but us, do you understand Charlie?"

"Yes and thanks Dad"

"No problem"



"The oven is smoking"

"...huh?" I look over to the kitchen seeing smoke bellow out of the oven.

...Huh... this must be what Scott felt in the movie.