Chereads / Avatar: Tower Master / Chapter 56 - Ba Sing Se: Part 3

Chapter 56 - Ba Sing Se: Part 3

POV Callum

I sat on a comfortable sofa in my luxurious room. It had been about two weeks or so since coming to Ba Sing Se. Although I wanted to return to my tower, I quite enjoyed the atmosphere of the city. Due to Long Feng being the manipulative bastard that he was, it was quite peaceful in the inner ring. 

The door opened and a Dai Li agent walked in kneeling a few feet from me "Tower master"


"Long Feng has requested that you meet him in his office" 

"What for?"

"He said that he needs your final approval for the location of the gate, as well as something to do with the earth king". 

Getting up from my comfortable spot I gestured for him to lead the way following him out of the room and down a few halls passing both Dai Li agents and earth kingdom royal guards along the way. It took just a few moments before I was led to an office, which I assumed was Long Feng's official office where he does his legal business. 

The Dai Li agent knocked on the door. 

"Come in," Long Feng said from the other side. 

Pushing past my guide I opened the door, finding Long Feng sitting at his desk with stacks of paper and dark circles under his eyes.

"Having fun" I said, smirking. 

"The task has been more difficult than I thought, convincing the other generals has been annoying to say the least." he then brought a hand up to rub his templed likely having a headache "I ended up just paying most of them off, it was a lot simpler than explanations" 

"And now you know why I didn't do it" I said, still smirking "If you prefer, I could find someone else to take on the task?"

"No, no. I am more than willing to take on the task" he said looking panicked and most likely too tired to hide any emotions. 

"Ah, that's right. Your agent said you wanted my approval for the final location of the gate?"

"Yes. Please take a look" he said, gesturing to a few maps in front of him. 

Stepping forward I picked up the maps sprawled on the desk. He had actually done a good job finding a place for the gate, I could also see why he had to pay some people off. According to his plan the gate would be in the inner circle quite close to the wall themselves, and he had even planned a renovation of a new road leading directly to the gate itself going through the other rings. 

"This is quite good" I complimented. 

"Thank you" 

"How soon can it be implemented?" I asked. 

"It has already begun; the road is almost complete and the spot for the gate has been renovated for the task" 

"Good" I said then looked him in the eye "Your aide also mentioned that you there was something to do with the earth king?"

"Yes" he said beginning his explanation "You have yet to meet him but the earth king is a simption" 

"Your king is an idiot?" I asked. If I remember correctly from the Tv show he should be just fine besides being a bit naive. 

"No, years of keeping him in the dark has made him naive and lack the true countenance of a king. As his trusted aide he was quick to believe me when I was asked about the renovations"


"In my explanation I mentioned your city on the fiftieth floor, it has always been the king's wish to explore different lands and nations"

"So he would like to see my city" I finished for him. 


Thinking for a second I answered "That can be arranged, he is a foreign dignitary after all. Though it would not be immediately as I myself haven't been back for a few weeks" 

"Can't you.." he started saying a bit nervously. 

"Yes, I could teleport there, but I have been enjoying the city and the palace itself, it doesn't match up to my own place, but it is quite peaceful" 

"Thank you, I kind of already promised him he would be able to see it" he said nervously. 

"A stupid promise to make but being able to show off my own city and palace to the king of Ba Sing Se would be quite the event. Who knows he might not wish to leave" I said chuckling. "Now when would you like me to place the gate?" 

"Does this afternoon work for you?"

"That's fine" 

"Good that gives me time to invite some people so that I can finally get them to stop questioning me" 

"Good for you" I said sarcastically "Come get me when it's done, i'll be exploring the city".

Casting an illusion on myself much to Long Feng's surprise I walked out of the room and made my way into the city. Like at the north pole I bought some clothing to commemorate my time here though it wasn't as comfortable as my own clothes or even as the water tribes' clothes. 

"What's that smell" 

Following my nose, I rounded a corner to find a man at a stall holding up skewers of some sort of meat. 

"Roasted turtle duck, get here, but one get one free" he yelled. 

"Well that answers what it is" walking up to the man I pulled out some coins and put them on his counter "I will take two please" 

"Great choice sir, here you go" he said, handing me two skewers. 

"Thanks" walking away I took a bite of the meat, it was quite tender but the taste was amazing. "Who knew something so cute could be so delicious. That reminds me, I should put a turtle duck pond in my own palace". 

I spent the next few hours wandering the city buying a few trinkets and some more food. It was quite a good time to say the least.

"Sir, Long Feng requests your presence" 

Turning around I found a Dai Li agent standing behind me, I was surprised that they even found me then again I did cast the illusion right in front of Long Feng, guess he had a good memory. 

"Lead the way" 

Following the agent through the city I found myself approaching a large gathering of people, both soldiers and citizens seemed to be in attendance. Dropping my illusion I stepped forward. 

"OUT OF THE WAY" the Dai Li agent escorting me yelled. 

Then like the red sea the crowd parted before me as I walked straight towards the front. My way towards the font was filled with whispers and strange looks, but nothing I wasn't used to at this point. Arriving at the front I saw Long Feng standing with some earth kingdom generals. 

"You must be the Tower Master I have heard about" 

Turning my head, I saw a rather thin, scholarly looking man approach. He had glasses on his nose and a necklace of light green beads. 

"You must be the earth king," I replied with a genuine smile, he was one of my favorite characters from the show. Mostly due to his free-spirited nature, despite having been kept inside the walls of the city his entire life. 

Stepping forward he started to shake my hand quite vigorously. 

"Yes, yes. I am glad that your recognize me, my chief advisor has said a lot about you and your tower" 

"All good things I hope" I replied. 

"Of course, I am looking forward to seeing your own city," the earth king said. 

"I would love to show you some time, but I haven't been back in a few weeks so I will have to complete work that has piled up first" 

"I understand," he said, a bit dejected. 

Moving towards the platform the gate would stand on I turned around o face the crowd "Earth kingdom citizens" I said getting their attention "I am glad to inform you that a gate to my tower will be placed here today, I know that some of you have already been told what my tower can offer but for those of you in the dark. My tower grants power" I paused to let that sink in "Power even eclipsing the avatar, though the tower dose carry some risks death is not uncommon in the upper floors so I caution you to be sure when you enter that it is what you want"

I stopped talking and waited a few minutes to let my speech sink in. I don't want hordes of them to enter just to die when getting to the higher levels before they are ready. 

"Now, it is time" I said, regaining their attention. 

Turning around I moved further onto the platform where some indents indicated the gate should be placed. 

[Would you like to place a gate?]



The air in front of me started to shimmer as the gate started to appear, the arch was first the the air between it began to shimmer as well. Raising me had an invisible barrier surrounding the gate. All that was heard from the gate's activation was a small crackle. 

"It is done" I said loud enough for those near me to hear. Most lily under Long Feng's instruction the Dai Li agents in the crowd started to cheer and soon everyone was cheering. 

Walking over to the earth king I started shaking his hand again "It was great to meet you your majesty, I look forward to when you visit my home" 

Giving me a wide smile he said "Likewise" 

Perhaps I should give him a flying mount when he comes to the city, as a gift. If I remember correctly he was quite interested in Appa. Not like it would do any harm, he was quite the gentle person at heart. 

Walking through the gate myself I was immediately transported to my tower, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. 

"Time to get home" I said to myself immediately teleporting to my palace on the fiftieth floor.


Hello readers Author here. I would just like to apologize, my independent contractor job has asked if I would take on some additional tasks, and I agreed. The increase in pay is well worth it. Unfortunately, though that means I will only be posting one chapter a day during the weekdays though I will continue to do two a day during weekends. I still might post another chapter today though.